MINSK have announced this tour update: FROM MINSK MYSPACE: MINSK, having recently returned home from their first-ever European tour, has announced a week’s worth of west coast dates in support of their new full-length With Echoes In The Movement Of Stone. MINSK will team up with Olympia, WA’s WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM for this brief July tour that will kick off in Phoenix, AZ. A listing of confirmed tour dates and cities can be found below with more details to be announced soon.
The recently released With Echoes In The Movement Of Stoneis currently streaming in its entirety at this location: EchoesInTheMovementOfStone.info. With Echoes In The Movement Of Stone, the follow-up to the band’s Relapse debut The Ritual Fires Of Abandonment, was recorded at Volume Studios in Chicago, IL with the band’s Sanford Parker producing the effort.
Updated MINSK news and album information will be made available via the Relapse Records website: Relapse.com, the band’s official website: TheSoundOfMinsk.com and MySpace page: MySpace.com/Minsk.
MINSK Tour Dates:
July 5 Memphis, TN Hi Tone
***All dates from July 10 thru 16 w/ WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM***
July 10 Phoenix, AZ Phix Gallery
July 11 San Diego, CA Che Café
July 12 Los Angeles, CA Knitting Factory
July 13 San Francisco, CA Slim’s
July 15 Portland, OR Berbati’s Pan
July 16 Seattle, WA Neumo’s
July 21 Lawrence, KS Jackpot
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Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-