Internet freedom organazation DEMAND FREEDOM has sent this update on up and coming pending legislation regarding NDAA and CISPA (internet security acts).
Watchful and aware, constrain every movement
Admit the consequences, freedom's an illusion
Where is security governed through scrutiny?
Your privacy denied, organized and confined!
No place to hide!
No place to hide!
There is no place to hide
Plugged in your mind
Conformed design
To concede your rights
Concede your mind
Surrender to authority-FEAR FACTORY
It's a big day. We're teaming up with several other groups on a call-in effort to the Senate and hope to generate tens of thousands of calls.
Demand Progress is fighting on two fronts:
1) We're opposing the National Defense Authorization Act -- especially its provisions which would legalize the use of propaganda on American citizens and permit the indefinite detention of civilians.
These dangerous, detestable violations of our basic freedoms will have our own government treating Americans as though we're the enemy.
2) We're opposing the Lieberman-Collins cybser security bill -- similar to CISPA but not exactly the same -- because it will violate Americans' online privacy.
It will tear down barriers that prevent corporations from sharing your info with one another and with the government.
Will you help us kill two birds with one stone?
Please click here and we'll give you your senators' phone numbers and a call script you can use to tell them to oppose both bills.
Thanks for keeping up the fight.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-NO SOPA/CISPA