If you are subscribing to ITP V.021 via a FEEDBURNER e-mail subscription, that will be discontinued JULY 2021. ITP's author will find a new ITP e-mail subscription service soon.
Upcoming changes to FeedBurner in July 2021
Starting in July, we are transitioning FeedBurner onto a more stable, modern infrastructure. This will keep the product up and running for all users, but it also means that we will be turning down most non-core feed management features, including email subscriptions, at that time.
What FeedBurner users can expect
For many users, no action is required. All existing feeds will continue to serve uninterrupted, and you can continue to create new accounts and burn new feeds. Core feed management functionality will continue to be supported, such as the ability to change the URL, source feed, title, and podcast metadata of your feed. Basic analytics on feed requests and the ability to create enclosure tags for MP3 files will also continue to be supported.
So what is changing? We are turning down most non-core feed management features that help you optimize and publicize your feed, e.g. email subscriptions, Browser Friendly, and Password Protector.
Downloading your FeedBurner email subscriber data
If you’d like to continue using email subscriptions after the June transition, we recommend downloading email subscriber data so that you can migrate your subscribers to a new email subscription service. This data will also be available for download after the transition.
Blogger email subscriptions
FeedBurner’s email subscription feature powers Blogger’s email subscription widget, also known as the FollowByEmail widget. When FeedBurner’s email subscription feature is turned down in July, Blogger’s email subscription widget will also stop working at that time. Blogger users can learn more here about the changes and next steps.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-