Although there has not been a public, official announcement, subscribers may already KNOW the bad news, and unfortunately the rumors are true. Illustrious Canadian extreme metal (print) publication BRAVE WORDS BLOODY KNUCKLES has become the latest victim of the PRINT media recession (VIBE MAGAZINE for R and B/hip hop fans shut down late last month as well).. BRAVE WORDS BLOODY KNUCKLES extreme metal print magazine is out of business. Read these articles on print medias economic crisis: http://techmiso.com/395/recession-and-technology-killing-the-print-media-industry-one-job-at-a-time/
http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/stories/2009/07/06/daily65.html As a former Journalism major I feel the pain, after dodging the profession. I loved my classes in Journalism, but I was naive on how upgrades in technology would effect print media, and look at the layoffs, lack of adds and print medias overall economic recession.
I will always miss sitting on my bed, or on the toilet reading a metal mag. However, the internet IS portable, people have have laptop PC's and I can get online on my cell phone.
This is weird, I feel nostalgic.
There will always be a need for journalists and metal writers as well.
We at ITP were/are BIG fans and avid readers of BRAVE WORDS BLOODY KNUCKLES extreme metal magazine, a one of kind metal publication with great writers including Martin Popoff. The inside word for BWBK IS: BRAVE WORDS BLOODY KNUCKLES magazine in print media is out of business. However, BWBK.COM WILL continue their website, RSS news service, interviews, reviews and forum as well.. Refunds for BRAVE WORDS BLOODY KNUCKLES print magazine subscribers are due this summer. The BWBK magazine issue with METALLICA on the cover was BWBK very LAST print issue.
BW & BK rocks out for the last time (in print)
The print version of hard rock/heavy metal magazine, Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles, is no more. But whil the January/February 2009 edition with Metallica on the cover marked the final bi-monthly issue, CEO and president Tim Henderson plans to keep the brand alive online.
BW&BK was founded in 1994.
Henderson said declining advertising revenue and catering to a small audience are the two main reasons for the print version’s closure. “Part of me saw this coming just due to the website and how it has grown over time,” Henderson said.
BraveWords.com has about 25,000 unique visitors per day, Henderson said. “Our website has been it’s own living, breathing beast from the get-go. It came to a point where I was running two companies. We see more unique viewers per day than we did per issue.”
From a business standpoint, Henderson noted that being strictly online allows for lower costs and time-saving opportunities. Online ads, for example, are easier to put produce and publish than print ads. “It’s almost a no-brainer to stop the print version because when an ad is submitted to me for the website, my webmaster has to spend like two seconds to throw it up.”
As successful as the website has been, Henderson is looking to improve it. “It needs an overhaul,” he said.
Within the year, he plans to upload PDF versions of back issues and to begin uploading new content everyday. Henderson also wants to makeover the site's look. “My goal is to really bring in to the website the beautiful elements of the magazine.”
As for the print magazine, don’t call it dead yet, says Henderson. The CEO/president is taking a cue from the magazine’s own story subjects. “I’d like to take the vinyl approach of how bands are still releasing limited editions of vinyl,” he said. “It would be really cool to do some special issues at some point in time.”
— Christal Gardiola
FROM A FORUM USER ON BWBK.COM FEEDBACK FORUM: Popoff was on the Classic Metal Show and said the mag is officially "out of business" but the website will "continue to thrive."
Thanks to all at BRAVE WORDS BLOODY KNUCKLES-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-