
For some reason, I feel a need to sue neighbors (Meadobrook) 309 and 307 and MEADOBROOK CIRCLES management others (whom don't even know me, I don't want to know them), yes this is really happening, for continued harassment and annoyance as I can't get in my door without some idiot loitering there, and trying to ask questions or make ignorant statements, wich I don't respond to, totally out of context to any conversation. I will sue for slander, defamation of character and continued harassment (sexual as well), HUD has been contacted.
So in retribution Karen Kohanski (maligned property manager at MEADOBROOK CIRCLE, New Paltz, NY) wrote me a slanderous, libelous letter, riddled with awful handwriting and terrible spelling, because I complained to HUD, same exact DAY. There are TWO more HUD complaints I filed coming in by Monday, and a lawsuit as well for slander, PERJURY, false accusations, defamation of character because I have no verbal or physical contact with said people and Kohanski is lying. Of course Karen Kohanski hates this journal, because I'm RIGHT about her staff (superintendent and maintenance and her self) and Meadobrook, they are drug dealers and users. If she wants the debate the issue, I will sue her as well. I've heard years of blatant lying and slandering my name, the nuttier rumors perpetuated by MEADOBROOK CIRCLE staff, their friends and that you can smell someones breath through the walls and bullshit of the sort while her staff was using and dealing cocaine and drugs. Obviously no one can believe anything Karen Kohanski says, in retribution of her drug dealing co workers getting busted, Kohanski is guilty of slander and defamation.
Ironically during the last 10 days, I've had the worst case of VERTIGO and I was pretty upset and the slowness of the posting of a bill payment that I already paid.
Yes, I will sue for any more drama, wich doesn't involve around them, or even me,
What I say on the phone in my crib, aint none of your business.
Complaining about MY personal items that are NOT property of said management or there, and continued harassment because I have a disibilty that's been proven.
Including bad coppers, so think twice about what you do, and how seriously you take these moronic douches living to close to me, whom don't know me. This message is meant as a deterrent from behavior, if not, take the lawsuit, because I love the smell of money.
My neighbors to the flank side of me two tenets that live next door love to talk shit, lie, harassment and tease people. I can not walk in or out of my door without being picked on, some idiots in 307 and 309 making rude comments about me or others when they are not my friends, and Melanie Bussell 11/18/2006 trying to attack me, kicking gravel on my doorstep, bottom landing of my staircase, and half way up my staircase when I stood in OWN doorway and waited for police to come after I called them, in front of my own apartment. After I had Melanie Bussell arrested she somehow LIED and was given a countercharge against me the same month that J BONE (suicide) and my foster mom passed. The charges were dropped on both sides on an ACD in early January of 2007.
Perhaps now I regret not going all the way because I could have taken this case vs. Bussell to trial and WON. I now regret NOT taking the case vs. Bussell to trial as I have PICTURES to prove that gravel was kicked on me, and unlike these violent douches here, pictures don't LIE.
MELANIE BUSSELL is too VIOLENT and I did NOTHING AFTER she kicked the gravel, I didn't touch nor threaten her at all, but I do have a right to protect myself.. I've been the victim of too much violence due to living underneath bad management in a bad environment full of coke heads., literally, and it aint me, I don't do drugs.
As for the Management and staff during the last 5 years at MEADOBROOK CIRCLE it's been a nightmare, the superintendent was rude to everyone, has broken into my apartment and abused the master key without any notice with no work order 9/11/2008. Any complaint I've had about the management I've logged straight to HUD HOUSING and posted on this journal.
I have not included or made any verbal or physical threats in my complaints and I've had NOTHING to say about to and about them in PERSON.
Ironically, Melanie Bussel decided to get way to comfy and sit on a chair in front of my doorstep late September 2009, with the back of the chair facing my door, blocking my only entrance and exit way into my apartment, wich happens quite often, as often these neighbors make sarcastic comments, major fights in the household of 309, and I don't want to talk to them. I opened the door to see what the fuss was about and she was there, I closed my door and shook my head stating nothing.
I have pictures to prove where the gravel landed and I will posted right now, and bump this entry every day for months on end.
