MOTORHEAD released "BAD MAGIC", 8/28/2015 via UDR MUSIC.
WTF? A journal entry I don't want to write..I've met Lemmy Kilmister at a MOTORHEAD show in Poughkeepsie, NY in '98. My friend elbowed me in the stomach as LEMMY asked me if I wanted his autograph at a MOTORHEAD/DROPKICKS MURPHY's show in '98. Lemmy had shaved off his mustache as I barely recognized him as the bouncer joked it was the loudest soundcheck he had experienced. LEMMY KILMISTER was a VERY nice guy. and a great pool shark. MOTORHEAD was the loudest show I have ever been too, my hearing was muffled for three days. MOTORHEAD were a GREAT band, my heart's breaking as I still have LEMMY's autograph. ARRGGGGGGGHHHHHH. R.I.P. LEMMY, you battled cancer courageously and thanks for saying hello and never betraying the fans, as always it was pleasure meeting LEMMY and thanks to MOTORHEAD for playing even if he (LEMMY) was ill. The promotional campaign for MOTORHEAD via UDR music was awesome, and I'm proud to have seen (and promoted) MOTORHEAD multiple times with a wide variety of bands..
There is no easy way to say this…our mighty, noble friend Lemmy passed away today after a short battle with an extremely aggressive cancer. He had learnt of the disease on December 26th, and was at home, sitting in front of his favorite video game from The Rainbow which had recently made it’s way down the street, with his family.
We cannot begin to express our shock and sadness, there aren’t words.
We will say more in the coming days, but for now, please…play Motörhead loud, play Hawkwind loud, play Lemmy’s music LOUD.
Have a drink or few.
Share stories.
Celebrate the LIFE this lovely, wonderful man celebrated so vibrantly himself.
Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister
1945 -2015
Born to lose, lived to win.
Celebrate the LIFE this lovely, wonderful man celebrated so vibrantly himself.
Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister
1945 -2015
Born to lose, lived to win.
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of one of our heroes. Rest In Peace Lemmy
Lemmy has passed on but his music and spirit is immortal.
Rest in peace kind sir.
RIP Lemmy Kilmister
RIP Lemmy
RIP - Lemmy
1945 - 2015
"Live fast - Die old"
Big influence on us. Larger than life figure.
Lemmy is God. God is dead. Long Live Lemmy. #respect
RIP Lemmy - he was a cool man, a musical genius and a rocker. We stole so, so much from him and he always had more to give.
Words can't describe how much you meant to me & many others…
You brought Punks, Metalheads and Weirdos together like no other with your KICK ASS Music! Your legacy will keep you alive! #motorhead #lemmy #riplemmy
A huge piece of heavy metal died today. Lemmy helped shape or influence many of us through the years. He was always a Metal God and today becomes one in the Cosmos. May you reap as much kaos in the eternal Void as you did on Earth!!
R.I.P GOD!!! The great!! Is Lemmy!
Born Ian Fraser Kilmister in England, Lemmy helped forge the transition from The Beatles-era rock of the mid-1960s to the more aggressive strain of the genre that would become known as heavy metal.
Rock and metal have died today with the passing of the world's true lord and savior, Lemmy Kilmister. The frontman of the greatest rock and roll band of our time.
Today, we were caught by surprise with the death of the incomparable Lemmy Kilmister. Dancing On Your Grave was the song which inspired us in the choice of our name, Sepultura (grave in Portuguese). In an official statement, the band asks the fans to "play Motörhead loud, play Hawkwind loud, play Lemmy’s music LOUD." We hear and we obey, master! Thank you for everything! R.I.P.
A legend have passed away. It's a sad day. I still remember the first time a saw Motörhead. I Think it was 1986 or. 87 and I was blown away, it was loud and hard from the beginning to the end. And it was one of the best Concerts I've seen . So Lemmy, thanx for the great Music.
Lemmy, you are one of the primary reasons this band exists. We are forever grateful for all of your inspiration. Rest In Peace.
Endless Love & Respect,
Very sad to hear of Lemmy's passing. We've lost a true, true legend. RIP
Rest in Peace Lemmy. Rock n' Roll will never be the same
Born to Lose, Live to win. Die to live on.
RIP My friend. A true rock and roll legend and inspiration. Thank You.
Lemmy, Dave Lombardo & Jeremy.
July 21, 2012 in Tinley Park.
Travel well, Lemmy. We won't see another one like you again.
Lemmy lived more lifetimes in 70 years than any of us ever could. Long live Lemmy and all his glory! -justin
Words about Lemmy can never be enough so we will simply say farewell Lord Lemmy thank you for the music, the shows, the tours we did and the laughs and stories we shared - all of these and more will be cherished.
Love Rob, Glenn, Ian, Richie, Scott
Farewell Lemmy. I love you brother.
Hell & Heaven 2013, el año en que Motörhead pisa suelo mexicano por primera y ultima vez.
Fue un placer trabajar con Lemmy, el H&H crew le recordaremos por siempre.
Heil & Heaven 2013, the year in which motörhead Pisa Mexican soil for the first and last time.
It was a pleasure to work with lemmy, the h & H crew we will remember him forever.
"Being on my deathbed with regrets; I'm not interested in that. I want to be satisfied knowing I did the best I could." - Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead
Watch more: http://bbc.in/1OVHPlt
Lost one of my best friends, Lemmy, today. He will be sadly missed. He was a warrior and a legend. I will see you on the other side.
This Sucks Bad !!! I was just with him a month ago for his Tribute at BPLIVE, where I escorted him onstage!! He was in Great spirits and was always a Blast to be around!! Forever MOTORHEAD !!!! You will be missed Dearly!!
Legends never die. Lemmy, we owe you everything. Rock in Peace.
A great one is dead, that one was important for all of the 3 members of Necronomicon and will be remembered dearly.
RIP Lemmy , see you in Valhalla.
Rick, Mars and The Witch.
Lemmy was a great Bass Player, Song Writer and most of all a friend. To say he will be missed is an understatement. He was and will always be a Legend.
We will never forget you and the good times we had on the road.
We Hail You !
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-R.I.P. LEMMY and THANK YOU!!!-\m/ -l-
It was a pleasure to work with lemmy, the h & H crew we will remember him forever.
"Being on my deathbed with regrets; I'm not interested in that. I want to be satisfied knowing I did the best I could." - Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead
Watch more: http://bbc.in/1OVHPlt
Lost one of my best friends, Lemmy, today. He will be sadly missed. He was a warrior and a legend. I will see you on the other side.
This Sucks Bad !!! I was just with him a month ago for his Tribute at BPLIVE, where I escorted him onstage!! He was in Great spirits and was always a Blast to be around!! Forever MOTORHEAD !!!! You will be missed Dearly!!
Legends never die. Lemmy, we owe you everything. Rock in Peace.
A great one is dead, that one was important for all of the 3 members of Necronomicon and will be remembered dearly.
RIP Lemmy , see you in Valhalla.
Rick, Mars and The Witch.
Lemmy was a great Bass Player, Song Writer and most of all a friend. To say he will be missed is an understatement. He was and will always be a Legend.
We will never forget you and the good times we had on the road.
We Hail You !
MANOWAR band and crew and all at Magic Circle Entertainment.
Rest in Peace. Sir.
Thank you for gracing the stage with style, class, and loudness. The Lemmy way.
We’re saddened to hear of the passing of Motörhead’s Lemmy.
R.I.P LEMMY - you sure were are true warrior! Beside your music, the best memory I will have of you is knowing that you thought DARK FUNERAL was the ultimate name for a band! Thank you for everything! The legend lives on...
Sadly, what we've all been hearing is true....I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the World. We have just lost the last remnants of a heart and soul in the withering remains of the music industry....they're will never be another like him.
So, Rest In Peace Lemmy Kilmister.....we'll raise a glass or twenty on the other side...
