NBC reports that a man denied entry into NYHC heroes AGNOSTIC FRONT's show at the DC9 (in Washington DC) was beaten to death fleeing from the scene.
EDITORS NOTE: There is no confirmation if those whom beat the man were venue security, as security are forbidden to "beat" or "attack" anyone outside of clubs, as they also are not above the law.
According to NBC Washington, a 27-year-old man was killed early this morning (Friday, October 15) a short distance from the DC9 club in Washington D.C. where AGNOSTIC FRONT and MOTHER OF MERCY had just finished performing.
The victim, Ali Ahmed Mohammed was reportedly denied entry into the nightclub, as it was closing time, so he threw a rock or brick through the club's window and fled. He was then chased down by five employees who were inside the club at the time and was tackled and beaten. Police said Mohammed was "barely conscious" when they arrived and later died of blunt force trauma at Howard University Hospital.
"He was critically injured when police arrived on the scene," Lanier said.
The five people were arrested and charged with second-degree murder.
DC9 employee and witness Damon Dixon gave NBC Washington a different version of what happened than police.
"One was just kind of pressing him down; the other guy was just restraining his hand," Dixon said. "I did not see a single person punch or kick anybody… The gentleman was awake; he was alive. He was being subdued, but in no violent way."
Meanwhile, DC9 has issued the following statement regarding last night's incident:
"DC9 is deeply saddened by the tragic events that have occurred. Our condolences go out to the family of the victim. We would like to thank our friends, family, and all the employees of DC9. DC9 is a special environment of some of strongest friendships that could only be compared to a close family, which we consider ourselves. We very much look forward to our day in court."
Read more from NBC Washington.
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Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal, Stay SAFE-\m/ -l-