KAMPFAR started their prowl in 1994, a time when the trend that now is pagan metal couldn't be seen on the distant horizon. True to their monicker, which translates as “battle cry”, the Norwegians were already combining black metal with folk elements in an uncompromising, captivating manner back then, providing the blueprint which countless bands after them used as the basis of their musical endeavours. After a recording hiatus that lasted from 1999 to 2006, KAMPFAR are now actively back on the scene. There's only few bands nowadays who can manage to deliver this sound in such an authentic and primal fashion. Those who have always wondered what the original pagan metal sounds like shouldn't miss their very first appearance at SUMMER BREEZE.
SKELETONWITCH are angry, brutal and, most of all, metal to the bone. Thir mix of 80s Bay Area thrash, a good shot of death metal and a dash of black metal makes every extreme metal fan's mouth water. From the traditional headbanger with the denim cutoff and greasy hair to the metal youngster, everyone can headbang to the American's killer songs in unity. The five-piece even incorporates some melodies that are vaguely reminiscent of Amon Amarth, which enhance their homogeneous sound even more. Last year they unfortunately had to cancel at short notice. So be there in 2011 to have your ear canals blown clean by SKELETONWITCH at their first ever SUMMER BREEZE appearance. Heads will roll!
Good news for all TURISAS fans: The long-awaited successor to their sophomore album 'The Varangian Way', which came out almost four years ago, has been completed, is titled 'Stand Up And Fight' and will be released in January. As if that wasn't enough, we can also tell you that the Finns will provide plenty of headbanging, mead drinking, partying, battle hymn singing and raising horns in Dinkelsbühl next August. Their catchy, party-compatible metal mix combines the best of pagan, viking, folk, black and death metal. The warpaint-wearing six-piece call their style “battle metal”, which hits the pagan nail right on the head. Look forward to the second TURISAS show at SUMMER BREEZE after their 2006 debut! They will prove they have become even more powerful in these four years.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-