In fact (Kathy Brenner 309-Meadobrook Circle) walked out of her apartment and knocked on 307 door making some sarcastic comment about me as I keyed into my apartment, in between the two.
We suspect 307 of using drugs.
In fact, when I was on the phone with a friend of mine, complaining about neighbors making sarcastic comments and their bad behavior after I keyed into my apartment, the cops were called on me in my own home when I was on the phone, venting, it was after nightfall, the management office was closed, and I had the worst case of vertigo. There WAS NO, verbal or physical confrontation between me nor the management and anyone else last Monday or Tuesday, I went to sleep with an awful case of vertigo and barely left home.
I spoke to the coppers and now the management are accusing me of making threats to them and a few neighbors, as that indeed is another LIE, as there was no such confrontation, I was in my home, as 309 (Kathy Brenner) made a sarcastic comment on my way in, as I ignored it, and went inside. The management office was not open in the evening and it was after nightfall, as I've had no contact with Meadobrook staff, even putting a note on my door refusing an exterminator visit earlier this month, as the vertigo set in.
In FACT, every time I pay rent and have any contact with management I have a TAPE RECORDER in my pocket, on play and record to prove who said what. I'll be more than happy to give any tapes to the police and prove MEADOBROOK CIRCLE NEW PALTZ, NY obnoxious behavior and lying, in fact, the management use a few of their buddy tenets and others and have made threats towards ME.
Booh, fucking hoo, GHETTOBROOK.
In fact, I've been the victim of senseless violence (Charles Bridge-whom is a level three sex offender, stranger to me, Timothy Cannon,as only Melanie Bussell is a tennet as I've never been the victim of such violence before) during the last few years due in part to bad management and their bad associations, conspiracies and agendas and their abuse of tenets under the decoy of the managements drug abuse.
WHY are Meadobrook Circles, New Paltz, NY Management and staff lying, because the truth hurts and DRUGS suck, as Meadobrook circle, New Paltz, NY superintendent, a few of their staff, and a few moronic tenets were busted for the sale and the dealing of cocaine just last month, with weapons, it made the local news as this is a statement of FACT. Keep in mind that it is MEADOBROOK CIRCLE, NEW PALTZ, NY's staff whom are dealing drugs, making threats towards innocent tenets, harassing people ect, whom are not "buyers" or playing there game as a decoy for what THEY do..In fact ELI C. ERAZO whom lived (past tense) at 512 Meadobrook Circle, New Paltz, NY WAS the superintendent as he was caught in possession, and illegal distribution of cocaine and marijuana (one on a DWI in late OCTOBER), the MEADOBROOK management and staff and a few others ARE really that self destructive and do that to themselves. In fact, I've sent out a few HUD complaints earlier this week :
I will sue MEADOBROOK CIRCLE, NEW PALTZ, NY and 307 and 309 for this constant harassment, bullying, slander, defamation of character, intimidation and threats, homophobic comments as the only threat I made is to sue, and we're right on it, and they HAVE been busted, thanks to URGENT.
FROM THE TIMES HERALD RECORD: NEW PALTZ — After a six-month investigation, an Ulster anti-narcotics team arrested five people trafficking drugs, police said Saturday.
When they got several complaints about drug sales in the Town and Village of New Paltz, the team known by its acronym, URGENT, and New Paltz police started an investigation in which suspects sold drugs to undercover cops, officials said.
On Friday, the officers raided two homes on Meadowbrook Circle and seized 64 grams of cocaine, marijuana, drug records, handgun ammunition, and drug packaging material, police said.
The five, Martice A. “Teese” Mclellan, 20; Ali Khan Lodhi, 20; Eli C. Erazo, 35; and Melissa Vandermark, 30, of New Paltz; and Ronald J. Fells, 35, of Highland, were charged with possession and sale of controlled substances.
For the record, I don't do drugs..Only coffee and cigarettes., haven't drank a beer since June, and have no interest in it.
NEW PALTZ — Five Ulster County residents were arrested Friday and face multiple felony drug charges as the result of an on-going investigation by the Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team (URGENT).
