Thursday, June 6, 2024



 It was 80 years ago today that Allied Forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France for the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany during World War II. 

ITP would like to thank all allied forces soldiers for their service and sacrifice in making the world a better place. 







The Allied invasion, which began on June 6, 1944, led to the defeat of the Nazis and the end of the war. The assault began with Allied aircraft bombing German defenses in Normandy, followed by around 1,200 aircraft that carried airborne troops. As dawn broke, Allied forces started bombing German coastal defenses and shortly after that vessels began putting troops ashore on five codenamed beaches: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. By the end of the day, nearly 160,000 Allied troops had landed in Normandy, although there were thousands of casualties.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-