We do not usually participate publicly in this kind of thing but when The King, The Legend, The Man leaves the building, we have no choice but bow down our heads in awe.
Tonight we raise our pints, shots of Jack, whatever we have to you, Mr. Lemmy Kilmister.
THANK YOU for the music. For the inspiration!
Not many people know this, except for us that book Terror Fest, but we've tried to book Motorhead the last few years. They always politely declined, because let's be serious, we were probably way too small for them and it most likely would have bankrupted the fest, but we didn't care. We just didn't care. It's Motorhead.
Rock and roll isn't always about doing the safe, smart thing. Most of the time, it's about doing what feels right, which is the only reason we're crazy enough to throw a music festival in a tiny town in the desert anyway. Today the world is much sadder place without Lemmy, but at least we have each other to lean on...
RIP Lemmy. Much love, respect and inspiration.
We all kind of grew up on him, didn't we?
It's strange. I haven't felt quite this kind of deepening sense of loss since Johnny Cash died. Why is that?
I remember a late night ride in a car in LA with Adam Jones, Dale Crover and maybe another person (don't think it was Buzz); coming back from the studio, where we were working on the music I made with the Melvins. We were asking ourselves why we were all feeling such a lingering sadness because Johnny Cash was gone. It's not as though he hadn't lived a long full successful life, and given so much to the world. This was a life well lived.
Finally a voice piped up from the back seat (Dale, maybe? Can't remember..), saying, "He was our Abe Lincoln.."
So now what does that make Lemmy?
There will never be another...
By Steffan Chirazi
The words wouldn’t come.
I sat in suspension.
I laughed about a few things I knew, things which would’ve made him raise an eye-brow and crack a grin, and memories came and went in no order.
The time Phil Campbell and I were sent back to Brixton Academy post-gig to retrieve ‘an important thing’ Lemm had left behind in the dressing room (two sliced-white, cellophane-wrapped cheese sandwiches).
The time in ’89 when he reached up overhead in a bus closet after a 12 hour drive and retrieved, from behind a pile of towels, a plate of scallops and cheese-sauced potatoes before disappearing into the back lounge.
The time he gave me that pint of vodka and orange when I was 15 and he was 10 feet tall and indestructible. “Sit there, that’s the volume button!” he said, pushing me gently into the producer’s chair in front of a mixing desk and making them play me Another Perfect Day mixes.
The time in Dublin at Dalymount Park when he grabbed me in a headlock and my nose ended up squarely in his arm-pit; he was wearing a sleeveless shirt.
It was the finest of colognes, the scent of a lifestyle lived on his terms, and it’s scent never left me.
The time in Austin I wandered into the dressing room famished (yes there have been a few occasions when that actually happened!) and got a sandwich from the deli-tray, only to receive a lecture about my health (‘you’ve put some weight on since I first met you') which ended with the thought I could do worse than have some speed for a while before his arm shot forth, grabbed said-sandwich, and flung it against the wall. “You’ll thank me one day Steff!’ he said.
There are so many…so many...
I haven’t been able to fully read memorials, and I have only just been able to start playing the music that’s in my DNA (loud you’ll be please to know).
I remarked to my wife that the house looks different, rooms look different, the day feels odd, the light, the air all seems different.
It is.
Lemmy wasn’t going to go.
The sun rises in the east, sets in the west, and somewhere Lemm is either playing a video game, or reading, or watching some Law & Order.
But the sun rose on the wrong side of this day, although I have to say that Lemm did it the right way for him. On his terms. He saw everything was in order around him and decided to leave. Someone had made the error of telling him, telling us, that he had a couple of months left, and now I think about, I can imagine Lemm chuckling at anyone giving him such an ‘order', knowing inside that he’d make the decision on his departure date given that the journey's imminent conclusion was already set.
He strode like a giant bear, with long fur and big teeth and mighty horns and huge claws, but his bark was always so, so much worse than his bite.
He was lovely you know.
A warm man deep down.
Honest to the core.
Perhaps even gentle, though do not mistake that for being weak, because he was as strong as a herd of wildebeest (as seen out of a Torquay hotel window). But he cared. About everyone. He cared about you even if you don’t know it. Unless you were a bastard or a liar or a sniveling two-faced creep, in which case you could fuck right off and die being boiled alive in a vat of electric eels.
He was a very funny man to (he doodled the greatest cartoons), Jesus, what a sense of humour. I’d tell people meeting him for the first time to be prepared for a battery of sarcasm, I’d even warn them to do their homework and watch a bit of Milligan, a smidgen of Python, know their Goons and listen to Carlin and Wright. Oh the one-liners. I remember one time, an enthusiastic fan was chatting with him at a bar (Lemm talked with everyone always) and Abba came on. The fan started insulting them and called them ‘crap’.
“When was the last time you wrote a song that millions of people could sing?” he replied, fast as a bullet, low-slung, clipped and supported with a small, hard stare. Yeah.
He loved America, really loved it, and LA was where his heart was. But funnily enough, he retained such essential, and indigenous, elements of his upbringing, his ‘Britishness’ I suppose. He was unfailingly polite, in fact I don’t think anything annoyed him more than rudeness, and his eye (and ear) was always tuned to British-like quirks. His love of Germany, and history, is well documented. I always saw him as one of the greatest historians I ever knew. His knowledge was breathtaking, and his overall gauge of humanity and history’s dance together was superlative.
Lemm also loved women. Take that as you wish, but I mean he loved women for who they were and what they bring to our male tables. He was raised by them remember, and thus his respect for them was whole and complete. It is important you know that, as it’s far too easy to focus on the sex and drugs without knowing the enormous good character and fortitude behind them…
…ah yes, the lifestyle.
Look, Lemm wrote the book. Wrote the book, read the book he wrote, enjoyed it, read it again and wrote it again for decades. More fool those who tried to keep up.
He loved speed, this is obviously no secret, and he loved bourbon/coke and vodka (not together). What made him so utterly remarkable is how he maintained a continual feed of both through thick, thin and the bit between. I never saw him wasted once. Never out of control. Oh I saw chaos around him, 12 hour bus rides where everyone else was going apeshit bananas on all sorts of powders, pills and booze, yet there he would be, a giant steel oil tanker, ploughing his way through everything, same speed, same appearance, stopping for no-one, doing what he was doing. We just took it for granted, but looking back, it was absolutely incredible. Baffling even. I remember a few times when he tried to cut right down on all of it, and bugger me, those times nearly killed him! Of course it slowly took his health, that doesn’t take a genius, but fuck anyone who doesn’t understand that Lemmy lived HIS life HIS way. Not yours. Not mine. His.
And that’s the essence of him. Living his life on his terms. The man walked off-stage in Berlin on December 11th 2015. Mind-blowing and very Lemm. He hadn’t been especially well as we know, but he knew nothing else than to play. The bus. The road. The fruit machines in his dressing room. The cheese plates and the Kinder eggs. The quiet. The visitors in every single city who always came to see him. His road family. How many millions of miles of asphalt has he covered? How many gallons of bourbon has he enjoyed? How many hours of stage-time has he enjoyed and delivered? You know one thing I loved in there last few years? We’d all been suggesting that perhaps the boots he loved wearing were not doing him the greatest service in terms of comfort anymore, that perhaps flat-soled shoes like some black sneakers might be the way forwards. He soon thereafter started sporting bright white creepers! Brilliant! And RIGHT!
Oh and let’s not forget his sound!!! His thunderous, incredible sound. A rhythm guitarist who played bass and turned it up to top notch, who added a curve and a spin to his music as it pulverized you, who fused the spirit and heart of rock’n’roll inside a devastatingly loud and ferocious vehicle. He always looked like a true viking at the mike, swaying and stomping, creating thunderous amounts of sheer volume with the help of those modified Marshall stacks. And those lyrics…he could write beautifully (both in terms of content and his actual physical handwriting) capturing the essence of love, war and having a laugh with supreme empathy. Whose going to do it now? Who can do it like him? No-one. No-one does it like Lemm does.
