Upstate Metal has issued an update stating an upgrade to it's own magazine. FROM UPSTATE METAL: Thanks to your overwhelming support! Upstate Metal is launching our own magazine!!!! Chopped off with a chainsaw from UpstateLIVE Music Guide! Who's laughing now????
Also, the BINGHAMPTON METAL FEST (BAM) will take place 9/12/09 at The Country Pines (Summer Stage) 1660 Union Center Maine Hwy
Endicott, NY, 13760. The BAM will be in part a fund raiser against cancer.
FROM BAM: Here it is - the date you've been waiting for...
Binghamton Area Metalfest & Cancer Benefit
September 12th 2009
The Country Pines (Summer Stage)
1660 Union Center Maine Hwy
Endicott, NY, 13760
Lineup To Be Announced On July 1st
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-