Austin, Texas blackened metal warlords NOKTURNEL have released video footage of their bands performances filmed via Berlin's HARDLINE TV. Also, NOKTURNEL conducted a recent interview with METAL MANIACS explaining the bands philosophy.
5. Let’s talk about the philosophy of the band. As well as your outlook on the state of metal and the state of the underground.
TOM— Well truthfully my philosophy has changed in some ways but stayed very true to myself in others. I began this band with the intent of making music that was original. I get very fucking irritated with discussing Black Metal with people because for me, I was part of the real scene in the 80s. I am a fan of many modern bands but don’t go quoting fucking Lords of Chaos nonsense to me, I don’t wanna hear it. As a matter of fact the real metal heads I have known all my life knew about all that shit as it was happening and plenty of shit people don’t talk about. We didn’t need a fucking book! I despise “instant Black Metal” weenies. Instead of just add water it’s just ad Lords of Chaos. AND WAY before all this shit, I wrote songs for the Satanists who loved metal in the mid 80s with Savage Death. When it became popular to be evil it got silly. It was like the older people were not talking about personal philosophy as we all knew how each other felt. This was one reason Nokturnel didn’t go that route. I got sick of bands with 4 members, one Satanist and 3 “other” types. Nokturnel would have been like that…. and we decided as a band to go for something different. Musically we went for the same approach. Fuck slow parts, fuck mosh parts, and we went against every trend. No or probably better said. “not much” religion, guttural vocals, no groove, hell we weren’t even that fucking cool looking either! We barely ever played the same riff twice in a song, and the guitar solos were out of style I still wrote them in every song. I remember people literally saying to us in between songs during shows…you guys need to slow down! Are you ever going to slow the fuck down? Shit like that from guys wanting to mosh or whatever,.,,, we were like NO, WE AIN’T! TOUGH FUCKING SHIT! We had a few “you ain’t death metal!” thrown at us from time to time and seriously….who the fuck did they think we wanted to play with? My vocals make people into commercial metal cringe! We were just way out in left field and though that is exactly what we shot for it worked against us. So…. When I was composing the riffs for Fury Unleashed I was recalling my time in Incantation. I was not in a band that tried so hard to be different, and I saw how much easier people got into it and decided it was time to let my influences come through in my music. I literally saw the fucking NEED to change the band because of the redundant garbage bands saturating the scene. Brutal Death? Generic Black Metal? OK I get it….you like one song you like em all but jesus fucking christ how did record labels pick and chose from them? It was like everything sounded so fucking similar and again guitar solos were still not “in” and blasting drums…..fucking A those god damned blasting drums! Every review I read carried on about how fast someone can blast or play double bass. BPMs dude! Beats Per Minute! WHO THE FUCK CARES!? Congrats to the fastest of the fast, I get it, it is an accomplishment and a talent, but my point is the guitars and vocalists became pawns and drummers were stars. I said to myself fuck this…not me, not in Nokturnel. So I began writing with influence from bands I worship. Possessed, VoiVod, Kreator, Sacrifice, Dark Angel etc and I decided to try and take it to the next level by playing guitars like the glory days of metal with some serious speed on the drums. I wanted to show influential young metal people there’s more to extreme metal than fucking BPMs, bullshit breakdowns and fucking contests in extremism. I don’t care who murdered who, who cuts themselves and drinks blood, or who make the toughest facial expressions while holding a mic. In closing let me ask your readers…. when the bands who have had record deals since the old days like Morbid Angel, Deicide, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse… when they’re all done, who is going to be looked at as the “leaders”. The majority of all new bands are not making the types of records that will stand the test of time. Fortunately I can be a cocky fuck and tell everyone my records and demos have caught the attention of the next generation twice over but that’s besides the point. On a grander scale of the bands on the covers of the paper mags we all read over the years…. who is going to replace them? I fucking shudder to think! So I can say I make the music I make now for us older guys who wanna hear some sick riffs and for the younger people who need the speed of modern metal but with the approach of a guitarist from metals greatest era…the late 80s and early 90s.
FROM NOKTURNEL: The video footage I am telling you to watch was filmed by Jens of Berlin’s HARDLINE TV. I had no idea he was there when Nokturnel played Walters in Houston TX on July 17th and have only recently received this footage.
