Saturday, May 11, 2013


ITP's author has just learned that her TWITTER ACCOUNT for ITP V.013 is suspended.
Considering I hardly ever log on to TWITTER, and I don't have the time to chat, I don't understand why.
UNLESS ITP V.013 TWITTER account was hacked by an impersonator, however, I had NO PROBLEM logging in just now.
I NEVER got any such e-mail regarding any issue on TWITTER as that pisses me off.
I'm really sorry to all ITP V.013 followers on TWITTER, we'll work it out,  as yes, my TWITTER account belongs to me, Theresa N. Geteles and depending on the issue of WHY, ITP V.013 will press charges and sue off line.
Hacking is 20 year jail sentence, I don't hack nor know how to.
I WILL keep you updated.
If you  don't like someone on TWITTER than don't be friends with them, it's a choice and I don't choose locals or neighbors at all, and I will press charges and SUE any copy write fraud or impersonators.
Add ITP V.013 on GOOGLE + instead or find me on FACEBOOK.
Last post that went through on TWITTER was the SLAYER MEMORIAL POST, broken first or heartbroken first on ITP V.013.
Yes, it took me while to figure this out as I hardly log on to TWITTER and bloggers and writers write very fast, (fast paced hobby).
Hacking is a CRIME, so whom ever did it is going to jail, I have had a hard time over the last few years with PHISHING on TWITTER, and changed my PW when my account privacy is compromised.
I paid rent 5/1/2013, I will not pay anymore and will start a lawsuit and criminal charges against Richard Blackburn (it's not his account, not his copy write I don't shit that he and a few others say) and a few others here, Jackie Curly, Andrew Kovac, and Vernon Coleman as I don't let anyone use my accounts nor computer and they own no copy write as I will press charges against them for copy write fraud, as I don't want them "following me on or offline".
I also will press charges against one or two people for STALKING and sexual harassment few don't even live in this house.
Every authority and agency will be summoned on this house.
Regarding these above people NOT THEIR ACCOUNTS, NOT THEIR MUSIC, NOT THEIR writing.
I have spoken out against censorship as we have protested against and KILLED SOPA and CISPA.
BTW, when I follow others, it's manually, and I don't take followers that are not up my ally so to speak, as I do get followers whom seem to be not mutual, I try to delete them, as don't always have the time to delete every friend add of non mutual followers. 
When I have a clear explanation of WHY my account on TWITTER was suspended or any privacy compromised I'll keep people updated.
The ABUSE offline is far worse, enough that I've considered legal action against those harassing me in denial of their own problems, looking for decoy.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-