DISCLAIMER: We're not sure if the MALEVOLENT CREATION story is true, and the KATATONIA headline makes no sense, but it was JULY 4th, so lmao. BLABBERMOUTH.NET SAID TODAY: BLABBERMOUTH.NET could not independently confirm the veracity of any of Fasciana's claims at press time. Furthermore, BLABBERMOUTH.NET could not find any news reports that corroborate the guitarist's account.
ITP EDITORS NOTE: First of all, we love ya BORI, you KNOW WE DO, but what's this BLABBERMOUTH.NET. (on 7/4/09) headline? KATATONIA To Support KATATONIA In Europe . The story is THIS: Sweden's KATATONIA will support PORCUPINE TREE on the following dates..And look at the amusing comments on Blabbermouth.net for the KATATONIA story: COMMENT | ?
posted by : Metal2Metal6
7/4/2009 10:15:17 PM
Supporting themselves aye? Right on...
posted by : viy
7/4/2009 10:18:15 PM
something needs to be corrected in the title....
posted by : Nocturnal Majesty
7/4/2009 10:26:40 PM
holy shit i cannot believe the opener. im definitely going to this show now
COMMENT | Yo dawg
posted by : rob1980
7/4/2009 10:27:11 PM
I herd u liek Kataonia so I put Katanoia in ur Kataonia so u can listen to Kataonia while u listen to Kataonia
COMMENT | Title fail
posted by : dickhertzer
7/4/2009 10:34:11 PM
COMMENT | i am i am i am i
posted by : megal0maniac
7/4/2009 10:37:02 PM
and i support myself.
ok not a very interesting coupling.
but their fans might like it !
posted by : shapechangerVII
7/4/2009 10:50:19 PM
Bring this shit to the US. Two of my favorite bands right now.
posted by : Blackenistheyend
7/4/2009 11:00:40 PM
Katatonia is an alright opening band, but everyone will really be there to see Katatonia
COMMENT | Again?
posted by : BrainRotMenacer
7/4/2009 11:27:04 PM
I saw this same lineup a couple years back, but everyone just booed the shit out of Katatonia and chanted "KAT-A-TON-IA! KAT-A-TON-IA!" Throughout the entire setlist. They looked pretty embarrassed.
posted by : CraigD
7/4/2009 11:52:17 PM
Looking forward to seeing katatonia and katatonia
posted by : ToRidTheDisease
7/5/2009 12:11:56 AM
I really thought this was going to be some interesting avant garde shit they were doing.
posted by : epic_fail_guy
7/5/2009 12:17:57 AM
OK, now BLABBERMOUTH.NET is fixed, here's the headline and the KATATONIA dates with PORCUPINE TREE..FROM BLABBERMOUTH.NET: KATATONIA To Support PORCUPINE TREE In Europe - July 4, 2009
Sweden's KATATONIA will support PORCUPINE TREE on the following dates:
Oct. 17 - Germany - Bremen - Aladin
Oct. 18 - Denmark - Copenhagen - Vega
Oct. 19 - Sweden - Stockholm - Arenan
Oct. 21 - Finland - Helsinki - Ice Hall
Oct. 23 - Norway - Oslo - Sentrum Scene
Oct. 24 - Sweden - Lund - Mejeriet
Or this story about MALEVOLENT CREATION with NO source. To be honest, I hope Phil from MALEVOLENT CREATION killed that CRACKHEAD, however, in CANADA, and ENGLAND Phil would be jailed for defending himself, I'm for self defense in situations like that. We unfortunately have plenty of douches in New York, and Phil's the superman.
FROM BLABBERMOUTH.NET OR UNATTRIBUTED SOURCE: Guitarist Phil Fasciana of long-running Florida death metallers MALEVOLENT CREATION was reportedly involved in a bizarre shootout at a convenient store in his hometown of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. According Fasciana, he pulled into a small store at around 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon (July 3) to get something to drink and walked right into a robbery in progress. "I went in this little store on my way home to get a chocolate milk, of all things, and little did I know, I was walking into a life-or-death situation," he says. "When I walked into the store, I did not notice anyone else in the store until someone started screaming at me and pointed a gun at me. I nearly shit myself, because the dude looked wacked out of his mind and fired four shots directly at me and I went down to the ground because I thought I was surely shot. After about 30 seconds, I realized I was not hit at all and the shooter thought I was dead or injured and started attacking the store worker when I snuck up behind the burglar and talked [to] him and took the gun out of his hands and told him to get out of the store. He then reached in his sock and pulled another gun out and pointed it at me and that's when I fired two shots into his head, killing him instantly!
"Never in my life has anything so twisted happened to me before and I would like to forget it ever happened, but I had no other choice. Lucky for me, the stupid crackhead burglar had the worst aim in the world and missed me with all four shots from about 10 feet away! Needless to say, all charges have been dropped and the store owner has offered me a lifetime of chocolate milk! Ha Ha!
"I have been in some scary situations before, but having someone shoot out you from that close and miss is a fucking miracle and I have no remorse for killing the assailant who tried to take my life and the store owner's.
"I gotta move out of this town!! I have enough problems as it is!!
"I am very lucky and could easily be dead at this moment, but I'm not and I'm gearing up for our Mexican, South American and European headlining tour which start at the end of July.
"I would like to put this behind me and not talk about it anymore. It was the most fucked up thing I have ever been involved with, besides my ex-girlfriend!!"
UPDATE: According to Phil, the entire incident was captured on the store's surveillance video, but the police has yet to release the tape.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-