The five were arrested after selling cocaine to undercover officers and subsequent searches of homes at 512 Meadowbrook Circle and 802 Meadowbrook Circle in New Paltz.
URGENT had been observing the group for the past six months after receiving complaints of drug trafficking in the area.
Members of URGENT found over 64 grams of cocaine, an undisclosed amount of marijuana, electronic scales, drug packaging materials, cutting agents, drug paraphernalia and handgun ammunition at the two homes.
Ali Khan Lodhi, 20, of 802 Meadowbrook Circle, was charged with two felony counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance and two felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, a third felony count of criminal possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor criminally using drug paraphernalia.
Eli C. Erazo, 35, of 512 Meadowbrook Circle, was charged with two felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, felony criminal sale of a controlled substance and misdemeanor criminally using drug paraphernalia, and Melissa Vandermark, 30, same address, was charged with four felony counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, five felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor criminally using drug parphernalia.
Also arrested were Martice A. Mclellan, 20, of 41F Colonial Arms, and Ronald J. Fells, 35, of 24 Amato Lane in Highland.
Mclellan was charged with two felony counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance and two felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, while Fells was charged with single felony counts of drug sale and possession.
All five were arraigned in Town of New Paltz Justice Court and sent to the Ulster County Jail.
DAILY FREEMAN: NEW PALTZ — Five Ulster County residents were arrested Friday and face multiple felony drug charges as the result of an on-going investigation by the Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team (URGENT).
The five were arrested after selling cocaine to undercover officers and subsequent searches of homes at 512 Meadowbrook Circle and 802 Meadowbrook Circle in New Paltz.
URGENT had been observing the group for the past six months after receiving complaints of drug trafficking in the area.
Members of URGENT found over 64 grams of cocaine, an undisclosed amount of marijuana, electronic scales, drug packaging materials, cutting agents, drug paraphernalia and handgun ammunition at the two homes.
Ali Khan Lodhi, 20, of 802 Meadowbrook Circle, was charged with two felony counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance and two felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, a third felony count of criminal possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor criminally using drug paraphernalia.
Eli C. Erazo, 35, of 512 Meadowbrook Circle, was charged with two felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, felony criminal sale of a controlled substance and misdemeanor criminally using drug paraphernalia, and Melissa Vandermark, 30, same address, was charged with four felony counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, five felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor criminally using drug parphernalia.
Also arrested were Martice A. Mclellan, 20, of 41F Colonial Arms, and Ronald J. Fells, 35, of 24 Amato Lane in Highland.
Mclellan was charged with two felony counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance and two felony counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, while Fells was charged with single felony counts of drug sale and possession.
All five were arraigned in Town of New Paltz Justice Court and sent to the Ulster County Jail.
This is a true scenario (reprinted and updated for a ITP journal entry 7/2009:
*I OVER paid my rent in ( OVERCHARGE in rent-where I currently live) 2002, and NEVER got a refund. I've always paid my rent.
* A cycle for painting (painting my apartment) is an issue here, as tenet landlord relationships are often adversarial. It does NOT clarify in my lease nor tenant handbook that tenets have to PAY out of POCKET for painting cycle cost, routine every four years.. In the fact that I over paid my rent, why is that $ not recovered or pro rated towards such as security.That is extortion, and
*I've have not seen the interest on my security deposit since 2003.
*If the tenant is manipulated to pay for painting costs out of pocket (embezzlement, extortion, via management?), the tenets they should be able to choose there own contractor. Since said painting contractor used to be my neighbor in 1999, 2000, 2001 (at a different residence) and he put a condom on my doorknob, he is not allowed in my rental, or near me.
*Also the same contractor (Tony Velequez) built the storm door backwards with no outside lock or key, and did a horrible job on the painting of my bathroom before I moved in.
*Velequez was being evicted in 2000/01 at my former residence,at the time the landlord re considered for Tony, however, I saw the Sheriffs department deliver the eviction notice. I simply got fed up with living at 40 North Chestnut (next door to him, and the noisy shit talking in front of my door) and didn't renew my lease and moved across the street after OVERPAYING my rent at 40 N. Chestnut. Velequez put a condom on my door knob in 2001 when I lived down town, when I was work, as I relocated my bed to avoid the noise from the other side of wall.
