DEMO (2007)
02. Post-Enlightenment Executor
03. As Tyrants Fall
04. Sophistic Demise
05. Requiem In SJ Minore
06. At The Guillotine
07. Embodied Deception
08. Infection Of The White Throne
09. Retrieving My Carcass
10. Oracles
FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE are an Italian technical, BRUTAL, death metal band with classical influences and quality musicianship. First signed to NEUROTIC RECORDS, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE opted for WILLOWTIP and CANDLEIGHT RECORDS as WILLOWTIP were already distributing NEUROTIC RECORDS releases in North America. The consoldation of classical music and death metal is not unusual, but a subtle influence. The Wagner-esge classical atmospheres have already been melded into black metal, the echoes of classical influences have been heard from Eddie Van Halen, to Yngvie Malmsteen and of course many doom bands. However, the classical influences on FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's "Oracles" are minimal, and perhaps a gimmicky nuance of interludes, a cheeky way to pick you up off the floor after being crushed by this bands debut. Classical music isn't the prime ingredient on FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's WILLOWTIP debut ORACLES, as this Italian band are indeed heavy with skullcrushing riffs as the tech aspects are subtle, and the emphasis is on brutality and tight musicianship. We at ITP are inspired to review FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's "Oracles". FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's ORACLE kicks off with the ominous intro, and tight staccato thrash riffing of opening track"In Honor Of Reason". Damn, this is BRUTAL, tight, death metal. Not technical in mindless wankery and shredding, but defined riffs consolidated with a relentless brutality as perhaps the drumming is triggered, but soo good. At 3:34 of "In Honor Of Reason" a classical music segment invokes a dynamic in the tunes brutality, as one can be convinced of FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's revalence and talent from the first listen. "Post-Enlightenment Executor" opens with skull crushing reverence with quality vocals via Tommaso Riccardi as his vocals are integrated within subtle melodic guitar riffing. "As Tyrants Fall" invokes a brutal, tech feel, as the tech parts are subtle, but prevalent in the mix as staccato thrash riffs paint a skullcrushing brutality played tight with quality solos. "As The Tyrants" fall, comes to an unlikely and cheesy end with a (sampled) and familiar classical piece , very cheeky and somewhat unnecessary, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's brutal music speaks for itself. "Sophisticated Demise" invokes classically influenced vocal phrasings (ala ORIGIN), in fact, that is the kicker. Tommaso Riccardi's vocal phrasing, while brutal, paint a collage of the classical influences more so than the interludes themselves, punching holes through a wall of brutal guitar riffing, invoking beauty in dark brutality. "Requiem in SI Minore", crawls in like a slow, anthem of sludgy dark, death metal, with tech noodling at 1:09. "Requiem in SI Minore" progresses into a hymn of unholy, tasty skullcrushing, melodic, flowing death metal brutality. "At The Guillotine" invokes a similar stylistic brutality as previous said track, again, quality musicianship melded with melodic classically inspired riffs, "brutalifly" played, ala a tighter and reckless (None so Vile) era CRYPTOPSY. "Embodied Deception" enters with a classical/ragtime piano piece, and from there, all hell breaks loose with some fast, brutal riffage. At 1:01 and 2:08 into "Embodied Deception", FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE step up to to the plate for a riff or rama of tight thrash hooks, sure to blast in any skull and get the heads banging. "Infection of The White Throne" is more of the same, brutal as fuck, tight blasting death metal, with flowing classically inspired vocals, as this track might not distinguish itself from a few aforementioned on "Oracles", other than it's ending wich sounds like it was cut and pasted on. "Retrieving My Carcass" is razor sharp tech death metal, with melodic, rhythmic, staccato thrash riffs, tasty like a five course meal. FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's "Oracles" ends with title track, a classical, instrumental piano piece, totally unlikely and..unnecessary. So I'm told that a member of FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE is also the vocalist of the unholy death metal band HOUR OF PENANCE (Francesco Paoli-guitars-FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE) as there is evidence of HOUR OF PENANCE's influence on "Oracles". Perhaps the main differential between HOUR OF PENANCE and FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's are the latters classical interludes, wich seemed cut and pasted on, pointless and not well executed. Not to mention FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE's over triggered drums, and despite the bands talent, many of the riffs are repetitive and fall back on metal core breakdowns and grooves for lack of ideas. Then again, I LIKE banging my head against and running into things, it's fun and cathartic. Other wise, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE invoke some vicious, tasty riffs enough to give MESHUGGAH a run for their money or a brutal/death fist in the face.. FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE combine brutality with a subtle brand of technical death metal, as the musical emphasis is on brutal, riffs. While FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE have yet to define an original musical identity, (we've heard these pit tasty riffs in many bands before) these guys are so uber talented and tight, they can NOT be overlooked. I'm sure, with time FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE will write their brutal masterpiece as indeed this band are rightfully considered rookies of the year. FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE "Oracles" is a brutal and dark riff a ramma of death/thrash induced bonecrushing breakdowns and grooves, sure to cause carnage in the pit, and sure to make BEHEMOTH, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME, MESHUGGAGH and other extreme metal veterans look like posers. ITP RATING: **** PRODUCTION: **** SONGWRITING: *** 1/2 PERFORMANCE: **** Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l- |