ITP V.011 UPDATE: I'm not going to able to do ITP V.011 reviews right now, (postponed) because of illness (sore throat, face/tooth ache-INTENSE PAIN)as I'm not sure I'm able to write mutch at all, I'm in intense and if the pain doesn't let up, I'm going to the hospital. . I'm not sure what my illness is, but I might visit the hopsital, I'm in intense pain. I'll keep ya posted.
UPDATE: 11/20/2011 10: 14 EST: I finally got some sleep, I couldn't sleep until the pain quelled , and I took three asprin and it took 5 hours for the pain to go away untill I went to sleep. I still feel like I have a sore throut, near my neck, it might be this damn cavitiy (I've only have two cavities in my lifetime) as the filling fell out a few months ago, and it's been hell since then. It was consistent pain, outside the context of eating. when i had the filling put it, maybe 8-9 yeara ago, the other wise really cool dentist put in ther filling near a near, and it's always been a little painful, now it's worse.
so I need to get to a doctor. I should be ok to post tonight.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-