London, England doomsters PANTHEIST have uploaded a teaser for the bands split EP
'Unveiling the Signs" due out in November on REDRUM666.
We have uploaded a teaser of the upcoming Redrum666 release 'Unveiling the Signs', due in November 2010. The release in question is quite Pantheist tinted, as it contains not only a brand new Pantheist track (Barock) but also a track personally contributed by Pantheist member Kostas Panagiotou, as well as a track from Wijlen Wij, a band consisting of Kostas and three ex Pantheist session members. Hope it heightens your anticipation until we are able to inform you when we have copies available.
The tracklisting of the album is:
1. KOSTAS PANAGIOTOU - Overture: The Madness of Crowds
2. GALLILEOUS - Zabobon (Superstition)
3. WIJLEN WIJ - The Wall of Life
4. DISSOLVING OF PRODIGY - Zlodejska svetelka (Lights of Thieves)
5. PANTHEIST - Barock
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-