Oh, btw, I hope you're enjoying reading the reviews as much as I'm enjoying writing them, many more to come as I have a list of reviews and a race to the finish line. At the end of the year, ITP will have an end of year feature entitled ITP BLAST BACK REVIEWS: A RE RATE of reviews (that year) to see if I over or under rated certain releases. Just the rating, and there's no guarantee that all ratings will change. All ITP REVIEWS are on a BELL CURVE in comparison to previous (band/artist) releases and whatever else is released that year in said genre.
Also, December 31st, 2009 ends this decade so ITP will have a special feature BEST RELEASES (DEATH, BLACK,DEATH/FUNERAL DOOM, THRASH and GRIND METAL ) for this decade 1999-2009.
Don't hold me to this, but if all goes well in life, I'm very motivated do this.
More reviews, and HUMANITY IS DOOMED, DAMNED IN BLACK, and NOTES FROM THE EXTREME METAL UNDERGROUND coming up this weekend and this up and coming week.
I also (if I can pull this off this month, don't hold me to it, last time I failed) hope to have a new layout for this metal blog soon as well, with other surprises.
Also, I'm in the process of editing ITP as whole, adding videos, pics, grammar spell check and deleting certain journal entries, so don't be surprised if this journal is tightened up. I still need a logo, and I have to give an old friend a call for her graphic design.
FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE and some DSBM and many more black, death, doom and grind reviews coming up soon.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-BBL\m/ -l-