RITA HANEY, (DARRELL "DIMEBAG" ABBOTT'S WIDOW) has posted this statement via INSTAGRAM regarding PHILIP H. ANSELMO'S behavior during DIMEBASH 2016 and MACHINE HEAD guitarist/vocalist ROBB FLYNN'S recently published video criticizing PHIL ANSELMO'S actions.
PHILIP H. ANSELMO (formerly of PANTERA, currently of DOWN, THE ILLEGALS, SUPERJOINT) has posted a video apology after sieg heiling and screaming "WHITE POWER!" as he was lead off the stage via former TYPE O NEGATIVE (current DANZIG) drummer JOHNNY KELLY at the end of DIMEBASH 2016.
Many artists and metal webzines including METALSUCKS, CVLT NATION, MACHINE HEAD, ALL SHALL PERISH and more have spoken out against PHIL ANSELMO's actions at DIMEBASH 2016 and racism.
DIMEBASH 2016 (a benefit in the name of late PANTERA guitarist DARRELL "DIMEBAG" ABBOTT) , 1/22/2016 @ LUCKY STRIKE LIVE HOLLYWOOD, L.A. CALIFORNIA featured
Also, REX BROWN (former PANTERA bassist), PHILIP H. ANSELMO and MACHINE HEAD and more jammed on a rendition of the PANTERA classic "WALK".
DIMEBASH was a fund raiser for (late DIO vocalist) RONNIE JAMES DIO'S SHOUT OUT CANCER FUND in collaboration with RIDE FOR DIME.
I want to share this photo first because it's what it's about.. For those who have not read Nick Bowcott's FB post about the true focus of such a magical event.. Please do! Unity is what we are about in the music community.. This event embodies what was in the heart of Darrell.. Love and playing music.. I did not make the previous post to debate or argue.. I am very upset about two of my friends actions.. But please don't let this take away from all of the great things that did happen that night! Thank you everyone who worked so hard and to all the gracious Artists that celebrated the music of 3 very special men.. Lemmy, Ronnie and Dime! Thank you to everyone who came out and bought tickets for a wonderful cause!!! Thank you Monster crew!!! This special Thank you goes out to @zakkwyldebls and @barbarannewylde for loving Darrell, as I do.. More awesome pics, Thank you's and videos to come!!! #dime #dimebag #dimebash2016 @monstermusic
dimebagzhagSo to answer all of you that have asked.. and for those who didn’t.. read if you like, but if not, don’t…
I think there is really only one thing to say when a man apologizes.. “Thank you for acknowledging you were wrong” The one apology I am missing is the one from Mr. Flynn.. you took a “hideous” opportunity to hop up on a soap box because you were butt hurt about your personal encounters with Philip that night.. you sent me a text message about it in the wee hours of the morning.. and it did not have anything to do with racism.. I support the message you were trying to put out there but not the method behind your message… you masked your real problem with something very important and very serious.. You said to me, “what would Darrell do” ..He would have done exactly what was right… Speak to Philip man to man (like you described you witnessed at one time)… Not jump up in the press and hurt their music, our whole family and organization.. The last time I checked Pantera was not one man.. Rex, Vinnie, and Darrell brought us that music too… Now Philip has owned his mistake.. things ARE different today with racism and reverse racism.. And you were not just dropping “bombs” in your 20s.. You weren’t calling the kettle “black” not too long ago.. just as I have been guilty of myself!!! There was wine along with many other bottles.. There was lots of joking around about Dave Chapelle with one of our best friends, Dug Pinnick.. and there were emotions that no one could understand, or experience about Darrell, that only his brother, Philip and Rex understand..It is a very heavy situation when any of us come together… Indulging happens.. None of these things can excuse that behavior tho.. but what happened on the stage was regretfully felt by one man… all jokes aside and on a serious note .. As far as the two words and gestures are concerned, on such an amazing and beautiful night… NO!!! I do NOT condone these actions.. I believe their origins are barbarically hideous and embarrassing.. I have accepted Philip’s apology as I want a better world to live in.. The message is a "true" message Robb but sadly your method was not..Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-