Hey, there, ITP author is pissed of, grape juice, and hopefully eating better is in order as I doesn't help sharing a bathroom with 4 other people, and I'm clean as can be. Hopefully, I don't get hypoglycemia again, or vertigo. Please don't fuck with or tease me because I'm SICK, and NO, I'm not editing this journal to please Rebecca Rotzler and Shamsi "schizo/psycho" Ruhe, (fuck off you ignorant, selfish, alcoholic, wingnut, drug addicted bitches, and Shamsi please take your meds you cunt rag, or just die) and I'm very anti "there indulgences" and perhaps they should check there head. I'm also "violently" opposed to anyone whom tries to take advantage of people whom are sick or disabled, so WHY, these morons in New Paltz can be drug addicts and alcoholics. If, in your denial you become instant sociopaths and psychopaths ("pirate ships crusties" crew have been known to be so) and I'm not sure if nice people like me always finish last, but don't put me in a position where I have nothing to lose, I'll take you down with me. If I some much as farted you would go nuts, please kill your selves.
I tried to accentuate the positives of La Valle,he was cool, and we had closure, in reality your "buddy" was nothing but an alcoholic/ heroin addict.
Marc ("Mucus") of disbanded Cirrhosis: Remember what you tried to pull on bands I booked ten years ago, you, in any musical project to play on any bill that I book, take in to consideration copy write infringement and cease and desist, you can not walk in and take gigs from bands without consent and paying a percentage to the promoter, along with your ego, I have never, and don't want to book any or your bands, I don't like crust anyway. Too busy being an alcoholic with your drug addicted friends to DIY your own band, no loss, you 'aint pulling that shit on me. It's not like your band achieved anything compared to bands I booked, no demos, a couple of regional shows, all of wich my bands have performed of higher quality and quantity, get over your self MUCUS you blow. Some straight edge kids would be more that happy to kick you and your drug addicted friends right out of dodge.
Same thing with Rebecca Rotzler, don't fuck with us metal heads nigger, if you corroborated with MEADOBROOK's corruption HUD and IGC are looking for you and I'm ready to sue you.
Perhaps all of you as the aforementioned should try detox and rehab as alternative to your denial and behavior. It seems that it's a vortex of chaos with you ignorant fuck heads, a bad smelling day doesn't define someones life, but it seems that you and your friends alcohol and drug abuse seems to define your lives, as in your denial, it's harder for you to cure. You're not so perfect that you can't be cristicised, as my lawyer is jonesing to sue you Rotzler as I don't want to know you, and there is, and never will be any dependency on YOU.
Also, I understand WHY there are more suicides in that camp, perhaps an extremist attitude of seeing things in black and white, not understanding consequences, that small things that turn your camp into bullies define someones life in denial of your own problems. I can't relate to that.
The BLACK METAL philosophy suits me well, I hope for the extermination of the ignorant human species.
Hopefully, I'll feel better after eating something decent.
More suicides, I find it entertaining, because I'm not playing this bullying game, you'll find your self lying in a ditch somewhere.
"I'm that child you terrorized"-KORN
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-GET SOBER OR DIE- NIGGERS\m/ -l-