Here we are again with ITP V.010 THE ART OF DANCE: PART 4 "HEADBANGING". ITP THE ART OF DANCE chronicles both the conventional and unconventional aspects of dance associated and integrated within the sub and counter cultures of metal, extreme metal and hard rock.
ITP V.010 THE ART OF DANCE PART 4 features good old fashioned "Headbanging".
Long hair regarding both genders is optional but not always necessary. BTW, the "windmill" a variation of headbanging requires long hair, and looks awesome when bands and fans choreographed the "windmill headbanging" perfectly. Hair and neck brace not included.
When someone's listening to hard rock/heavy metal reaches to an epic level, normal headbanging can't coupe with the sheer power of it. That's when windmilling comes to play.
Goes great if the person has long hair and a brain as strong an Air Force pilot's ('cause it'll gives you some fucking powerful headaches if you're not careful).
Windmill headbanging, harder to do but much more fun to watch than normal headbanging.
"Fuck, man! Listening to Amon Amarth, Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse is giving me the urge to windmill my head off!"
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
2.) To quickly roll your head around to make your long greasy hair swirl about you.
3.) A type of body movement which can cause permanent brain damage.
Headbanging is a type of dance which involves violently shaking the head in time with music, most commonly rock music, heavy metal music and thrash metal music.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-Hair and Neck brace not included-\m/ -l-