Lemmy stood for us all. Rockers, punks, hippies, skinheads, carnivores, vegans, alcoholics, teetotalers, druggies and straight-edgers, the normal, the ordinary, the sick, the poor, the rich, the thin, the fat, the smelly, the scented, the old, the young, the middle-agers. He stood for everyone who was decent and of strong moral character. Lemmy didn’t ‘do’ wankers. He didn’t spend time with tossers and bastards and if, somehow, he found one had snuck into his space, he quickly made sure they were dispensed with. In fact, his positivity is overwhelming and globally all-encompassing. Every memory is positive. Warm. Glowing. And everyone has a story, a real, genuine story, because Lemmy saw and spoke with everyone always. He was everyones. Politicians (who he despised) have tried for centuries to connect with everyone, and none of them did it like he did it, because Lemmy is real. Was real (FUCK!)…as real as real is.
This won’t sink in for a while.
I’ll still be hoping he likes what I’ve had to say when he reads it, but he won’t read it because he isn’t here and I have to deal with it. I have to understand that.
In time I will.
But for now here we are.
And we must celebrate his life.
Of course we are sad, of course we need to grieve... sorry Lemm, I know you don’t like the idea, but you cannot dictate that to me, I am sad and I will continue grieving in my way.
But please know that I am going to continue living my life on my terms. My way. My time. Because YOU gave me the strength, and belief, to do so.
Thanks Lemm, thanks so much.
I love ya...
Some of us have stories & experiences with meeting
Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead so I have one to share. I had the privilege to chat with the great man backstage when on tour with Motley Crue back in 2005! The 2 words i can sum up that experience of meeting Lemmy was 1. GENUINE, 2. HONEST!
So, feel free to check out the chat below, he was very hospitable ie offering me a cigarette as he blazed up during the chat. Sadly my photo with him has disappeared but i will always cherish this moment as it was hella FUN as you can hear! \m/
Rest In Peace….Loudly!
The World has lost a unique character, they don’t build them like you anymore. But you played a great set.
Rest in Peace. Sir.
Thank you for gracing the stage with style, class, and loudness. The Lemmy way.
We’re saddened to hear of the passing of Motörhead’s Lemmy.
R.I.P LEMMY - you sure were are true warrior! Beside your music, the best memory I will have of you is knowing that you thought DARK FUNERAL was the ultimate name for a band! Thank you for everything! The legend lives on...
Sadly, what we've all been hearing is true....I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the World. We have just lost the last remnants of a heart and soul in the withering remains of the music industry....they're will never be another like him.
So, Rest In Peace Lemmy Kilmister.....we'll raise a glass or twenty on the other side...
We do not usually participate publicly in this kind of thing but when The King, The Legend, The Man leaves the building, we have no choice but bow down our heads in awe.
Tonight we raise our pints, shots of Jack, whatever we have to you, Mr. Lemmy Kilmister.
THANK YOU for the music. For the inspiration!
Hail Motörhead!
Hail Lemmy!
Yours humbly,
Mika, Mikael, Reima and Tomi
R.I.P. Lemmy, and thanks for all you did for Rock n Roll!
The answer to life's mystery is simple and direct
Sex and Death
Raise Hell Lemmy!
With incredible sadness we took knowledge about the passing away of Lemmy, the biggest icon of heavy metal and one of the greatest legends in rock n roll music. Motorhead and thus Lemmy have always been one of the biggest influences for Asphyx and always will be. Thank you Lemmy, for all the joy you brought us. Your legacy makes you immortal. We'll have a few beers on you, as you would have wanted the whole world to do.
May you rest in peace.'
"Lemmy and Motörhead helped to shape the heavy and extreme music scene as we know it today, influencing and inspiring many bands such as Metallica, Venom, Sepultura, Slayer, Sodom, Bathory and well pretty much every rock and metal band you can think of."
For Lemmy! A Father of the Metal. We wouldn't be here without you. You were a true Metal Motivator! RIP! Motorhead forever!
Going from "Happy Birthday, Lemmy" to "Lemmy, Rest in Peace" in the course of a few days is pretty brutal, not to mention a world without Motorhead looming ahead. Let's take this opportunity to crank some music that will live forever.
Lemmy...The King of Cool... and more importantly, he was fuckin' REAL. Was fortunate to run into him a bunch of times over the years, and come away with a couple great Lemmy "war stories". Like a million other people I'm sure. Thanks for the hospitality, and of course, the killer shows and great music. R.I.P. Lemmy
Very sad to hear of the passing of our dear friend Lemmy, he gave so much to the music business and was totally dedicated to his fans. His legend will never die, his life was all about the music, being on stage and a giving pleasure to others.
Rest In Peace Lemmy, you’ll be greatly missed. Tony
Last year I was Motorhead’s lighting designer on the Motorhead Motorboat Cruise, filling in for my friend, Stefan Sjoland, after he retired from the road. It was a big deal for me to have that mighty Motorhead notch on my long resume, knowing that I was nearing the end of my road career. I’d been listening to the legendary Motorhead since I was a teenager in the late 70s.
Over the past 32 years I’ve crossed paths with Lemmy many times: the first time when I was the lighting designer for Keel supporting Dio at Hammersmith Odeon in London, countless festivals around the world, when I was the tour manager/lighting designer for Testament on The Metal Masters tour in 2008 featuring Judas Priest, Heaven & Hell, Motorhead and Testament, and many more than my old brain can probably remember.
Yours humbly,
Mika, Mikael, Reima and Tomi
R.I.P. Lemmy, and thanks for all you did for Rock n Roll!
The answer to life's mystery is simple and direct
Sex and Death
Raise Hell Lemmy!
With incredible sadness we took knowledge about the passing away of Lemmy, the biggest icon of heavy metal and one of the greatest legends in rock n roll music. Motorhead and thus Lemmy have always been one of the biggest influences for Asphyx and always will be. Thank you Lemmy, for all the joy you brought us. Your legacy makes you immortal. We'll have a few beers on you, as you would have wanted the whole world to do.
May you rest in peace.'
"Lemmy and Motörhead helped to shape the heavy and extreme music scene as we know it today, influencing and inspiring many bands such as Metallica, Venom, Sepultura, Slayer, Sodom, Bathory and well pretty much every rock and metal band you can think of."
For Lemmy! A Father of the Metal. We wouldn't be here without you. You were a true Metal Motivator! RIP! Motorhead forever!
Going from "Happy Birthday, Lemmy" to "Lemmy, Rest in Peace" in the course of a few days is pretty brutal, not to mention a world without Motorhead looming ahead. Let's take this opportunity to crank some music that will live forever.
Lemmy...The King of Cool... and more importantly, he was fuckin' REAL. Was fortunate to run into him a bunch of times over the years, and come away with a couple great Lemmy "war stories". Like a million other people I'm sure. Thanks for the hospitality, and of course, the killer shows and great music. R.I.P. Lemmy
Very sad to hear of the passing of our dear friend Lemmy, he gave so much to the music business and was totally dedicated to his fans. His legend will never die, his life was all about the music, being on stage and a giving pleasure to others.
Rest In Peace Lemmy, you’ll be greatly missed. Tony
Last year I was Motorhead’s lighting designer on the Motorhead Motorboat Cruise, filling in for my friend, Stefan Sjoland, after he retired from the road. It was a big deal for me to have that mighty Motorhead notch on my long resume, knowing that I was nearing the end of my road career. I’d been listening to the legendary Motorhead since I was a teenager in the late 70s.
