INFERNO FEST promoters have added more bands to the illustrious extreme metal fest set to take place 4/20-23, 2011 OSLO, NORWAY. FROM INFERNO FEST PROMOTERS: Florida death metal veterans MALEVOLENT CREATION and the French "black fantasy shoegazer metal" act ALCEST have been confirmed for next year's edition of the Inferno festival, set to take place April 20-23, 2011 at the Rockefeller and John Dee venues in Oslo, Norway.
The festival billing is shaping up as follows:
The Inferno metal festival has become a true black Easter tradition for metal fans, bands and music industry from all over the world, with nearly 50 concerts every year since the start back in 2001. The festival offers exclusive concerts in unique surroundings with some of the best extreme metal bands and experimental artists in the world, from the new and underground to the legendary giants. At Inferno you meet up with fellow metalheads for four days of headbanging, party, black-metal sightseeing and expos, horror films, art exhibitions and all the unholy treats your dark heart desires.
For more information, visit www.infernofestival.net.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-