FROM VADER: Last two months we have spent on tour in USA/Canada with Immolation/Abigail Williams, in Brasil with norwegian Ragnaroak and in Mexico. We were performing a nice mix of Vader's classics and - first time in history -our second album "De Profundis" as a whole. It is 15 years since this record came out. Your response for this idea was more then great so we decided to repeat this in the future with other Vader titles too.
The silence in media in last weeks is "a silence before the storm".We're finishing slowly promotion of last album to start work upon the successor of "Necropolis". Some Music, Words also Designs are already initiated... I will inform You about the progress in proper time and give a little inside information of "secrets of the returning Morbid Reich". We start recording in Hertz Studion in March 2011. Till then we'll show yet in Switzerland (Sylvester Festival) and some places in Europe. More details soon... And one more news: the band Vader (and me personaly) was awarded a yearly prize by Warmia&Mazury Region's Mayor for promotion and support of the region in the World for over 25 years...Better late then never;) THANKS ALOT!!!! We'll talk to You soon!!!!!
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-