Over the past 32 years I’ve crossed paths with Lemmy many times: the first time when I was the lighting designer for Keel supporting Dio at Hammersmith Odeon in London, countless festivals around the world, when I was the tour manager/lighting designer for Testament on The Metal Masters tour in 2008 featuring Judas Priest, Heaven & Hell, Motorhead and Testament, and many more than my old brain can probably remember.
But my most memorable Lemmy moment was when I was the lighting designer for Slayer in 1988 on the World Sacrifice tour. Slayer was headlining, Motorhead were the special guest stars, and Overkill opened up the show.
On the first morning of the tour, which I think was in Providence, RI, I was standing at my lighting console in the darkness of the auditorium when I heard the unmistakable sound of a morning smoker’s cough and heard someone say, “Morning, mate. Where’s the toilet?”
I looked up to see Lemmy with a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand, a newspaper in the other, wearing nothing but his signature white Lemmy boots, a black leather jacket, and a pair of boxer shorts.
I just raised my hand, pointed to the toilet in the back of the room, and said, “Morning, Lemmy.” I didn’t know what else to say. As he walked away to the toilet I just smiled and thought to myself: That motherfucker IS rock and roll.
Cradle Of Filth would like to honour the life and times of the mighty Lemmy Kilmister of Official Motörhead, who sadly passed away yesterday of cancer, aged a very respectable seventy.
Says Vocalist Dani Filth of the great man...
"Lemmy and I sometimes never always saw eye to eye (and not just because of the height issue) but I had a very deep admiration for the guy, who I considered, as many people did, an absolute living legend in the Heavy Metal and Punk Rock universe. In fact, it was Motörhead who fused these two great sub-genres together and in doing so paved the way for Thrash and Speed Metal, which in it's untimely way, set the stage for the likes of Cradle Of Filth and undoubted many, many more to come".
On the first morning of the tour, which I think was in Providence, RI, I was standing at my lighting console in the darkness of the auditorium when I heard the unmistakable sound of a morning smoker’s cough and heard someone say, “Morning, mate. Where’s the toilet?”
I looked up to see Lemmy with a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand, a newspaper in the other, wearing nothing but his signature white Lemmy boots, a black leather jacket, and a pair of boxer shorts.
I just raised my hand, pointed to the toilet in the back of the room, and said, “Morning, Lemmy.” I didn’t know what else to say. As he walked away to the toilet I just smiled and thought to myself: That motherfucker IS rock and roll.
Cradle Of Filth would like to honour the life and times of the mighty Lemmy Kilmister of Official Motörhead, who sadly passed away yesterday of cancer, aged a very respectable seventy.
Says Vocalist Dani Filth of the great man...
"Lemmy and I sometimes never always saw eye to eye (and not just because of the height issue) but I had a very deep admiration for the guy, who I considered, as many people did, an absolute living legend in the Heavy Metal and Punk Rock universe. In fact, it was Motörhead who fused these two great sub-genres together and in doing so paved the way for Thrash and Speed Metal, which in it's untimely way, set the stage for the likes of Cradle Of Filth and undoubted many, many more to come".
"Of the moments we actually crossed paths there was the time I threw his monitors off of the stage in a fit of performance blindness (we were playing before them at a festival in Slovenia and I was subsequently charged for their damage, though at a very reasonable cost I have to admit -it was then that he actually warned me to stop drinking too much!); the time he inadvertently hit on my wife at an awards ceremony; the time I bought him a drink at a bar and was never thanked, only to find out that it was actually a free bar anyway (doh!); the time one of my friends accidentally walked away with his Metal Hammer music award thinking it was mine, and the short period in which Lemmy and I feuded in the press, which was started by his rushing to the defence of the blue-blood Lady Tara Palmer Tompkinson (whom I had deservedly insulted, for being an arrogant, annoying twat) and which ended with the two of us having a manly, apologetic cuddle backstage at the Graspop music festival several months later, unseen by all save a gobshite journalist".
"But aside from these trivial dalliances, Lemmy was an absolute inspiration to me; a walking, talking, raucous epitome of all things rock'n' f**king roll, who just about saw and did everything... and for this I raise a massive toast to one of -if not the most- wonderful and colourful gentleman in rock history.
Lemmy my man, you will be sorely missed. Even now I imagine you downing bourbon and goosing the Angels in Heaven, even as us lowly mortals continue to commiserate this untimely loss at the foot of your throne!"
'But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live forever!'
We are incredibly saddened by the loss front-man Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead, who was not only an extraordinary talent, but generous supporter. Our hearts go out to his family, friends, and fans. #RIP
R.I.P. Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister. Thank you for the memories, King.
I knew Lemmy for 36 years - if you were his friend you were his friend for life.
He has dealt his last card; he was a defiant rebel to the end who loved his music and never compromised.
My heart goes out to his family and friends.
"But aside from these trivial dalliances, Lemmy was an absolute inspiration to me; a walking, talking, raucous epitome of all things rock'n' f**king roll, who just about saw and did everything... and for this I raise a massive toast to one of -if not the most- wonderful and colourful gentleman in rock history.
Lemmy my man, you will be sorely missed. Even now I imagine you downing bourbon and goosing the Angels in Heaven, even as us lowly mortals continue to commiserate this untimely loss at the foot of your throne!"
'But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live forever!'
We are incredibly saddened by the loss front-man Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead, who was not only an extraordinary talent, but generous supporter. Our hearts go out to his family, friends, and fans. #RIP
R.I.P. Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister. Thank you for the memories, King.
I knew Lemmy for 36 years - if you were his friend you were his friend for life.
He has dealt his last card; he was a defiant rebel to the end who loved his music and never compromised.
My heart goes out to his family and friends.
The Motörhead organisation are in mourning for their friend and mentor to the management and their fantastic crew. Let's remember Lemmy as he wanted to be: as an iconic song writer and lyricists and R&R rebel.
I'm sure Phil and Micky are in shock this was their greatest tour, and I watched them play every night & they sounded great sad sad day.
Wherever you are mate give em hell.
#RIPLemmy he had such an enormous impact on metal, hardcore, punk & rock! What a bad ass. He did it his way. #Motorhead took us on one of our first big tours. We are forever grateful to #Lemmy Phil, Mikkey D and their entire camp. We send our deepest condolences to all who loved him. Here's an old pic Beattie had of a wild bunch raging on the road. Pictured: Lukey Luke, Ernie (RIP), Lemmy, Chris, Jamey & Dennis
R.I.P. Lemmy...
You will be forever missed.... a true legend...
Rest in peace Lemmy. Thank you for the music #RIPLemmy
It still hasnt quite registered but last night we lost the true patriarch of all things heavy. Lemmy was an immense presence and inspired pretty much everyone we've ever respected. This loss will be felt for years to come. R.I.P. Lemmy, we love you man!
From Bruce Franklin: "I was saddened to learn of Lemmy Kilmister's death today. In a world of trend followers and calculated approaches to marketing, Lemmy was a totally unique, original, authentic, larger than life rock 'n' roll icon. He lived rock 'n' roll for 50 years and was loved, respected (and sometimes feared) by more of his musical peers than probably any other single musician. They all wanted to have the balls to be what Lemmy just naturally was. Trouble were lucky enough to be support act for Motorhead on a couple of occasions. It was an honor and I will never forget meeting Lemmy for the first time in 1985. I think that I told him Trouble had used to do a cover of Bomber a few years earlier. He didn't look impressed, but still managed to make a joke about how slow we must have played it. It seemed like Lemmy and Motorhead would just always be here, because in Lemmy's own words, "We are too stubborn to go away". The man may be gone now, but the legend will live on for many years. R.I.P. Lemmy"
I'm sure Phil and Micky are in shock this was their greatest tour, and I watched them play every night & they sounded great sad sad day.
Wherever you are mate give em hell.
