Weirdest story on the net this week: PRESENTING PHIL FASCIANA of MALEVOLENT CREATION with his MALEVOLENT FABRICATION..FROM BLABBERMOUTH.NET: MALEVOLENT CREATION guitarist Phil Fasciana has released another statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET in response to criticism over his claim that he was involved in a bizarre shootout at a convenient store in Florida on July 3, 2009.
In two separate e-mails to BLABBERMOUTH.NET (Story#1, Story#2, Story#3), Fasciana claimed that he interrupted a store robbery which led to him being shot at four times before he was able to disarm the "homeless crackhead" and pump two bullets into the thug's head.
Commenting on Fasciana's claims, Detective Mark Shotwell of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department told U.K.'s Rock Radio that he's unable to find evidence that any such event ever took place.
"This did not happen," Shotwell said. "Our last murder was on June 22 and Fasciana was not involved. I'm certain of this. Even if the death was a result of self-defense, it would still be classed as a homicide and investigated as such.
"All witnesses, reportees, victims and suspects are entered into a database, but the most recent entry for Fasciana is on April 1, involving him and a female in a domestic dispute.
"There are about 15 suburbs near Fort Lauderdale, but all murders use the Broward County Medical Examiner's office for autopsies — mandatory in a homicide. There have been no murders in the entire county during July."
Fasciana sent the following e-mail to BLABBERMOUTH.NET earlier today (Thursday, July 9):
"Concerning this idiotic debate over my involvement in an attempted robbery and shootout, I wish everyone would believe it is not true and leave me the fuck alone.
"For all the retards who hide behind a computer all day at mommy's house and talk shit about rumors on Blabbermouth and other heavy metal-related websites, you need to get a life!!!! Get out of the house and maybe someone will try robbing and shooting you one day!!!! Then I would like to hear your reaction!!!
"I never posted or told anyone but my brother about what happened to me afterwards. Why would I post something that horrible on Blabbermouth or anywhere on the Internet and have people know what I had just gone through? I found out by friends a day later that they read that news about m on Blabbermouth. Why and who posted, I have no idea and it has nothing to do with music or my band, so why it would be on a website that is and used to be about finding out information about heavy metal bands and the news concerning the bands that have news to release about there bands future happenings and releases. Now it is just a big gossip column for people who have no life and talk shit about people."
(For the record, Fasciana's latest e-mail was sent to BLABBERMOUTH.NET from the same e-mail address as the original message which contained the details of the alleged shooting incident. Phil subsequently confirmed to BLABBERMOUTH.NET that he is, in fact, in control of this e-mail account.)
"This is the second incident I have been involved with that resulted in someone dying in South Florida and I'm glad they both were not glorified in the news and press.
"A few years ago me and a friend were driving on a very busy street in Ft. Lauderdale when a drunk homeless man ran into the street and we ran him down and killed him and there was no way to avoid it. It was in the afternoon with many witnesses, and when the police arrived, we told them what happened and let us leave and that was the end of story!!! Me and my friend were mortified and there was no news about it or information given to us afterwards at anytime.
"South Florida has bigger problems then homeless people robbing liquor stores and small corner stores with hopes of getting caught to go to jail purposely so they have a home for a few days!!!
"My mother was robbed at gunpoint after leaving work and trying to make a money deposit after her work day and got robbed for over $25,000 of the store she manages money and never got any justice and there was no news or anything done for her.
"Two of my good friends were gunned down in a Denny's restaraunt parking lot and killed for no reason and nothing was done or had any news about what happened to them and that is heavy shit!!!!
"Believe what you idiots want!!! This whole incident is as dead to me as the fool who tried killing me!!!!! This is why I haven't gone to Blabbermouth for music news a few years ago. There is hardly any music related news. If someone in a band has a hangnail or stubbed their toe, it is reported on Blabbermouth and people shit talk about it.
"Some of you people need to get a real life. When something horrible or tragic happens to someone or someone's family that can create problems and drama, most people would like to keep that news out of press just like me. Because of retards that have nothing better to do than spread rumors and news, it's too late for me to have my family not know about what happened to me and has caused even more problems for me and my family.
"And for the record, the robbery and shootout didn't happen in Ft. Lauderdale!! So there is some more wrong info for you idiots to debate about.
"I have been in jail and arrested for many stupid things while living in South Florida and I never got to make the news down here and I'm glad!!!! As I'm sure many other people who have been involved with tragic or embarrassing incidents that got them involved or in trouble would like it as well.
"Believe what you want!!! I'm going to band practice!!!! I have a life!!!"
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-