
Burning Sea, only Metal Festival in EU at the Sea Beach. Tired of Mud and Rain? Try this!
BURNING SEA is combining the best two things in life. as the only Metal open air festival located directly on the sea beach. If you are tired of mud and rain, try something new: Metal holidays on the green peninsula, surrounded by beautiful beaches of azure Adriatic Sea. Experience the unique crimson sunset in the Mediterranean area and you'll know why the festival is called Burning Sea. Located i
n an elite touristic part of over 3000 years old stony city of Zadar, Croatia, this festival will not leave any visitor cold. Enjoy the Mediterranean spirit, hot nights under a starry and moonlit sky together with the best company ever: METALHEADS like you and we are.
With Burning Sea, you decide to join a Metal festival and watch great bands on stage. Better yet, we have the mission to see you enjoying yourself while actually taking a great vacation AND hailing the gods of Heavy Metal at the same time. That's why we chose the beautiful ancient Zadar, the everlasting heart of the Mediterranean. Visit us on www.burning-sea.com andwww.metalholiday.com. Watch out for our other great events in the Balkan region that fuse holiday and musical entertainment!
imprint: http://www.burning-sea.com/Page/19/Contacts
With Burning Sea, you decide to join a Metal festival and watch great bands on stage. Better yet, we have the mission to see you enjoying yourself while actually taking a great vacation AND hailing the gods of Heavy Metal at the same time. That's why we chose the beautiful ancient Zadar, the everlasting heart of the Mediterranean. Visit us on www.burning-sea.com andwww.metalholiday.com. Watch out for our other great events in the Balkan region that fuse holiday and musical entertainment!
imprint: http://www.burning-sea.com/Page/19/Contacts
Catapult Promotion to host Liburnian stage at Burning Sea 2013http://www.facebook.com/catapultpromotionGerman and Croatian version below.
We are happy to announce that our friends of Catapult Promotion will be hosting 2nd (Liburnian) sta
ge at the Burning sea 2013.We are sure, they will kick some serious ass!
You really think, it’s impossible for Newcomer-acts to approach to the brilliancy of bands such as Meshuggah, Fear Factory or Divine Heresy, which are loved like m...See More
You really think, it’s impossible for Newcomer-acts to approach to the brilliancy of bands such as Meshuggah, Fear Factory or Divine Heresy, which are loved like m...See More
www.ticket4you.org www.burning-sea.com german and slovenian below Cambion You really think, it’s impossible for Newcomer-acts to approach to the brilliancy of bands such as Meshuggah, Fear Factory or Divine Heresy, which are loved like metal-gods for their musical refinement and expressive playing? Then you should spend your ears to this killing music made by the technical-addicted Progressive Death-heroes of CAMBION. This mad gone horde knows to break through the human auditory canals easily by forcing complex song-structures, impeccable precision and fresh, musical self-confidence. Listen to them @ BURNING SEA festival! Cambion Ihr seid der Meinung, es ist unmöglich für Newcomer auch nur annähernd an die Klasse von Bands wie Meshuggah, Fear Factory oder Divine Heresy, die von musikalischer Raffinesse und markantem Spielgeschick wie Metal-Götter hochleben, heranzukommen. Dann zieht euch mal die Killer-Mucke von den Technik-geilen Progressive Deathern CAMBION rein. Diese wahnsinnig gewordenen Briten durchdringen nämlich mühelos die Grenzen der menschlichen Klangaufnahme und machen mit komplexen Songstrukturen, makelloser Präzision und frischem, musikalischem Selbstbewusstsein auf sich aufmerksam! Cambion Doista mislite da je nemoguće jednom novopridošlom bendu da dostigne brilijantnost bendova kao što su Meshuggah, Fear Factory or Divine Heresy, koji su ovom bendu bili metalni bogovi i uzor u stvaranju glazbe? Tada zasigurno morate naćuliti uši i poslušati ovu ubitačnu glazbu iza koje stoje tehnički nabrijani i o takvoj glazbi ovisni Progressive Death heroji CAMBION. Ove divlje horde znaju kako se lako probiti i dobiti svu pozornost forsirajući složene strukture pjesama, besprjekornu preciznost i svježinu uz ogromno samopouzdanje. Poslušajte ih na BURNING SEA festivalu! (Translated by Bing)