#RIPLemmy he had such an enormous impact on metal, hardcore, punk & rock! What a bad ass. He did it his way. #Motorhead took us on one of our first big tours. We are forever grateful to #Lemmy Phil, Mikkey D and their entire camp. We send our deepest condolences to all who loved him. Here's an old pic Beattie had of a wild bunch raging on the road. Pictured: Lukey Luke, Ernie (RIP), Lemmy, Chris, Jamey & Dennis
R.I.P. Lemmy...
You will be forever missed.... a true legend...
Rest in peace Lemmy. Thank you for the music #RIPLemmy
It still hasnt quite registered but last night we lost the true patriarch of all things heavy. Lemmy was an immense presence and inspired pretty much everyone we've ever respected. This loss will be felt for years to come. R.I.P. Lemmy, we love you man!
From Bruce Franklin: "I was saddened to learn of Lemmy Kilmister's death today. In a world of trend followers and calculated approaches to marketing, Lemmy was a totally unique, original, authentic, larger than life rock 'n' roll icon. He lived rock 'n' roll for 50 years and was loved, respected (and sometimes feared) by more of his musical peers than probably any other single musician. They all wanted to have the balls to be what Lemmy just naturally was. Trouble were lucky enough to be support act for Motorhead on a couple of occasions. It was an honor and I will never forget meeting Lemmy for the first time in 1985. I think that I told him Trouble had used to do a cover of Bomber a few years earlier. He didn't look impressed, but still managed to make a joke about how slow we must have played it. It seemed like Lemmy and Motorhead would just always be here, because in Lemmy's own words, "We are too stubborn to go away". The man may be gone now, but the legend will live on for many years. R.I.P. Lemmy"
Not many people know this, except for us that book Terror Fest, but we've tried to book Motorhead the last few years. They always politely declined, because let's be serious, we were probably way too small for them and it most likely would have bankrupted the fest, but we didn't care. We just didn't care. It's Motorhead.
Rock and roll isn't always about doing the safe, smart thing. Most of the time, it's about doing what feels right, which is the only reason we're crazy enough to throw a music festival in a tiny town in the desert anyway. Today the world is much sadder place without Lemmy, but at least we have each other to lean on...
RIP Lemmy. Much love, respect and inspiration.
We all kind of grew up on him, didn't we?
It's strange. I haven't felt quite this kind of deepening sense of loss since Johnny Cash died. Why is that?
I remember a late night ride in a car in LA with Adam Jones, Dale Crover and maybe another person (don't think it was Buzz); coming back from the studio, where we were working on the music I made with the Melvins. We were asking ourselves why we were all feeling such a lingering sadness because Johnny Cash was gone. It's not as though he hadn't lived a long full successful life, and given so much to the world. This was a life well lived.
Finally a voice piped up from the back seat (Dale, maybe? Can't remember..), saying, "He was our Abe Lincoln.."
So now what does that make Lemmy?
There will never be another...
Actually, I'm pissed off Lem is dead. This sucks. One of the last REAL rock n roll motherfuckers has crossed over & I miss him. He was true to himself without question. He knew, there was no other pathway. A no bullshit, one of a kind, sharp tongued, hard livin', un-PC, stylish, hilarious & flat out genuine badass leader. He didn't give a fuck about yer peanut gallery, your anonymous opinion in the comment section or your fragile fucking sensibilities. Yet, he was always a caring & fascinating, kind & honest, gracious & a wise, intelligent & valuable friend. Never a bully, always a honorable rogue. You got a straight answer outta Lem, even if it was not what you wanted to hear. Because he was the genuine article. a maverick, an icon. The rest of these posers are trying to sell you water & champagne or are "building their brand"... Just Fucking snake oil salesmen. Toads. Greedy jive ass turkeys. Panderers. Hacks. Followers. Desperate for fame. Fuck fame. Fame is the toilet paper used on the ass of infamy. & infamy is dangerous & chaotic. Fuck safety. Fuck rules. Fuck insurance based suggestions. Lemme's "brand" was forged in the fires of individuality & would scar you for life. Lemmy IS rock n roll. Lemmy cared for his crew, his fans & that's it. He United punks & metalheads without being either, yet somehow embodied both. He had the respect from all scenes & sides. No one, I mean, no one else did. Or could've. You don't respect or dig Motorhead?? Then You musta ain't never heard em before or you jus don't know shit about jack. Fact. Lemmy, You will never be forgotten. I'm Proud to have had spent so many hours lost in conversation with you brotha. All My love & respect to you. See you in Valhalla. Jho
A bad day for Rock n Roll.
R.I.P. Lemmy
A body may perish but a legend lives forever. RIP.
Rest in peace Lemmy!
Our hearts go out to your family, friends and fans!!!
By Steffan Chirazi
The words wouldn’t come.
I sat in suspension.
I laughed about a few things I knew, things which would’ve made him raise an eye-brow and crack a grin, and memories came and went in no order.
The time Phil Campbell and I were sent back to Brixton Academy post-gig to retrieve ‘an important thing’ Lemm had left behind in the dressing room (two sliced-white, cellophane-wrapped cheese sandwiches).
The time in ’89 when he reached up overhead in a bus closet after a 12 hour drive and retrieved, from behind a pile of towels, a plate of scallops and cheese-sauced potatoes before disappearing into the back lounge.
The time he gave me that pint of vodka and orange when I was 15 and he was 10 feet tall and indestructible. “Sit there, that’s the volume button!” he said, pushing me gently into the producer’s chair in front of a mixing desk and making them play me Another Perfect Day mixes.
The time in Dublin at Dalymount Park when he grabbed me in a headlock and my nose ended up squarely in his arm-pit; he was wearing a sleeveless shirt.
It was the finest of colognes, the scent of a lifestyle lived on his terms, and it’s scent never left me.
The time in Austin I wandered into the dressing room famished (yes there have been a few occasions when that actually happened!) and got a sandwich from the deli-tray, only to receive a lecture about my health (‘you’ve put some weight on since I first met you') which ended with the thought I could do worse than have some speed for a while before his arm shot forth, grabbed said-sandwich, and flung it against the wall. “You’ll thank me one day Steff!’ he said.
There are so many…so many...
I haven’t been able to fully read memorials, and I have only just been able to start playing the music that’s in my DNA (loud you’ll be please to know).
I remarked to my wife that the house looks different, rooms look different, the day feels odd, the light, the air all seems different.
It is.
Lemmy wasn’t going to go.
The sun rises in the east, sets in the west, and somewhere Lemm is either playing a video game, or reading, or watching some Law & Order.
But the sun rose on the wrong side of this day, although I have to say that Lemm did it the right way for him. On his terms. He saw everything was in order around him and decided to leave. Someone had made the error of telling him, telling us, that he had a couple of months left, and now I think about, I can imagine Lemm chuckling at anyone giving him such an ‘order', knowing inside that he’d make the decision on his departure date given that the journey's imminent conclusion was already set.
He strode like a giant bear, with long fur and big teeth and mighty horns and huge claws, but his bark was always so, so much worse than his bite.
He was lovely you know.
A warm man deep down.
Honest to the core.
Perhaps even gentle, though do not mistake that for being weak, because he was as strong as a herd of wildebeest (as seen out of a Torquay hotel window). But he cared. About everyone. He cared about you even if you don’t know it. Unless you were a bastard or a liar or a sniveling two-faced creep, in which case you could fuck right off and die being boiled alive in a vat of electric eels.
He was a very funny man to (he doodled the greatest cartoons), Jesus, what a sense of humour. I’d tell people meeting him for the first time to be prepared for a battery of sarcasm, I’d even warn them to do their homework and watch a bit of Milligan, a smidgen of Python, know their Goons and listen to Carlin and Wright. Oh the one-liners. I remember one time, an enthusiastic fan was chatting with him at a bar (Lemm talked with everyone always) and Abba came on. The fan started insulting them and called them ‘crap’.
