South Carolina death metal gods NILE recently spoke to EXCLAIM NEWS (from the studio) about the long recording sessions for the bands new release. FROM EXCLAIM NEWS: Exclaim! Exclusive: Death Metal Behemoths Nile Talk Those Whom the Gods Detest, a Record that “Shreds Every Previous Nile Album into Tiny Bits”
7/21/2009 By Greg Pratt
With news hitting the metal world that Nile are set to unleash their latest strand of Morbid Angel/Egypt-inspired technical death metal, Those Whom the Gods Detest, we had to touch base with Nile guitarist/vocalist/mainman Karl Sanders to see how the recording process is coming along.
“Gruelling. Exhausting,” says Sanders of the album due out in November on Nuclear Blast. “This album has consumed 12 to 14 hours of my life every day since May. It’s now July and we are fucking tired. And we got another month to go.
“We started off in pre-production in Greenville, South Carolina, then relocated to Tampa to work with Erik Rutan on recording drums. At the moment, we are in Greenville, just finished slaving away on rhythm guitars. When we finish vocals, bass, leads and so forth, we will go up to Chicago at Rax Trax to mix.”
The album will be the follow-up to 2007’s Ithyphallic, and it sounds like Nile fans can expect more of the same bone-decimating heaviness the band have become known for since their first EP dropped in ’95. But lyrically? Looks like Sanders may be looking away from his long-beloved Egypt for themes.
“Musically, the new disc is unrelenting, overwhelming brutality, with lots of various Eastern influences,” he says. “Lyrically there are new and interesting influences from various Middle Eastern cultures.”
Sanders says the band will begin their touring cycle (and, in doing so, will “stick these new songs straight up everyone’s asses”) in Europe in November and the U.S. in January. He also goes on to explain that this disc is not only going to decimate listeners’ ears (and bones!), but it’s going to put the Nile back catalogue to shame.
“This album shreds every previous Nile album into little tiny bits,” he says. “That’s all I’m gonna say; this time around I am going to let the music speak for itself.”
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-