1. MOTORHEAD- Hearing muffled for four days after show. The second time I saw MOTORHEAD I bought earplugs, no problem after the second show. Even the bouncer at the show stated it was the loudest soundcheck he ever heard. I did get Lemmy's autograph. MOTORHEAD turn down their stage monitors and turn up the amps, as Lemmy's hearing is FINE.
2. VAN HALEN-'87: Hearing muffled for a few hours after show, and VAN HALEN's fans are very loud and nuts.
3. MINISTRY-Yeh, I wear earplugs now.
4. Seeing most local unsigned bands in a BAR as the band does not have a sound board or tech, and they don't know how to do their own sound. Sorry locals.
ITP's author has suffered from tinnitus (objective-the eeeee sound and swishing, popping hearbeat sound in your ear) on and off for a few years although not recently as I don't go to as many shows as I used to. Just learning something new on WIKEPEDIA today, TMJ (I have TMJ, my dentist will be amused when I visit)causes tinnitus and so does prescribed anti depressnts, the irony. Therefore I don't like loud environments, loud talkers, yellers or screamers, car stereos blasting and I pace my reviews as not to be listening to music all the time (therefore the procrastination). Tinnitus is the symptom of a loud environment and a vocational hazard for musicians, construction workers, airplane crews, club, restaurant and mass gathering bar staff. DRUMMERS are vulnerable to tinnitus as there is no way to control the VOLUME on their instrument (unless they are soft hitters)..
The worst part of any ear infection or disorder, is VERTIGO as ITP's author had it on and off for 2 months late 2009 early 2010 and it was debilitating (I don't drink and I don't do drugs). If a crystal gets dislodged in the "vestibular labyrinth" this could cause vertigo as the room starts spinning as you try to get out of bed or look up. VERTIGO could be the symptom of a cold, concussion (I've had three concussions in a lifetime) or many more serious disorders. Take it from ME, VERTIGO sucks. ITP's author has NOT had vertigo or tinnitus in a while.
FROM: BPPV VERTIGO: When a cause can be determined, BPPV is often associated with a minor to severe blow to your head. Less common causes of BPPV include disorders that damage your inner ear or, rarely, damage that occurs during ear surgery or during prolonged positioning on your back.
The ear's role
Inside your ear is a tiny organ called the vestibular labyrinth. It includes three loop-shaped structures (semicircular canals) that contain fluid and fine, hair-like sensors that monitor the rotation of your head. Other structures (otolith organs) in your ear monitor movements of your head — up and down, right and left, back and forth — and your head's position related to gravity. These otolith organs — the utricle and saccule — contain crystals that make you sensitive to movement and gravity.
For a variety of reasons, these crystals can become dislodged. When they become dislodged, they can move into one of the semicircular canals — especially while you're lying down. This causes the semicircular canal to become sensitive to head position changes it would normally not respond to. As a result, you feel dizzy.
ITP's AUTHOR SUGGESTS: Use industrial/musicians earplugs or as that will knock off 50 or more decibels and high frequencies off of loud sound. Use earplugs at concerts, bars, mass gatherings, sporting events, near construction, near loud people, gun shooters, explosives, snorers, trains, buses, motor vehicles/cycles ect. Use earplugs near drummers spcifically drummer that use triggers.
"THIS ONE GOES TO ELEVEN": Also, lower the volume on you IPODS, yes even with headphones on, don't blast car steroes and never turn up the bass on your car steroes as the EQ should be LEVEL.. Soundtechs and DJ's should mix the music at an even level, not based upon EGO of musicans, and make sure the stage monitors are mixed correctly as vocalists will try to over compensate. Louder isn't better.
