Promoters for the 2011 GOREGROWLERS BALL set to take place NOVEMBER 18-20, 2011 @ THE KOROVA, San Antonio, Texas have announced changes in the festival lineup.
FROM GOREGROLWERS BALL PROMOTERS: For those keeping up, you all know we were at 58 bans booked for this amazing festival. When we had some trouble early on with the lineup, we were filling up slots with replacements, and by some strange turn of events, we were actually at 59 bands. WTF?!?! Recently INTERNAL BLEEDING had to be switched to Saturday, and I was looking for a band to switch with them for Sunday. Well due to some minor scheduling problems with jobs and not being able to tour to the fest, the band, DREAMING DEAD have been removed from the Ball. We are sad about this, as we are fans and friends to the band. We are talking about getting them back though for 2012. Thanks!
SUFFOCATION *** (New York, Nuclear Blast Records)
BRUTAL TRUTH *** (Relapse Records)
HIRAX*** (California, Black Devil Records)
EXHUMED *** (California, Relapse Records)
GOATWHORE ( Louisiana, Metal Blade Records)
IMPIETY (Singapore, Agonia Records)
CEPHALIC CARNAGE (Colorado, Relapse Records)
INTERNAL BLEEDING (New York, unsigned)
DECEASED… (Virginia, Shrieks from the Hearse Records)
SOLSTICE (FL, unsigned)
MALIGNANCY (New York, Willowtip Records)
HAVOK (Colorado, Candlelight Records)
MAAX (Abyss Records)
LAIR OF THE MINOTAUR (Illinois, Southern Lord Records)
PUTRID PILE (Wisconsin, Sevared Records)
NOISEAR (New Mexico, Relapse Records)
NOKTURNEL (Texas, unsigned)
DREAMING DEAD (California, unsigned)
GRAVEHILL (California, Ibex Moon Records)
FUNERUS (Pennsylvania, Ibex Moon Records)
HELLWITCH (Florida, Xtreeme Music)
ROTTENNESS (Mexico, Sevared Records)
VOMIT GOD (Colorado, unsigned)
DEHUMANIZED (New York, Unsigned)
VIRAL LOAD (Texas, Sevared Records)
UNCLEANSED (Texas, Unsigned)
DERKETA (Pennsylvania, Necroharmonic Records)
ATROCIOUS ABNORMALITY (North Carolina, Comatose Music)
BLOODSOAKED +++ (North Carolina, Comatose Music)
CARDIAC ARREST (Illinois, Ibex Moon Records)
HOD (Texas, Ibex Moon Records)
SACRIFICIAL SLAUGHTER (California, Crash Records)
THE EVIL AMIDST (Florida, unsigned)
FACE OF OBLIVION (Minnesota, Comatose Music)
VORE (Arkansas, unsigned)
SEVERANCE (Texas, Sevared Records)
DROGHEDA (Ohio, Goatgrind Records)
DISFIGURED (Texas, Comatose Music)
MEATHOOK (Arizona, Sevared Records)
THE MEATFUCKERS (Mexico, Sex’n'Leather Productions)
FACE OF RUIN (Wisconsin, unsigned)
ENABLER (Minnesota, unsigned)
PROLICIDE (Texas, Ossuary Industries Records)
INVIDIOSUS (Minnesota, unsigned)
SARGON (Florida, Old Cemetery Records)
EXTREMELY ROTTEN (Florida, unsigned)
LOCUSTA (Ohio, unsigned)
ENGAGED IN MUTILATING (Texas, Comatose Music Records)
EVISCERATED (Texas, Sevared Records)
BARING TEETH (Texas, Willowtip Records)
VOMIT GOD (Colorado, unsigned)
VEX (Texas, Horror Pain Gore Death productions)
VAGINAL BEAR TRAP (Texas,Ossuary Industries Records)
GUTSAW (California, Unsigned)
PILLCRUSHER (Texas, unsigned)
GOREMATORY (New Jersey, unsigned)
FUNERAL RITES (Texas, unsigned)
EMPERIAL MASSACRE (Texas, unsigned)
BLOWTORCH SODOMY (Florida, unsigned)
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-