TOXIC HOLOCAUST has entered Dexters Lab in Milford, CT to begin work on the long-awaited follow-up to An Overdose Of Death…. The band is recording with TOXIC HOLOCAUST / KINGDOM OF SORROW drummer and engineer Nick Bellmore (HATEBREED, PHANTOMS, FULL BLOWN CHAOS). The new full-length is expected to see a late spring 2011 release date. Additional release information will be posted shortly and studio updates are posted regularly at
TOXIC HOLOCAUST frontman Joel Grind recently checked in from the studio with the following; “We are on Day 4 of recording the new record, everything is coming together quickly and smoothly. Drums are finished and we have started on guitar tracks. I’m excited for people to hear this new stuff, its not going to alienate old fans by any means but I think it might attract some new ones. It’s definitely a step up from what we've done, and this time around we've increased the evil ten fold. The lyrics on this record are a little darker including lots of occult themes as well as real life shit that is stranger than fiction could ever be.”
Additionally, TOXIC HOLOCAUST has announced a run of January tour dates following their recording session. The band will kick-off this headlining tour on January 12th in Brooklyn, NY, before working their way west. A listing of confirmed tour dates and cities can be found below with more to be announced soon.
Jan. 12 Brooklyn, NY The Acheron
Jan. 13 Milford, CT Daniel Street
Jan. 14 Pittsburgh, PA Kopecs Korner Bar
Jan. 15 Detroit, MI Corktown Tavern
Jan. 17 Chicago, IL Reggie’s
Jan. 18 Milwaukee, WI Cactus Club
Jan. 19 Des Moines, IA Vaudeville Mews
Jan. 21 Cheyenne, WY Ernie November
Jan. 22 Salt Lake City, UT Sugar Shack
Jan. 23 Boise, ID The Shredder
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-