Let it be know that URFAUST has decided not to do any Rituals in 2011
anymore: The Alcoholic Rites that are confirmed will be done, as well as
a minitour we will announce soon, but no new Seances will be planned!
Creating new Ritual tunes for the True Black Metal Clochard will have our full focus and so do the Dark Arts!
Last chance to the freiwillige Bettlers at work:
15 April 2011 : Werkstatt, Köln (Germany)
14 May 2011 : OMIT Festival, Aarschot (Belgium)
21 May 2011 : Wolfsbane Festival, Hoogeveen (The Netherlands)
23, 24, 25 September 2011 : T.B.A (USA)
10 December 2011 : Rites of Darkness III Festival, San Antonio, TX (USA)
We want to thank all Devotees that supported us in anyway....
VIDEO BELOW: Urfaust recording "Unter Töchtern Der Wüste":
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-