It's time for the ITP V.010 feature UNCOVERED: YOU TUBE users guitar, bass, drum, keyboard and vocal covers of extreme metal landmarks and classics.
ITP V.010 UNCOVERED PART 11 features a drum cover of the MORBID ANGEL classic
"Rapture" performed by YOU TUBE USER "DEEPCUT", a guitar and vocal cover of the same tune by YOU TUBE USER ANDYSLAYER and also a drum cover of MORBID ANGEL's "Rapture" courtesy of YOU TUBE USER KuismaHC.
YOU TUBE USER "DEEPCUT" performing a drum cover of MORBID ANGEL's "Rapture":
YOU TUBE USER KuismaHC performing a drum cover of MORBID ANGEL's "Rapture": Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-