Thursday, December 11, 2014


UK death/grind metal legends CARCASS have commented on the bands cancellation regarding ZOOMBIE RITUAL OPEN AIR 2014, set to take place 12/11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, 2014-FAZENDA, EVARISTO, RIO NEGRINHO (BRAZIL).

Currently BRUJERIA and CARCASS have cancelled out of  ZOOMBIE RITUAL OPEN AIR 2014 festival as refunds are available.


Al Zoombie Fest... NO !!!
Para Matanza Fest... SI !!!!
Matanza Festival - Porto Alegre, BZ - Dic 13, 2014

Ratos de Porão (Zoombie Ritual). We NEVER cancelled. You never fulfilled your obligations and manoeuvred to get just VENOM behind our backs. We have been given NO choice except to go back to Europe.
Aos nossos amigos do Brasil, nossas sinceras desculpas, pois nossa presença no festival em Rio Negrinho tornou-se impossível. Seguem alguns fatos - o CARCASS chegou na América do Sul com passagens aéreas de retorno partindo de Curitiba (despesa custeada pela própria banda), SEM vistos de trabalho brasileiros (o festival não forneceu a autorização em tempo hábil), e com um depósito de 50% da taxa de PERFORMANCE para o festival. Enquanto estávamos em Bogotá, a banda (do próprio bolso) conseguiu, milagrosamente, obter os vistos de trabalho em um dia no consulado brasileiro. Até a última segunda-feira, a banda AINDA não havia recebido informações técnicas com relação ao festival (luzes, P.A., palco, backline etc), apesar destes terem sido solicitado há SEMANAS. O CARCASS aguardou até o último momento para tentar salvar a situação, mas, como vocês sabem, os organizadores do festival decidiram declarar, UNILATERALMENTE, que o CARCASS cancelou seu show. Acreditem no que quiserem. É evidente que os organizadores simplesmente não têm a reserva financeira necessária para pagar os artistas, entre outras coisas, e estão dependendo inteiramente das vendas de ingressos para fazer com que o festival ocorra. Desejamos sorte a eles. Saudações
To our friends in Brazil, our sincere apologies because our presence at the festival in Rio Negrinho became impossible. Here are some facts - CARCASS arrived in South America with return air tickets starting from Curitiba (expense funded by the band), SEM Brazilian work visas (the festival did not provide the authorization in time), and with a deposit of 50 pERFORMANCE% of the fee for the festival. While in Bogotá, the band (out of pocket) managed to miraculously get work visas in a day in the Brazilian consulate. Until Monday, the band STILL had not received technical information regarding the festival (lights, PA, stage, backline etc.), although these have been told there WEEKS. The CARCASS waited until the last moment to try to save the situation, but, as you know, the festival organizers decided to declare unilaterally that CARCASS canceled his show. Believe what you want. It is clear that the organizers simply do not have the financial reserves needed to pay the artists, among other things, and are fully depending on ticket sales to make the festival happen. We wish them luck. Greetings



Quem quiser reembolso deve seguir os passos indicados anteriormente, no post que vamos copiar aqui novamente. Não haverá reembolso parcial. Quem quiser curtir e apoiar o cenário será bem recebido, quem quiser ser reembolsado, também será. Mas não será realizado reembolso parcial.

Compreendemos o desejo de todos, lamentamos pelos cancelamentos, mas esta é uma luta de 7 anos, com altos e baixos e contamos com a presença de todos para fazer mais um grande evento, e com certeza quem for fará parte desta luta.
Obrigado pela compreensão.
People Who want refunds should follow the steps listed previously, in the post that let's copy here again. There will be no partial refund. Anyone who wants to enjoy and support the scenario will be well-received, whoever wants to be reimbursed will also be. But it won't be held partial reimbursement.

We understand the desire of all, sorry for the cancellations, but this is a fight of 7 years, with ups and downs and we are counting on you all to make another great event, and I'm sure whoever will be part of this fight.

Thank you for understanding.

Link on the reimbursement:

Procedimento para Reembolso :
1-Escreva para:
2- O título do email: "Reembolso"
3- Especifique qual foi a forma de compra se foi pelo site, depósito ou físico.
4- Informe os detalhes da sua compra, se for pelo site, dados do portador do cartão ou se foi via boleto, comprovante de pagamento anexado ao email....
See More
Procedure for Reimbursement: 1-write to: 2-the title of the email: "Reimbursement" 3-specify which was the form of purchase went through the website, deposit or physical.
4-Enter the details of your purchase, if it is on the site, cardholder data or via ticket, proof of payment attached to the email.
5-if it's via deposit, send the details of the deposit in the body of the email, with attached voucher and carrier data.
6-After made the identification and authentication of purchase, you will receive a confirmation of your request.
7-the period for which you receive the values of your refund is the same as the event leads to receive after confirmed the purchase, 15 days.
8-Any doubt in this regard can write us that we will be available to all, thank you

NOTE: personal, on behalf of the Open Air Ritual Zoombie 2014, come through this report to all interested parties that, unfortunately for numerous reasons, also caused by chain reaction, due to the problems involving directly the name of the festival, we can bring the band Carcass and Brujeria, since it lacked only a percentage of caches both bands to be wiped cleanHowever, due to a lack in demand for tickets, enough to cover the costs of two bands we can't go all the way with the negotiation, so unfortunately the bands will be performing at the festival, but all they find necessary, make the request of your ticket back, which at up to 15 days will be receiving, I appreciate the understanding of everyone once again.
Thanks and let's Let's q...

Note: the festival will happen, but without these parts

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/  -l-