O+ in KINGSTON, NY is set to take place 10/11, 12th and 13th, 2013 (COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND).
O+ FESTIVAL features musicians, artists, painters, writers of all sorts, bartering performance and art for FREE and discount health insurance.
The music and entertainment industry do NOT offer health care for musicians.
An Art, Music Wellness Festival hosted in San Francisco. Participating bands artists perform in exchange for free & discounted health/medical services. Part of the national non-profit organization O Positive Festivals, Inc.
A classic O+ design from our first year in 2010. Originally designed by founding dentist Tom Cingel. Still one of the most clear visual statements about the inspiration behind our mission. The O+ Festival is a festival of art and music wherein artists barter their contributions directly for medical, dental, and other wellness services from art-loving health care providers. The festival will take place in Kingston, NY this October 11, 12 and 13, 2013 (Columbus Day Weekend).
Our Mission The O+ Festival is a celebration of art and music that creates a bridge to access health care for artists. O+ fosters complete physical, mental and social well-being by connecting artists directly with a coalition of health care providers and health resources, in a shared vision to nurture the individual and the community. Three Years and Counting The first O+ Festival took place. the-first-o-fest/Oct. 8 – 10, 2010 in venues throughout Uptown Kingston, NY. Read more about it a href="http://opositivefestival.org/art-music-wellness/the-first-o-fest/. The second took place Oct. 7-9, 2011. Read about it in the Wall Street Journal. The third took place Oct. 5-7, 2012. It was a smashing success, we’re on a roll, and we hope we’ll see O+ Festivals in other towns and cities throughout the country in the years ahead. Write to us if you’re interested in bringing O+ to mailto:info@opositivefestival.org" style. info@opositivefestival.org.
If you’re a local business, an artist or musician, or a local health care provider of any kind, join us! Or, if you’re from afar, but you want to bring O+ to your town, join us! Write to info@opositivefestival.org with ideas about how you can participate future O+ festivals.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-