...As the GRIM REAPER has cometh for musicians over 60, during the last 6 weeks the death rate for musicians is overwhelming and worse than spring of 2010. ITP started the metal feature ONLY ONE PER COFFIN in 2010 and I'm so annoyed and shocked to write this feature, (EVERY WEEK?) as it now exceeds any other ITP feature.
As we can't fit you all in one coffin and our rock and metal heroes are aging, ITP will be "selective" about writing ITP V.016 ONLY ONE PER COFFIN also hoping the GRIM REAPER will be more selective as well.
I'm teetering on compassion and utter nihilism about this. Is 67 the new musicians "27 club". However, anyone who lives 60 or more years in this misanthropic world should be commended and enjoying it..
For many under 60: Here are interesting articles about the mortality rate of Americans (COURTESY OF THE NY TIMES):
I'm thinking LEMMY KILMISTER threw a party in rock and roll heaven and invited his best friends and some were ready to go.
Thanks to all this weeks deceased rock and metal artists for their long and illustrious careers and contributions to music and metal.
Gary Loizzo, RIP my dear friend. This is a hard one to write as it’s one of our own. Gary Loizzo has been our front of house engineer since I joined the band 20 years ago but before that he was the (Grammy nominated) recording engineer on many of the Styx records of the 70s and 80s (and 90s and 00s.) And before that he was the lead singer of The American Breed, most famous for the song “Bend Me, Shape Me.” He was a man of exceptional taste, wonderful musicianship, eagle sharp ears, but most of all he was a shining example as how to conduct yourself as a man, a professional, a husband and father. In 20 years I never saw him lose his cool or raise his voice to anyone, and believe me, the road can be frustrating at times. He just made everyone feel good. He was a magical person and I know everyone in our organization feels they are a better human being having had the privilege to wok along his side.
Can we please cure cancer? Enough already.
Gary stopped touring with us in early summer 2015. When we played Chicago on September 5th, Gary and his amazing wife, Diane and the whole family came out to the gig for a party before show time. We had worked up “Bend Me Shape Me” and brought him on stage to sing it mid set. The large screen behind us displayed an image of Gary from the late 60s as he came out on stage with the energy of a teenager, all smiles, and sang the hell out of his hit song in front of 20,000 people in his home town. What a send off my dear, dear friend! I love you, and you will continue to be an inspiration and a shining example of how to live life.
Gary stopped touring with us in early summer 2015. When we played Chicago on September 5th, Gary and his amazing wife, Diane and the whole family came out to the gig for a party before show time. We had worked up “Bend Me Shape Me” and brought him on stage to sing it mid set. The large screen behind us displayed an image of Gary from the late 60s as he came out on stage with the energy of a teenager, all smiles, and sang the hell out of his hit song in front of 20,000 people in his home town. What a send off my dear, dear friend! I love you, and you will continue to be an inspiration and a shining example of how to live life.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-