Rochester, NY is officially "DOOMED" as the BORN TO LATE DOOM FESTIVAL 2 is scheduled for AUGUST 1st, 2009 at the BUG JAR 219 MONROE AVE, ROCHESTER, NY 14607. THE BORN TO LATE FEST boasts a quality lineup of traditional and stoner doom as the fest include such acts as: IRON MAN, OGRE, PALE DIVINE, CYRUS, AGAINST NATURE, ORODRUIN, ARGUS, WHILE HEAVEN WEPT, REVELATION, APOSTLE OF SOLITUDE, ARGUS and if you're hungry a "DOOMED B' QUE".
Get tickets at THE BORN TO LATE DOOM FEST II TRIPOD SITE: http://borntoolate.tripod.com/
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-doooom onnnnn- \m/-l-