SOUNDWAVE 2016 (AUSTRALIA), ticket holders can now e-mail SOUNDWAVE@EVENTOPIA.CO with original ticket info and credit card from purchase. Expect 21 days for customers ticket purchase to be refunded.
SOUNDWAVE 2016 ticket buyers complained about ticket refunds. SOUNDWAVE 2016 promoter A.J. MADDAH suggested fans whom had already bought SOUNDWAVE 2016 tickets file for a claim (refund) with their financial institution. Ticket agency EVENTOPIA stated MADDAH was responsible for ticket refunds as MADDAH has put the onus on the ticket agency.
A.J. MADDAH, head promoter for SOUNDWAVE (METAL/HARD ROCK FESTIVAL) AUSTRALIA has apparently filed for bankruptcy in Australian Federal Court (12/4/2015) just 7 weeks before the scheduled and now cancelled 2016 SOUNDWAVE.
Last week, promoters for SOUNDWAVE 2016, set to take place 1/23th. 24th and 26th, 2016 BRISBANE (23rd), SYDNEY (24th), MELBOURNE (26th), AUSTRALIA have sent a statement as the festival is CANCELLED. The bands advance/deposit for SOUNDWAVE 2016 were NOT secured.
Plans for a replacement festival LEGION (AUSTRALIA) are set for next year (different promoter), details T.B.A.
Ok, this might raise some Metal spirits in the wake no SW! Check this out http://legionmusicfest.com/ Legion Music Fest #legionmusicfest John Sankey
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-