*Said tennet does not have a contract with said painting contractor, just a lease with a management company.
*On a 4 year painting cycle, I signed something in 2006 saying I refused the painting cycle, dislocated knee at the time from late '05, (wrote a journal entry about it and everything) and I shouldn't be bothered until the next 4 year painting cycle.
*This is not a mandated not smoking apartment complex (like i would live here if it was?)
*Water sealing is/ should be routine maintenance wear sinks, and water usage occurs. Not really a big deal for me. The management blames the tennents, because they are cheap and greedy.
*Of course the unbelievable amount of gossip as complete strangers are mocking me, and making homophobic comments close to where I live, enough that hate crimes have perpetuated against me, as those people have been undercharged including sex offenders and jealous squatters. I have every right to defend myself, and sue, and that's quite tame for the way we feel right now.
*That attack on me via Timothy Cannon that I briefly mentioned, um, the same day that some other douche that attacked me ( JULY 2008-Charles Bridge-a stranger to me-http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/cgi/internet/nsor/fortecgi?serviceName=WebNSOR&templateName=detail.htm&requestingHandler=WebNSORDetailHandler&ID=460981298) had to have his picture taken for his level 3 sex offender registry.
*Crimes this management has committed towards me: *Turning off my water January 2009 while I was taking a shower, causing my toilet to overflow as that is NOT my fault, and that can cause water damage, stress, just one day after I was discharged from hospital. There was NO water in my apartment that day, as I patiently waited for the water to be turned back on.
*Walking into the apartment (superintendent Erazo) without a work order after I took a shower and left my house, intentionally, no consent, a year to the date of a friend of mines funeral.(9/11/08)
*My door was found opened after a night out in December of 2007, just two days before X-mas, I walked into my apartment ducking as if I had been burglarized. Not sure if I didn't lock my door, or if the super went in there and abused the privilege of the master key.
This is illegal for landlords/management do to to lease bearing rent paying tenets.
*Using homophobic language, and not protecting tennents privacy for..what? GREED, issues unrelated to housing.
*Let's open up the books on the management and the contractor and let them prove they are not fraudulent, out of pocket costs for the tenet goes where? In there pocket. I OVERPAID my rent via being OVERCHARGED my rent, I hardly noticed until they clarified clerical errors of there own.
*You break it, you bought it, if I have to sue, at the very least, anyone in my apartment without supervision can not be here, including the superintendent.
*Anything they have already stolen goes into a huge lawsuit including medical bills, for permanent scar on my forehead (20 stitches- Snug's Harbor 38 main str. new paltz, ny), including their intimidation and threats, punitive damages.
*I just want my money back, my lawyer (deuce) is checking for any embezzlement vs. HUD LAW, and also EOH/FAIR HOUSING states equal opportunity for gays, otherwise I can't stand the homophobia, and criminal mischief around here, find something else to
do. What? It's on..
*I'll pay $200.00 to deuce and the management will lose more than they can possibly gain from exploiting me, since they owe me money.
*Trying to criminalize me over something that is NOT a matter of my ethics but a denial on others part, this is a civil court matter and they provoked it, in their lack of ethics and illegal behavior.
*In January 1st 2009 (New Years Day-a federal holiday), same day I was in the hospital for injuries via a drug addicted squatter attacking me, the management where I live wrote a note saying I would have to pay the "market rate" of rent if I didn't re certify. Of course I been living here for over 7 years, re certify and renewed every year (I'm not a noob) as the management put the cart before the horse, before they sent me a scheduled appointment for re-certification. Another unsuccessful attempt (from the management) to embezzle low income people. Of course it worked out, I don't have the pay the market rate, but I resent the obnoxious attitude, drama, at the most inopportune times.
*Whatever I comply to, does not guarantee my privacy, safety or stability, why should I commit to this crap?
Extortion, price gouging and embezzlement will NOT be tolerated.
