to address environmental and human rights issues caused by proposed ski resort development on the San Francisco Peaks, a mountain in Northern Arizona held sacred by over 13 Native American Nations.
The proposed development will further the desecration of this sacred site, increase threats to endangered species, and cause environmental destruction.
FROM MOKSHYA MYSPACE: (mook-she-ya) As americans, most of us pride ourselves on being a country open to all races and religious beliefs.....you know, the land of the free. two days ago the supreme court once again proved quite the opposite to be true. by refusing to even rule on this case the highest court in the land outright declared that native americans don't even deserve to be listened to, and that their religious beliefs are not important enough to honor and defend. i am so angry at this country right now. we run around the world saving the oppressed and starting wars in the name of liberty, yet to this day we are still oppressing those from which we stole this land to begin with. right here in our back yard we are committing crimes against humanity and the planet and have been for hundreds of years.....perhaps we should declare war on ourselves????
we are all one my friends, and it is more than time to remember.
Save the Peaks Rally Sunday, June 14th! TAKE ACTION!
Sunday, June 14th at 2:30PM
at Flagstaff City Hall on the Rt 66 side in support of Peaks Protection.
Please come.
Also June 21 will be an international day of prayer for sacred sites - you can participate in this from wherever you are. Invite friends, hold a discussion about the issues, spread awareness wherever you may be.
Contact Congress (http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/) & the Obama Administration (http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/) and urge them to take action to guarantee protection for Native American Religious freedom.
Obama has previously made statements during his campaign vowing to help tribes protect threatened sacred sites. “Native American sacred places and site-specific ceremonies are under threat from development, pollution, and vandalism,” stated his platform. “Barack Obama supports legal protections for sacred places and cultural traditions, including Native ancestors’ burial grounds and churches.”
Read more here at indianz.com (
Urge the City Council to stop its sale of the wastewater to the Snowbowl for snowmaking!
City of Flagstaff Mayor and Council
E-mail: council@ci.flagstaff.az.us
Opinion Hotline: (928) 779-7691
Telephone: (928) 779-7600
Mail: 211 W. Aspen Avenue, Flagstaff AZ 86001
This is a regional list from the southwest, please email your local papers to help spread awareness about this issue. You can email us to add your local paper's editorial contact.
Please be aware that newspapers have policies about content & length of submissions, generally they will allow up to 200 or 250 words, if you exceed their limit they will usually respond.
Navajo-Hopi Observer: editorial@flagstaffaznews.com
Navajo Times: duanebeyal@thenavajotimes.com
Hopi Tutuveni: snicholas@hopi.nsn.us
Arizona Daily Sun: rwilson@azdailysun.com
NAU Lumberjack: lumberjack@nau.edu
Gallup Independent: gallpind@cia-g.com
Indian Country Today: editor@indiancountry.com
Arizona Republic: opinions@arizonarepublic.com
Boycott Snowbowl.
ALERT: On June 8th the Supreme Court denied the petition by Tribes & Environmental groups to hear the case to protect the holy San Francisco Peaks. Read the News Release Here. June 8th, 2009
Save the Peaks Vigil and Rally Sunday, June 14th in Flagstaff!
Sunday, June 14th at 2:30PM
at Flagstaff City Hall on the Rt 66 side in support of Peaks Protection.
Please join us.
Also June 21 will be an international day of prayer for sacred sites - you can participate in this from wherever you are. Invite friends, hold a discussion about the issues, spread awareness wherever you may be.
TAKE ACTION: Contact Congress & the Obama Administration and urge them to take action to guarantee protection for Native American Religious freedom.
Obama has previously made statements during his campaign vowing to help tribes protect threatened sacred sites. “Native American sacred places and site-specific ceremonies are under threat from development, pollution, and vandalism,” stated his platform. “Barack Obama supports legal protections for sacred places and cultural traditions, including Native ancestors’ burial grounds and churches.”
Read more here at indianz.com
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-