german and slovenian below
Bloodshot Dawn
Like an irresistible metal-inferno, the sound of this UK-quartet is thrilling through the halls like there’ll be no tomorrow! Influenced by technical Brutal ...See More
german and slovenian below
Bloodshot Dawn
Like an irresistible metal-inferno, the sound of this UK-quartet is thrilling through the halls like there’ll be no tomorrow! Influenced by technical Brutal ...See More
www.ticket4you.org www.burning-sea.com german and slovenian below Bloodshot Dawn Like an irresistible metal-inferno, the sound of this UK-quartet is thrilling through the halls like there’ll be no tomorrow! Influenced by technical Brutal Death-stuff as made by Dying Fetus, Decapitated and Necrophagist as well as by clubbing Neo-Thrash in the manner of Nevermore and Carnal Forge, BLOODSHOT DAWN is rolling like a tank over everything that gets in their way. This combo truly is not right for finding compromises, but never stops hunting you over the fields of BURNING SEA with the bludgeon! Bloodshot Dawn Wie ein unaufhaltsames Metal-Inferno weht der Sound dieses UK-Quartetts durch die Hallen als gäbe es kein Morgen. Beeinflusst von technisch versiertem Brutalo-Death der Marke Dying Fetus, Decapitated und Necrophagist sowie knüppelndem Neo-Thrash im Stil von Nevermore und Carnal Forge, walzen BLOODSHOT DAWN alles nieder, was ihnen in die Quere kommt und nicht in den Kram passt. Diese Combo geht wahrlich keine Kompromisse, sondern jagt euch mit der Autorität des Knüppels durch die BURNING SEA Landschaft! Bloodshot Dawn Poput neodoljivog metal paklenog grotla, zvuk ovog birtanskog kvarteta uzbudljivo odzvanja paklenim dvoranama kao da im sutra neće nikad osvanuti! Nadahnuti tehničkim brutalnim Death Metalom i glazbom grupa poput Dying Fetus, Decapitated i Necrophagist, jednako kao i s klupskim Neo-Thrash bravurama u manirama grupa Nevermore i Carnal Forge, BLOODSHOT DAWN se kontrljaju poput tenka koji gazi sve pred sobom. Ova kombinacija doista nije idealna, ako tražite ikakav kompromis, no njihova glazba neće vas prestati hvatati preko polja BURNING SEA festivala, sve dok ne odete puni masnica. (Translated by Bing)
Another glorious thrash-metal-legend awaits you on your BURNING SEA metal-vacation: OVERKILL! The “Wrecking Crew” from New Jersey still holds the reins of the th...See More
Another glorious thrash-metal-legend awaits you on your BURNING SEA metal-vacation: OVERKILL! The “Wrecking Crew” from New Jersey still holds the reins of the th...See More
www.ticket4you.org www.burning-sea.com german and slovenian below Overkill Another glorious thrash-metal-legend awaits you on your BURNING SEA metal-vacation: OVERKILL! The “Wrecking Crew” from New Jersey still holds the reins of the thrash-spirit in their hands and returns on stage to demonstrate the metal-world that the status of being a cult-band is not only depending on having a fat band-history or –discography. So, put on your metal-jackets and bang your heads, because OVERKILL still knows how to split your brains! Overkill Mit OVERKILL erwartet euch eine weitere Thrash-Legende auf euren BURNING SEA Metal-Holidays. Die „Wrecking Crew“ aus New Jersey hält auch 2012 die Zügel des Thrash-Metal-Spirits triumphal in den Händen und steht wieder auf der Matte, um der Metal-Welt zu beweisen, dass nicht nur eine fette Band-History bzw. -Diskographie eine Kult-Band ausmacht. Also, einfach in die Kutte schlüpfen und den Kopf rotieren lassen. Denn OVERKILL spalten Schädel wie eh und je! Overkill Još jedan veličanstveni, legendarni Thrash Metal band čeka vas na vašem BURNING SEA metal godišnjem odmoru: OVERKILL! The "Wrecking Crew" iz New Jerseya još uvijek drže uzde Thrash duha u svojim rukama i vraćaju se na pozornice da demonstriraju metal svijetu kako se status kultnog benda ne mjeri po tome da imaš dug staž ili veliku diskografiju. Stoga, nabacite svoje stare jakne sa zakovicama i bengajte do besvjesti, jer OVERKILL još uvijek znaju kako rascijepiti vaš mozak. (Translated by Bing)