*Not to mention laundry facilities. So I did my laundry on the premises for years, and wondered how much money I spent to get my clothes dry without someone opening up the dryer mid cycle, stalking me when there clothing is not in any machines (309), as my clothing was barely getting dry. 2006, there was a power outtage in the middle of me doing laundry in building 6, and I had to drag my clothes, heavy and water logged across the street as nothing worked, and I was NOT refunded. Warning: as many loads to dry as to wash. So the management remolded the laundry facilities, and as it's no longer coin op.
Then others pretend they don't the difference between my damp clothing, before totally dried and the appliances and resources they provide for the tenets.
*Stealing my clothing in December of 2004, death and black metal t-shirts, very expensive, they must have opened up the dryer in the dry cycle.
*Constant harassment from neigbors whom make sarcastic comments and some whom are violent 307 (Melanie Bussell-kicking gravel at me, NOV. 2006) and 309 (Kathy Brenner) as I can't take the harassment and lying, plus I hear every word they say through the walls every day and it's horrifying. When they don't work, they pick fights, I'm creative. There's a creepy guy living next door in 307 whom makes homophobic, perverted comments.
*The tactics that MEADOBROOK use when there is routine maintenance, harassing tenets before there are given written notice, giving preferential treatments to their cokeheaded friends, letting them know before written notice, as other tenets whom are not the drug buyers are harassed (real tension and mudslinging-awful) before routine maintenance, and can't figure out why.
*Slander, defamation of character and lying about tenets as a decoy for what the MEADOBROOK (DRUGS) staff and management do with their friends, and illegal tactics, blaming the victim, treating the good tenets like crap, afraid of the consequences of their behavior via lying about others.
*Too many clerical errors on the leases, inaccurate, OMG.
*Kathy Brenner (309 Meadobrook Circle, New Paltz, NY) has a tendency to pick fights with neigbors as there has been a high transition and turnover rate of tenets living next door to her in the 7 1/2 years I've lived here. 309 Brenner gets a CEASE and DESIST from our attorney for copy write infringement regarding any production company I booked for or/and any band. If this poser/impersonator continues to act is of she "knows me" she does NOT and please do not fall for her impersonation or her fraudulence. 309 is NOT a part of the industry and has no credibility in any genre of music, she is literally NO ONE, not a musician, not in band, not a promoter do not be fooled. I don't want to, nor have I ever had any contact or convo with this cunt. 309 is kicked out of any metal shows, check her ID, and (in case she decides to show up), and is on blacklist.
Even the tenet whom lived in my apartment before ME, transferred to another apartment to avoid 309 (Kathy Brenner), and anyone whose lived in 310 has been a victim of Brenners harassment including my friends Shepard and Mellissa (and the tenet BEFORE them) whom are good people, and were forced to evacuate MEADOBROOK due to this awful neighbor, ask them.
We've "tolerated" 309 for yeears, and ya KNOW everyone is annoyed with 309. I'm HEARING 309, , and their interpretation of everything is waaay out of context. 309 doesn't work, and walks up to people complaining she doesn't have money, walking up to me and others and people whom she doesn't KNOW (wingnut) and says this, and we don't say anything we're thinking bitch is fired, she doesn't have a JOB. Is this cuntrag on drugs?
Not that I have any contact with this woman on or off line.
If 309 is harassing people whom are disabled and on SSA, ( because I'm myself) legally she is NOT supposed to be harassing others whom are disabled, although I ignore her harassment, really they should mind there own business, it any context to any convo, or anyone asking her or there opinion. Also, Kathy Brenner is not anything other than an anti metal, poser, impostor whom has ZERO credibility in any genre of music, and has NOTHING to do with any music scene, local, regional, or anywhere else. Kathy Brenner has jumped on the bandwagon of outdated scene rivalries wich do NOT involve nor revolve around her, over internet sites/forums (that I buy choice do not even post on) she does not OWN, as Brenner jumps on the bandwagon of any anti ITP sentiment, overrating people ect. based upon that sentiment and the whole anti "Tee" agenda, in some senseless act of rebellion when it is none of her business, and "pretends" to be friends with bands with any one we have an issue with, instigating fights. Of course, all of this alienates more people then it will draw, as my choice in musical or sexual preference is none of her business and will never change. In fact, ITP has probably been to far more hardcore shows than that poser Brenner who doesn't like music at all, . Of course we at ITP are NOT friends with "Brenner", she is wingnut most likely with a personality disorder, and we scratch our heads, who?, not someone whom we know nor like. The point of socialization is to find like minded people, in a common "like" instead of provoking hate, support what you LIKE instead of bash what you HATE. Brenners ego is bruised via ITP "Boo hoo" as she should see it as a deterrent from her behavior. Be careful of this poser "Kathy Brenner" she is nobody and I have credibility in radio, booking and promotion and metal/music journalism. ITP never have, nor never will endorse the actions of Kathy Brenner is she is no one in any genre of music.
