DECIBEL MAGAZINE's "DECIBLOG" features a new track by German thrash legends SODOM entitled "FEIGNED DEATH THROES" as SODOM's new release "In War and Pieces" shall be unleashed JANUARY 11, 2011 IN NORTH AMERICA ON SPV/STEAMHAMMER.
FROM SODOM AND DECIBEL MAGAZINE: Over the last three weeks we’ve been fortunate enough to open three cans of Sodom agent orange on your sorry fiveheads. Week 1 we premiered an uncompromisingly intense set of tracks in “In War and Pieces” & “Hellfire”. For Week 2, another two cans (“Through Toxic Veins” & “Nothing Counts More Than Blood”) of Sodom tear gas were ceremoniously launched out of the dB howitzer in your general direction. Week 3 whipped us into the saddest of shapes. We’ve been pistol-whacked before, but Sodom’s AK-47 wallop to the brain in track “Storm Raging Up” was something else entirely.
This week, Tom Angelripper decided to describe the track, “Feigned Death Throes”, himself.
Read the excerpt from Tom, hear the track and enter the Vinyl contest all going on right now at the Deciblog
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-