This is a very important piece of work. This is the first time any of the FURY UNLEASHED material has ever been played live and this was the new line up with me on Guitar and Vocals, Duane Timlin on drums and Zolrak on bass. I cannot thank Jens enough for this, it was a welcome surprise and one of the rare moments something extremely cool has been handed to Nokturnel without jumping through hoops of fucking fire to get it.
HARDLINE TV’s myspace says “Hardline TV telecast since 1994 at Berlin Cable Network on ALEX (formerly Offener Kanal Berlin). We're broadcasting 2 weekly on thursday 1 am (CET+1) also via livestream: www.alex-berlin.de/tv/livestream
The exactly dates are under "Upcoming Shows" “ Hit them up and check them out. Many cool videos to see and billions more to come. With a little luck, maybe they will stream the entire show online for everyone to see in HD quality!
Check out Legend of the Wolven and hit my Facebook and ReverbNation to see Demonic Supremacy.
There’s a lot going on with Nokturnel. I will try and keep this short and on point, but yeah it’s still gonna be a long read.
After the two shows we played in July we spoke with current bass player Zolrak about his future participation in the band. The Fury Unleashed material is very difficult on bass as it does what the guitar does, so playing my music on bass is no easy task. I want the bass to have the element of speed as that is how it is recorded and Zolrak’s style is just not the same. We left it as if we need him he very well may play with us again, but we are preparing to audition a few new bass players.
Zolrak, like Chad Walls, has helped me get this band up and running again. Both of these guys are now a part of Nokturnel’s history and for them I owe them my deepest gratitude. It is good to know they’re both still willing to help me with Nokturnel if I need them but for now it’s all about me and Duane. If you think you can handle the bass in Nokturnel contact me immediately. Lee Ribera killed the bass during the recording of Fury Unleashed and I have yet to see anyone come close to matching him…so bring it on if you have what it takes!
I just put new tubes in my amp, beefed up my sound and will be working with Duane on new material very soon. The response we have received after the 2 shows has been really killer and most people are impatiently waiting for some new material. The big news about Nokturnel playing Maryland Death Fest 2011 has hit our fan base and many people are content knowing they will have a chance to see us play. We are trying to get out there to play many cities in the US and worldwide but being totally independent we are running on Nokturnel’s legendary status in the underground so we can only expect so much at this point in time. With a show as important as MDF confirmed we can now get busy with the writing.
However we do have another show to announce. Nokturnel will headline night 2 of the Goregrowlers Ball in San Antonio Texas on Nov 13th, a two day event featuring 10 bands per day. We hope to play Fury Unleashed in its entirety and more! I encourage friends and fans from out of state to come experience the brutality of a Texas metal fest. We are going to let it rip and party all weekend. San Antonio is not a very expensive city, the metal people there are awesome, the food is incredible and it’s a good time of year to visit Texas… you won’t bake in the over the top heat! It’s gonna be awesome and I encourage anyone and everyone to contact me if you need info or convincing. Nokturnel really needs YOUR support so please consider attending this weekend of Texas brutality!
Duane and I are constantly speaking with bands and promoters about playing shows. We feel October and November are ideal months to travel so if you can help get us on the road we are open for your suggestions. Let’s not forget money talks, we aint about to tap our Swiss Bank Accounts to finance everything out of pocket so please keep it realistic if you intend to contact us. We can be reasonable and appreciate any help in any way shape or form.
The drums on Fury Unleashed were handled by Geoff Montgomery [Topheterath] formerly of the band Fog out of Indiana. Now Geoff is fully established with years of experience under his belt in his home studio The Ensomberoom. Visit the MySpace and consider Geoff for all your studio needs. He is currently in Ft Wayne and knows his shit! http://www.myspace.com/theensomberoom
Now if you are closer to Texas know that Duane Timlin, Nokturnel’s drummer is just finishing up his own home studio and will soon be ready to record your metal masterpieces. Nokturnel will be making demos there so you will hear some of Duane’s work soon. If possible I will gladly come out while YOU are working on your recording to help with guitar sound and whatnot. Duane and I intend to be very busy with our own music and working on other recording projects too. Contact me, or look up Duane on MySpace of Facebook for more info.
I have been extremely busy with the Spiked Leather business too. Don’t forget to hit me up if you need any armor. The Spiked Leather page is on Nokturnel’s top friends.
Tom Stevens -Nokturnel
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-