If ya don't like metal don't listen to it, go listen to you Retards Attempting Poetry rap/crap instead. Don't read this journal, learn to read as illiterate as they are with awful reading comprehension skills.
Get rid of these coke heads and their illegal tactics as that would be in every current and potential tenets best interest.
Weird, because I'm pretty quite, and have headphones on my 'puter.
*Building the storm doors backwards, in front of the main door with no lock or key for the tenets, as the door locks from only the inside.
*Harassing people whom are disabled disproportionate to how the system works.
*Harassing gays stating "NO HOMOS" around us.
*Trying to censor, and making mocking statements about this journal and trying to interfere with me being on the net, when I have no contact with them on or off the net, all of this in their denial of statements of facts attributed to credible sources on this journal. The ACLU has been contacted about my freedom of speech and first amendment rights to make statements of fact however unfavorable of those in denial.
*Every time I pay rent, the management have some kind of statement to make, it's not really about me, vague in reference, although I asked no questions, have no convo with them, it's soo weird and surreal, that's why the tape recorder is on me when I see them, if not just for entertainment, on how sarcastic, unrealistic and obnoxious they can be.
*Taking what I say on and off line, waaay out of context.
*I was really surprised about the drug bust at Meadobrook but shouldn't be, I wondered what they were hiding, and honestly, I wouldn't know in my own little world of "metal" if they weren't so obnoxious, VIOLENT, and the tension wasn't so high, putting one and one together, as some people are afraid of what people may find out. I guess this journal is pretty "noisy" huh? What is the real issue here, I'm pretty quite, but people tend to create drama here, as a decoy for themselves. I feel there is no peace here, it's like living in war zone. ELI ERAZO (ex superintendent at MEADOBROOK CIRCLE) would say stupid shit to my face as I walking by after running and errand, "Change you're underwear" (retort: when you pay for my clothing and return what you stole, then you'll tell me what to wear and when to wear it) and sexually explicit comments, and out of context, maybe my clothes aren't getting dry enough after PAYING for their laundry facilities. The MEADOBROOK gossip mill gets out of control in denial of their own issues and sets a dangerous and negative precedent as I've been treated quite differently because of this, and if these attacks on me have anything to do with MEADBROOK's denial, the lawsuit will be huge.
I was so glad when the finally busted ERAZO, as the MEADOBROOK staff and a few tenets whom are friends of theirs can say whatever they want about anyone, however, distorted, irrelevant and untrue it is, but If make statements of fact in this journal, they don't see that as a deterrent from behavior and a preventive measure. MEADOBROOK should be ashamed as their overreaction is to cover for their bad deeds. I'm very disappointed to say the least.
BTW, this VERTIGO during the last 10 days, I hope it's not because of a head injury, we're hoping it's because of ear stones screwing my equilibrium, hopefully I can get in and out of here without any drama.
MEADOBROOK their corrupt management and a a few corrupt tenets hanging with Erazo's friends are NOT THE VICTIMS they pretend to be. They are the victimizers, blaming the victims. We will not tolerate slander and defamatory statements as we will sue. Perjury charges will be pressed.
Pleasse don't repeat these peoples actions or what they have to say.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-having vertigo sucks, thanks to everyone for their support-\m/ -l- ("With your bitch slap rapping and your cocaine tongue, ya get nothing done"-GUNS and ROSES)