“When was the last time you wrote a song that millions of people could sing?” he replied, fast as a bullet, low-slung, clipped and supported with a small, hard stare. Yeah.
He loved America, really loved it, and LA was where his heart was. But funnily enough, he retained such essential, and indigenous, elements of his upbringing, his ‘Britishness’ I suppose. He was unfailingly polite, in fact I don’t think anything annoyed him more than rudeness, and his eye (and ear) was always tuned to British-like quirks. His love of Germany, and history, is well documented. I always saw him as one of the greatest historians I ever knew. His knowledge was breathtaking, and his overall gauge of humanity and history’s dance together was superlative.
Lemm also loved women. Take that as you wish, but I mean he loved women for who they were and what they bring to our male tables. He was raised by them remember, and thus his respect for them was whole and complete. It is important you know that, as it’s far too easy to focus on the sex and drugs without knowing the enormous good character and fortitude behind them…
…ah yes, the lifestyle.
Look, Lemm wrote the book. Wrote the book, read the book he wrote, enjoyed it, read it again and wrote it again for decades. More fool those who tried to keep up.
He loved speed, this is obviously no secret, and he loved bourbon/coke and vodka (not together). What made him so utterly remarkable is how he maintained a continual feed of both through thick, thin and the bit between. I never saw him wasted once. Never out of control. Oh I saw chaos around him, 12 hour bus rides where everyone else was going apeshit bananas on all sorts of powders, pills and booze, yet there he would be, a giant steel oil tanker, ploughing his way through everything, same speed, same appearance, stopping for no-one, doing what he was doing. We just took it for granted, but looking back, it was absolutely incredible. Baffling even. I remember a few times when he tried to cut right down on all of it, and bugger me, those times nearly killed him! Of course it slowly took his health, that doesn’t take a genius, but fuck anyone who doesn’t understand that Lemmy lived HIS life HIS way. Not yours. Not mine. His.
And that’s the essence of him. Living his life on his terms. The man walked off-stage in Berlin on December 11th 2015. Mind-blowing and very Lemm. He hadn’t been especially well as we know, but he knew nothing else than to play. The bus. The road. The fruit machines in his dressing room. The cheese plates and the Kinder eggs. The quiet. The visitors in every single city who always came to see him. His road family. How many millions of miles of asphalt has he covered? How many gallons of bourbon has he enjoyed? How many hours of stage-time has he enjoyed and delivered? You know one thing I loved in there last few years? We’d all been suggesting that perhaps the boots he loved wearing were not doing him the greatest service in terms of comfort anymore, that perhaps flat-soled shoes like some black sneakers might be the way forwards. He soon thereafter started sporting bright white creepers! Brilliant! And RIGHT!
Oh and let’s not forget his sound!!! His thunderous, incredible sound. A rhythm guitarist who played bass and turned it up to top notch, who added a curve and a spin to his music as it pulverized you, who fused the spirit and heart of rock’n’roll inside a devastatingly loud and ferocious vehicle. He always looked like a true viking at the mike, swaying and stomping, creating thunderous amounts of sheer volume with the help of those modified Marshall stacks. And those lyrics…he could write beautifully (both in terms of content and his actual physical handwriting) capturing the essence of love, war and having a laugh with supreme empathy. Whose going to do it now? Who can do it like him? No-one. No-one does it like Lemm does.
Lemmy stood for us all. Rockers, punks, hippies, skinheads, carnivores, vegans, alcoholics, teetotalers, druggies and straight-edgers, the normal, the ordinary, the sick, the poor, the rich, the thin, the fat, the smelly, the scented, the old, the young, the middle-agers. He stood for everyone who was decent and of strong moral character. Lemmy didn’t ‘do’ wankers. He didn’t spend time with tossers and bastards and if, somehow, he found one had snuck into his space, he quickly made sure they were dispensed with. In fact, his positivity is overwhelming and globally all-encompassing. Every memory is positive. Warm. Glowing. And everyone has a story, a real, genuine story, because Lemmy saw and spoke with everyone always. He was everyones. Politicians (who he despised) have tried for centuries to connect with everyone, and none of them did it like he did it, because Lemmy is real. Was real (FUCK!)…as real as real is.
This won’t sink in for a while.
I’ll still be hoping he likes what I’ve had to say when he reads it, but he won’t read it because he isn’t here and I have to deal with it. I have to understand that.
In time I will.
But for now here we are.
And we must celebrate his life.
Of course we are sad, of course we need to grieve... sorry Lemm, I know you don’t like the idea, but you cannot dictate that to me, I am sad and I will continue grieving in my way.
But please know that I am going to continue living my life on my terms. My way. My time. Because YOU gave me the strength, and belief, to do so.
Thanks Lemm, thanks so much.
I love ya...
Some of us have stories & experiences with meeting
Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead so I have one to share. I had the privilege to chat with the great man backstage when on tour with Motley Crue back in 2005! The 2 words i can sum up that experience of meeting Lemmy was 1. GENUINE, 2. HONEST!
So, feel free to check out the chat below, he was very hospitable ie offering me a cigarette as he blazed up during the chat. Sadly my photo with him has disappeared but i will always cherish this moment as it was hella FUN as you can hear! \m/
Rest In Peace….Loudly!
The World has lost a unique character, they don’t build them like you anymore. But you played a great set.
Our condolences to your family and friends and Motorheads everywhere.
With much affection and respect.
Nicko, Steve, Bruce, Janick, Dave & Adrian and Rod
R.I.P., dear Lemmy...
...a random memory-thought I wanted us to share together, and it's lighter in weight because good fucking God (or not as the case may be!!!!) we need to laugh a bit, if only because Lemm doesn't enjoy too much wallowing (if any!)..I saw Lemm wandering around tour busses in the wee hours a lot in the mid to late '80s, often in just his underpants. I was, without fail, always amazed at just how whitish-grey his legs were back then. Given that they'd been wrapped snuggly in the tightest black jeans possible, it is probable they had not seen sunshine/vitamin D since the '60s.
With much affection and respect.
Nicko, Steve, Bruce, Janick, Dave & Adrian and Rod
R.I.P., dear Lemmy...
...a random memory-thought I wanted us to share together, and it's lighter in weight because good fucking God (or not as the case may be!!!!) we need to laugh a bit, if only because Lemm doesn't enjoy too much wallowing (if any!)..I saw Lemm wandering around tour busses in the wee hours a lot in the mid to late '80s, often in just his underpants. I was, without fail, always amazed at just how whitish-grey his legs were back then. Given that they'd been wrapped snuggly in the tightest black jeans possible, it is probable they had not seen sunshine/vitamin D since the '60s.
Then he finally moved to LA at the turn of the '90s, as he'd always wanted. Suddenly out came those denim shorts, the really high-cut ones. He would spend many hours on the roof by the pool at his apartment building, and slowly, surely, those legs (and indeed that barrel-chest) got a bit of colour. Then some more. Then some more. And behold - one day, Lemm was TAN!!!!!!
He did love LA...
Anyway, as we all make our way through this impossible thicket of emotions, I hope this raises a smile for you. Oh, and if you haven't seen the Swindon Advertiser from a couple of days ago, you owe it to yourself. Priceless.
Myself and all of us in the Exodus camp are truly devastated and very deeply saddened about the passing of rock n roll personified , he did it his way , lived by his own law, and created some of the most amazing heavy music, innovative heavy music that we all still love in today everyone must go put on motorhead right now have a beer have a drink smoke a fucking joint for lemmy these two passes I am going to cherish for the rest of my life it was just a couple of months ago I was fortunate to play on the motorboat alongside the man and so many other great bands I feel truly honored to say I shared the stage with the baddest mother fucker in our biz , cheers to a hero , we will miss you deeply , and will always love you , Motörhead will live on forever , thanks mate !!! Horns way fucking up and don't put them down
OFCOURSE we pay our respects to Lemmy. No Sleep Till Hammersmith was the first album i played drums to, in Garder, Vestby, probably back in 84 or more probably 85. When i got the news my whole life with motorhead memories pass in front of my minds eye that whole day. the thing is, i am not an INSTANT mourner. i take it day by day the rest of my life. But don't worry, Lemmy has already been immortal for a long time and will live with so many of us until we also die. Respect - Fenriz, Darkthrone.
