Friday, June 29, 2012


Maria Ferrero, a press agent with Adrenaline PR, which represents Lamb of God, released this statement at 10:59 a.m. on Friday, June 29:
LAMB OF GOD management will be issuing an official statement on Monday regarding the charges made against singer Randy Blythe. As no formal charges have yet been made and the case is only in the investigation stages, it would be premature to make an official statement filled with false truths or innuendos.  

Having said that, management wished to address today one false piece of information that has been included in many of the news stories released so far. Under no circumstances was there a fight of any kind involved. This incident deals with a fan that three times during the concert jumped the barricade and rushed Randy during the performance. It is alleged that the third time, security was not able to reach him and that Randy pushed him back into the audience where supposedly he fell and hit his head.  

Again, until the investigation is concluded this weekend, nothing more will be released, but clarity and the facts needed to be addressed on this one reported point which is totally inaccurate.
Randy Blythe, lead singer of Richmond-based, Grammy-nominated Lamb of God, was arrested in Prague on Thursday on charges of manslaughter.
According the reports, the arrest stems from an incident at one of the band’s shows in 2010.
The website broke the story Thursday evening, writing that Blythe was taken into custody before the band’s show at the Rock Café in the Czech Republic. The show was canceled.
Maria Ferrero, a press agent with Adrenaline PR, which represents Lamb of God, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
"Randy has been falsely accused; lawyers are working on it and he will be exonerated."
Fans turned to twitter to show their support and outrage, tweeting under the hashtags: #FreeRandyBlythe#LambofGod.
One of the first tweets came through at 9:09 p.m. on Thursday from Lamb of God’s Twitter account:
@lambofgodband: #FreeRandyBlythe

Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-