Thomas Bangalter
Ludwig van Beethoven
Igor Balis
Jeff Beck
Peter Brown
Eric Clapton
Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Phil Collins
Graham Cole
Charles Darwin
John Densmore]
Al Di Meola
Danny Elfman
Till Fellner
Paul Gilbert
Gary Glitter
Francisco de Goya
Charlie Haden
Ayumi Hamasaki
James Hetfield
Adolf Hitler
Howard Hughes
Joey Jordison
Garrison Keillor
Myles Kennedy
Steve Kilbey
David Letterman
Huey Lewis
Rush Limbaugh
Martin Luther
Steve Martin
Joseph Mawle
Stephin Merritt
Roger Miller
Derek Mooney
Leonard Nimoy
Andy Partridge
Tim Powles
Tom Tancredo
Tony Randall
Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Savile
Neal Schon
Robert Schumann
William Shatner
Alan Shepard
Paul Simon
Bedřich Smetana
Vivian Stanshall
Jack Straw
Barbra Streisand
Peter Stringfellow
Pete Townshend
Alex Trebek
Lars Ulrich
Neil Young
Vincent van Gogh
Gerard Butler
KT Tunstall
Ville Valo
If you have cold, get a decongestant, and blow your nose, no shame in that.
FROM DAILYMAIL.UK (THANKS TO BLABBERMOUTH.NET): A rock music fan apparently took his life after battling to get treatment for debilitating tinnitus, an inquest heard yesterday.
Father-of-two Robert McIndoe, 52, was unable to sleep for three months after attending a concert that left him with a permanent ringing in his ears.
But he was put off and turned away several times by doctors.
A letter of referral to a hospital ear, nose and throat specialist finally arrived the day after he is believed to have stabbed himself to death.
His wife Shirley McIndoe told the hearing that the day after he went to see the band Them Crooked Vultures last July, her husband was ‘cross with himself’ for not taking ear plugs.
She said: ‘When it first happened he wasn’t too bothered about it because he thought it would subside, and the friend he had been with also had ringing in his ears that day.
‘But it was a constant irritation. He didn’t get a night of sleep after that.’
Mr McIndoe, a management consultant and a keen guitarist, visited his GP surgery three times and was referred to see an ear, nose and throat specialist at King’s College Hospital in London.
But when he went to the hospital, he was told it had no specialists in the field. He was then turned away by St Thomas’s.
Hypochondriac, 56, killed herself because she wrongly believed she had infected husband with Aids virus
Less than a fortnight before his death, Mr McIndoe attended A&E at Lewisham Hospital, where he was prescribed sleeping tablets and a doctor promised to fax his GP for an appointment the following day.
Lewisham Hospital: Robert McIndoe first went to his local hospital after contracting tinnitus
But when he visited his surgery the following day, he was told no note had been received. ‘He came away from that appointment really, really distressed – and felt the GP didn’t believe him and was treating him like a malingerer,’ his wife said.
The day after the appointment, on October 19 last year, he left a suicide note before taking an overdose of the sleeping tablets at the family home in Sydenham, south-east London.
Mr McIndoe, 52, had been to a concert to see Them Crooked Vultures. Pictured are band members John Paul Jones, Dave Grohl and Josh Homme
This was unsuccessful. ‘He said he hadn’t wanted to wake up because he couldn’t bear the thought that he was no good to us,’ Mrs McIndoe said.
‘He just wanted to sleep and not be suffering. They kept him in hospital for three days and I thought that had been the low point, and we were moving forward.’
However, on October 31 he died after apparently stabbing himself, Southwark Coroner’s Court heard.
Robert McIndoe tried alternative therapies and even considered permanently deafening himself by having his auditory nerve cut
The referral letter arrived on November 1. ‘As far as Robert was concerned, he never heard back from anyone,’ said Mrs McIndoe.
Following his admission for the overdose, Mr McIndoe told a psychiatrist he ‘was prepared to be deaf or dead’ if he could get no relief from the maddening ringing.
Consultant psychiatrist Dr Nicholas Dunn, who saw Mr McIndoe on the day of his discharge after the suicide attempt, said: ‘I thought he would be manageable in the community.
‘I thought there was a risk of a further overdose, because of his previous behaviour, but I didn’t didn’t have him down as committing suicide – it was a shock.’
The court heard that Mr McIndoe had tried alternative therapies, including acupuncture, and even considered permanently deafening himself by having his auditory nerve cut.
‘He was very distressed, saying he didn’t think he could go on,’ his wife said. ‘It was awful, he looked terrible, and he just felt so bad all the time. He was desperate that it was never going to change – he didn’t know if he could live like this.’
A profile on business networking site LinkedIn lists his interests as acting, art, film-making, health, people and theatre.
The hearing continues.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2062837/Father-stabbed-death-despair-months-tinnitus-life-hell.html#ixzz1e7FZe3p0
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-