The jukebox gives off smoke in all directions when KADAVER unleash their dark sound-moments reminding on 70ties styled Psychedelic Rock. Filled in autumn-moods, thi...See More
The jukebox gives off smoke in all directions when KADAVER unleash their dark sound-moments reminding on 70ties styled Psychedelic Rock. Filled in autumn-moods, thi...See More
www.ticket4you.org www.Burning-Sea.com German and slovenian below carcass The jukebox gives off smoke in all directions when carcasses unleash their dark sound moments reminding on 70ties styled psychedelic rock. Filled in autumn-moods, this old-school trio from Berlin excruciates their guitars like being in a trance and producing hypnotic feelings, which let you forget everything that is real. This German rock-heroes get in start position at BURNING SEA festival. Miss don't them without getting stoned by their music! Carcass It smokes from every nook and cranny of the jukebox if CARCASS ignite their on the dark delights of the 1970s psychedelic failed to rock. In autumn fresh mood, is the old-school Berlin trio how delirious, the strings sound and scored allow even extremely hypnotic moments, which the perception of reality are blurred. According to the motto "räudig and smoky" is powerful through to zocken this deutsche rock chapel at the start, to the BURNING SEA. Carcass Jukebox će kad jednostavno pregoriti CARCASS na slobodu pusté svoju tamnu-koja će nas podsjetiti na psihodeličan rock sedamdesetih. Donoseći jesenski ugođaj, ovaj old-school trio iz Berlina izvući zvuk iz svojih gitara će koji baca u trans i proizvodi hipnotički osjećaj, koji vas natjerava because zaboravite realnost oko sebe. Ovim njemačkim rock herojima BURNING SEA festival će biti startna pozicija. Nemojte propustiti biti opijeni njihovom glazbom.(Translated by Bing)
Devastating Enemy
In the meanwhile DEVASTATING ENEMY belongs to the true spearheads of Austrian Melodic Death Metal styled in a modern way. The band’s brandnew album tilted...See More
In the meanwhile DEVASTATING ENEMY belongs to the true spearheads of Austrian Melodic Death Metal styled in a modern way. The band’s brandnew album tilted...See More
www.ticket4you.org www.burning-sea.com german and slovenian below Devastating Enemy In the meanwhile DEVASTATING ENEMY belongs to the true spearheads of Austrian Melodic Death Metal styled in a modern way. The band’s brandnew album tilted „Pictures & Delusions”, which appears on 23rd of November 2012 in stores, demonstrates their power. Once again DEVASTATING ENEMY present refined songwriting, brilliant melodies, massive sound-walls and death-lust-riffs. Yeah, this group shows you the way where modern metal leads us in the future. Definitely, this is the right direction. Follow or pass away! Devastating Enemy DEVASTATING ENEMY gehören mittlerweile zur unanfechtbaren Speerspitze des österreichischen Melodic Death Metal der moderneren Ausrichtung. Davon zeugt auch das brandneue Album der Band „Pictures & Delusions”, welches am 23. November 2012 in den Musikläden erscheinen wird. Freuen darf man sich dabei auf gewohnt ausgeklügeltes Songwriting, eingängige Melodien, massive Soundwände und todeslustige Riffings. Jawohl, DEVASTATING ENEMY zeigen wohin der Weg des modernen Metal hinführt... Definitiv in die richtige Richtung! Also lasst euch von den Jungs auch auf dem BURNING SEA die Ohren durchpusten... Devastating Enemy U vrlo brzom razdoblju DEVASTATING ENEMY postaju glavne oštrice Austrijskog melodičnog Death Metala, kojeg interpretiraju na moderan način. Njihov najnoviji album nazvan ,,Pictures & Delusions", koji će se od 23.11. naći u trgovinama, pokazuje svu njihovu moć. Još jednom, DEVASTATING ENEMY predstavlja profinjen način stvaranja pjesama, brilijantne melodije, snažan zvučni zid i smrtno požudne rifove. Da, ova grupa pokazuje nam put kamo se moderni metal u budućnosti treba usmjeriti. Njihov smjer je definitivno ispravan. Slijedite ga ili nestanite. (Translated by Bing)
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-