R.I.P. Ian „Lemmy“ Kilmister
1945 - 2015
Born to lose – lived to win
We are shocked and saddened – the god of Rock n Roll and one of the greatest artists and musicians of our time died on the 28th of December 2015 at the age of 70.
He did love LA...
Anyway, as we all make our way through this impossible thicket of emotions, I hope this raises a smile for you. Oh, and if you haven't seen the Swindon Advertiser from a couple of days ago, you owe it to yourself. Priceless.
Myself and all of us in the Exodus camp are truly devastated and very deeply saddened about the passing of rock n roll personified , he did it his way , lived by his own law, and created some of the most amazing heavy music, innovative heavy music that we all still love in today everyone must go put on motorhead right now have a beer have a drink smoke a fucking joint for lemmy these two passes I am going to cherish for the rest of my life it was just a couple of months ago I was fortunate to play on the motorboat alongside the man and so many other great bands I feel truly honored to say I shared the stage with the baddest mother fucker in our biz , cheers to a hero , we will miss you deeply , and will always love you , Motörhead will live on forever , thanks mate !!! Horns way fucking up and don't put them down
OFCOURSE we pay our respects to Lemmy. No Sleep Till Hammersmith was the first album i played drums to, in Garder, Vestby, probably back in 84 or more probably 85. When i got the news my whole life with motorhead memories pass in front of my minds eye that whole day. the thing is, i am not an INSTANT mourner. i take it day by day the rest of my life. But don't worry, Lemmy has already been immortal for a long time and will live with so many of us until we also die. Respect - Fenriz, Darkthrone.
R.I.P. Ian „Lemmy“ Kilmister
1945 - 2015
Born to lose – lived to win
We are shocked and saddened – the god of Rock n Roll and one of the greatest artists and musicians of our time died on the 28th of December 2015 at the age of 70.
R.I.P. Lemmy
"Lemmy made us proud to be motherfuckers. Eternity is yours boss" - Abbath
"The orgasmatron just got killed by death. RIP Lemmy" - King
Today a very special Person has passed to another world as has a equally unique band decided to call it a day.
No compromises - total dedication
No trends - a way of life
Legends live forever
Although Lemmy had rocked our stage many times over the past with various bands including Head Cat with Slim Jim, and Camp Freddy with Billy Morrison and Dave Navarro, we will always know Lemmy best for being our neighbor. As anyone who has ever walk out the side door of The Roxy knows, you could just look over at the bar at the Rainbow and see him sitting there playing his favorite video game. We will miss you Lemmy, friend, legend, and the most bad ass rock god we will ever know. Photo credit: Erik Voake
#lemmy #lemmyisgod
Cheers Lemmy, we all owe you
in gratitude and respect
Tonight's the night we all get to say our goodbyes to a legend that, unless you've no fucking taste, was an essential part of everything we love, are a part of and was the essence of freedom in a world constantly building barriers. Cheers Lemmy. The spirit lives on! Wherever you are, so long as you're not too busy abstracting some nonsensical occult scrabble game, raise a glass, play a record but most of all, salute the man who loved to live.
Can't believe I'll never see Lemmy again. See you on the other side,my friend.
The legend will live on!! So much respect to the Motörhead family for allowing all the fans worldwide to pay their respects to Lemmy by streaming his memorial service. Total class act. This will be something that people including us can hold in our hearts forever. RIP Lemmy!!
Ok - so i know that half of my news feed would have just watched Lemmy’s memorial on YouTube - but f**k me - what a personal wonderful send off by everyone from my hero Morat to the crew to admin to rock stars like Rob Halford Lars Ulrich and my favorite Dave Grohl – being called everything from a ‘Rock N Roll Maverick’ by Rob, a ‘Rock N Roll Pirate’ by Andreas Kisser from Sepultura to a funny antidote where Scott Ian of anthrax asks; ”Who are these 3 Mexicans?” His son Paul was the first to summarize what everyone else wanted and did say – what a f**king tribute to one of the most legitimate rock stars in our time. I can’t believe that I got to just witness undiluted history with my 2 best guy friends as we cried and nodded in appreciation and jest at things we could sympathize with and could truly understand. I am in awe of the love and admiration I have witnessed and personally felt and know that fans the world over will join me in raiswi9ng one more glass to the hero the legend the down to earth music film and war memorabilia over that us Lemmy – he was part of Motorhead and they came to play rock and roll – everything louder than everything else – the tears are falling fast but I know you know what I mean! Goodnight Mr. Kilminister we salute you till the end of time \m/ always
It was an emotional day today as we said goodbye to Lemmy. I think he would have liked how the service went. Lots of laughs & amazing stories. So much love in that room for him. He touched so many people's lives. He was a one of a kind legend, that's for sure. Raise a glass of "Lemmy" tonight in his honor. #LemmyHasLeftThBuilding
Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead's funeral was so Lemmy, it’s not true. Lemmy’s backline, his favorite hat and boots were on display. Everybody was offered a Jack Daniel's as they came in, it was full of respect and love and great stories. Makes you realize what a huge hole he has left for his family, fans and friends. Irreplaceable. Dearly Missed and Loved.
At the time of hearing the news of Ian ”Lemmy” Kilmister’s passing on the early morning of the 28th of December I felt a familiar feeling deep inside. That of losing someone really close. Someone who’s been present in your life for its whole duration. It’s a very strange feeling that you can be so attached to someone you don’t even know, and I didn’t know Lemmy at all. I’ve met him on a couple of occasions. I remember calling him ”Ian” as I’d had a few beers and wanted to come off as someone that possessed a little bit of a deeper knowledge of him than the aggressive selfie-hunters. Obviously I failed miserably and I don’t think he liked me very much, and he didn’t want to be called ”Ian” at all. He’s ”Lemmy” and that’s that. So on the subsequent ”meetings” I resorted to a respectful nod and perhaps a feeble sounding ”Hi!”.
I saw/shared a bill with Motörhead many times, and I’m very happy I managed to catch their final headlining show here in Stockholm on December 4th. The place was packed. At a legendary venue for metal in my hometown. Hovet. There’s a special feeling in the air. As usual it was a celebration of heavy music as well as that of Motörhead, Saxon and Girlschool who were on tour together. But I also think a lot of people at the event knew that it’s possibly the last time they’d be able to see Motörhead. At least on a headlining tour. It was quite magical I have to say. There’s a profound feeling of respect in the air throughout the evening. I can’t recall any previous show I’ve ever been to that had that same vibe, or even similar.
In closing, just like hundreds of thousands of people around the world, I want to offer our deepest condolences to his family, to Mikkey and Phil as well as to the Motörhead crew, many of which are friends of ours.
Oh, I’d also like to take this opportunity to recommend the Sam Gopal record from 1969, ”Escalator”. Lemmy is singing beautifully on this one. I was very surprised to hear him singing without his trademark rasp. However, I know most people, myself included, will try and find solace in the ever-enduring Motörhead and Hawkwind catalogue. He was someone really special. One of the last ”big” personalities in the scene.
We will cherish the memory of Lemmy and his music forever.
