Saturday, January 26, 2013

ITP V.013 TECH SAVY: Starting Today, It's Illegal to Unlock Your Cellphone

New feature here at ITP V.013, at least on accession, "Tech Savy". Starting today, if you're traveling over seas as an American, it is ILLEGAL to unlock your cellphone, due to cell phone carrier monopoly contracts, and DMCA/Copywrite law.

ITP V.013 EDITORS NOTE: Of course this "law" has nothing to do with copywrite, it is  corporate mobile/carrier monopolies as this indeed is pain in the arse for tourists and touring entertainers whom spend time on the road. It is also bureaucratic  regarding WIFI service regarding European Union touring, crossing many borders, unlike the U.S. touring, unless you consolidate phone, with mobile carriers. Better yet, just go
Trac phone, nothing fancy smancy, and top up on minutes as you go along, not counting roaming fees, long distance, time zone differentials, ugh.


Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-