Tuesday, June 11, 2024

GILEAD MEDIA: "This release will mark the end stage for Gilead Media, and will be one of our final three new releases leading up to the label’s closure."



 GILEAD MEDIA will release three more albums before the labels closure.







Coming this fall: The first full-length album by Mizmor & Hell. Prepare for “Alluvion.” Whereas other instances of ALN & MSW’s musical relationship were based on recorded guest appearances or live lineup assistance, this album shows them working entirely collaboratively for the first time on an album crafted together.
This release will mark the end stage for Gilead Media, and will be one of our final three new releases leading up to the label’s closure. More details on that and Alluvion soon.
Photo by Emma Ruth Rundle
PR by Perfect World Productions
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-