Mikael on behalf of Opeth
Today I was reached by the news of David Bowie’s passing. He was such an important artist for Opeth. Many of you might find that hard to believe, but that’s how it is. It’s with terrible sadness we have to accept that he’s gone. He made some absolutely incredible music and I still frequent his discography on a regular
When I was a young heavy metal kid I remember I made wish-list for my birthday. I wanted a heavy metal back patch for my jacket. Sure enough I got a soft, flat wrapped up gift that indeed looked like it would include some cool metal patch. I eagerly tore it open only to find that the back patch had a print of, not Iron Maiden or the Scorpions, but of David Bowie’s “Let’s dance” record. I was a massive fan of that record but I wanted to look like a heavy metal fan, so I was slightly disappointed, and the patch never ended up on my jacket.
Since then I’ve fallen in love with his records. From “Space oddity” to “Hunky dory” and “The man who sold the world”. There are so many classics. Far too many to mention, really.
Bowie was a pioneer as far as I’m concerned. He never did was what expected of him, and he often changed his musical direction to almost the complete opposite to what he’d done previously. That’s something I admire. Artists who seem unable to play it safe and just deliver what’s expected of them. Artists who explore the world of music, and push their own boundaries as individual musicians. There’s quite a few of them about still, but in Bowie we certainly lost one of the very best.
And I still love “Let’s dance”, even if I certainly can’t dance myself.
David Bowie, rest in peace.
"Lemmy made us proud to be motherfuckers. Eternity is yours boss" - Abbath
"The orgasmatron just got killed by death. RIP Lemmy" - King
Today a very special Person has passed to another world as has a equally unique band decided to call it a day.
No compromises - total dedication
No trends - a way of life
Legends live forever
Although Lemmy had rocked our stage many times over the past with various bands including Head Cat with Slim Jim, and Camp Freddy with Billy Morrison and Dave Navarro, we will always know Lemmy best for being our neighbor. As anyone who has ever walk out the side door of The Roxy knows, you could just look over at the bar at the Rainbow and see him sitting there playing his favorite video game. We will miss you Lemmy, friend, legend, and the most bad ass rock god we will ever know. Photo credit: Erik Voake
#lemmy #lemmyisgod
Cheers Lemmy, we all owe you
in gratitude and respect
Tonight's the night we all get to say our goodbyes to a legend that, unless you've no fucking taste, was an essential part of everything we love, are a part of and was the essence of freedom in a world constantly building barriers. Cheers Lemmy. The spirit lives on! Wherever you are, so long as you're not too busy abstracting some nonsensical occult scrabble game, raise a glass, play a record but most of all, salute the man who loved to live.
Can't believe I'll never see Lemmy again. See you on the other side,my friend.
The legend will live on!! So much respect to the Motörhead family for allowing all the fans worldwide to pay their respects to Lemmy by streaming his memorial service. Total class act. This will be something that people including us can hold in our hearts forever. RIP Lemmy!!
Ok - so i know that half of my news feed would have just watched Lemmy’s memorial on YouTube - but f**k me - what a personal wonderful send off by everyone from my hero Morat to the crew to admin to rock stars like Rob Halford Lars Ulrich and my favorite Dave Grohl – being called everything from a ‘Rock N Roll Maverick’ by Rob, a ‘Rock N Roll Pirate’ by Andreas Kisser from Sepultura to a funny antidote where Scott Ian of anthrax asks; ”Who are these 3 Mexicans?” His son Paul was the first to summarize what everyone else wanted and did say – what a f**king tribute to one of the most legitimate rock stars in our time. I can’t believe that I got to just witness undiluted history with my 2 best guy friends as we cried and nodded in appreciation and jest at things we could sympathize with and could truly understand. I am in awe of the love and admiration I have witnessed and personally felt and know that fans the world over will join me in raiswi9ng one more glass to the hero the legend the down to earth music film and war memorabilia over that us Lemmy – he was part of Motorhead and they came to play rock and roll – everything louder than everything else – the tears are falling fast but I know you know what I mean! Goodnight Mr. Kilminister we salute you till the end of time \m/ always
It was an emotional day today as we said goodbye to Lemmy. I think he would have liked how the service went. Lots of laughs & amazing stories. So much love in that room for him. He touched so many people's lives. He was a one of a kind legend, that's for sure. Raise a glass of "Lemmy" tonight in his honor. #LemmyHasLeftThBuilding
Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead's funeral was so Lemmy, it’s not true. Lemmy’s backline, his favorite hat and boots were on display. Everybody was offered a Jack Daniel's as they came in, it was full of respect and love and great stories. Makes you realize what a huge hole he has left for his family, fans and friends. Irreplaceable. Dearly Missed and Loved.
At the time of hearing the news of Ian ”Lemmy” Kilmister’s passing on the early morning of the 28th of December I felt a familiar feeling deep inside. That of losing someone really close. Someone who’s been present in your life for its whole duration. It’s a very strange feeling that you can be so attached to someone you don’t even know, and I didn’t know Lemmy at all. I’ve met him on a couple of occasions. I remember calling him ”Ian” as I’d had a few beers and wanted to come off as someone that possessed a little bit of a deeper knowledge of him than the aggressive selfie-hunters. Obviously I failed miserably and I don’t think he liked me very much, and he didn’t want to be called ”Ian” at all. He’s ”Lemmy” and that’s that. So on the subsequent ”meetings” I resorted to a respectful nod and perhaps a feeble sounding ”Hi!”.
I saw/shared a bill with Motörhead many times, and I’m very happy I managed to catch their final headlining show here in Stockholm on December 4th. The place was packed. At a legendary venue for metal in my hometown. Hovet. There’s a special feeling in the air. As usual it was a celebration of heavy music as well as that of Motörhead, Saxon and Girlschool who were on tour together. But I also think a lot of people at the event knew that it’s possibly the last time they’d be able to see Motörhead. At least on a headlining tour. It was quite magical I have to say. There’s a profound feeling of respect in the air throughout the evening. I can’t recall any previous show I’ve ever been to that had that same vibe, or even similar.
In closing, just like hundreds of thousands of people around the world, I want to offer our deepest condolences to his family, to Mikkey and Phil as well as to the Motörhead crew, many of which are friends of ours.
Oh, I’d also like to take this opportunity to recommend the Sam Gopal record from 1969, ”Escalator”. Lemmy is singing beautifully on this one. I was very surprised to hear him singing without his trademark rasp. However, I know most people, myself included, will try and find solace in the ever-enduring Motörhead and Hawkwind catalogue. He was someone really special. One of the last ”big” personalities in the scene.
We will cherish the memory of Lemmy and his music forever.
Mikael on behalf of Opeth
Today I was reached by the news of David Bowie’s passing. He was such an important artist for Opeth. Many of you might find that hard to believe, but that’s how it is. It’s with terrible sadness we have to accept that he’s gone. He made some absolutely incredible music and I still frequent his discography on a regular
When I was a young heavy metal kid I remember I made wish-list for my birthday. I wanted a heavy metal back patch for my jacket. Sure enough I got a soft, flat wrapped up gift that indeed looked like it would include some cool metal patch. I eagerly tore it open only to find that the back patch had a print of, not Iron Maiden or the Scorpions, but of David Bowie’s “Let’s dance” record. I was a massive fan of that record but I wanted to look like a heavy metal fan, so I was slightly disappointed, and the patch never ended up on my jacket.
Since then I’ve fallen in love with his records. From “Space oddity” to “Hunky dory” and “The man who sold the world”. There are so many classics. Far too many to mention, really.
Bowie was a pioneer as far as I’m concerned. He never did was what expected of him, and he often changed his musical direction to almost the complete opposite to what he’d done previously. That’s something I admire. Artists who seem unable to play it safe and just deliver what’s expected of them. Artists who explore the world of music, and push their own boundaries as individual musicians. There’s quite a few of them about still, but in Bowie we certainly lost one of the very best.
And I still love “Let’s dance”, even if I certainly can’t dance myself.
David Bowie, rest in peace.