BAND: CRAFT (SWEDEN) GENRE: BLACK METAL LABEL CARNAL RECORDS RELEASE DATE: 8/5/2011 (*Southern Lord Recordings will release "Void" in North America on October 25 (CD) and November 8 (LP)
01. Intro (John's Nightmare)
02. Serpent Soul
03. Come Resonance Of Doom
04. The Ground Surrenders
05. Succumb To Sin
06. Leaving The Corporal Shade
07. Want To Commit Murder
08. Bring On The Clouds
09. Void
Since 1994, CRAFT have spreading their nihilistic brand of black metal and sonic hatred of humanity. CRAFT are a Swedish, nihilistic and misanthropic black metal band, unofficially a trio with session members. CRAFT incorporate the obvious influences of early DARKTHRONE and CARPTHAIAN FOREST into a varied amalgamation of no frills, traditional black metal, necro and hateful.
CRAFT's "Void" kicks off with opening track "Intro (John's Nightmare)" with CRAFT vocalist Nox's slow, and intense scream segueing into "Serpent Soul".
CRAFT's "Serpent Soul" blasts off into black and roll, with some quality riffs thrown in there, tight. At 1:15, the floor drops out "Serpents Soul", emphasizing the quality riffing, as CRAFT make a left turn for a slower, doomier passage.Ya Gotta love NOX's intense, hair raising screams along with John's tasteful guitar work.
CRAFT's "Come Resonance Of Doom" kicks off with a choppy, necro, crusty guitar riff, as the band grooves along at mid pace. At 1:38, CRAFTS "Come Resonance Of Doom" evokes hell with a necro, thrash out, tight with good drumming and again, John's unique guitar expulsions. CRAFT continue the bands hateful brigade at a mid pace, black and roll, with excellent guitar work. \m/
CRAFT's "The Ground Surrenders" blast in as pure, necro, black metal a riffa rama, of kult and necro intensity. "The Ground Surrenders" continues with it's varied, diverse approach, At 2:14 CRAFT vocalist NOX just evokes the most hair raising, tortured scream and at 2:49 the tune evokes a softer, choral dynamic "Ahhhhhh" into blastbeats and misanthropic black metal hell. \m/
CRAFT's "Succumb To Sin" evokes a mid paced, black and roll feel with again, prominent, minimalistic and tasteful guitar riffs via John. One can not be bored with CRAFT's take on black and roll, as there are variety of good riff changes, including a mesmerizing solo to keep you occupied on your nihilistic hell ride.
CRAFT's "Leaving The Corporal Shade" evokes slower, doomier pace, with prominent riffing, dark, creepy and apocalyptic into the depths of despair.
You should all know this song by now, your nihilistic, anti human anthem "(I) Want To Commit Murder" a song that conjures images of a petulant child at the dinner table, fork and knife, (or maybe a gun) in hand, screaming this phrase in an almost Why not, why can't I, I just wanna pleading tone. "(I) Want To Commit Murder" is the ultimate protest against human existence, a mantra for the extermination of the human species. Cheeky tune, but I'm guessing CRAFT are serious, complete with blastbeats, and tasteful riffing.
CRAFT's "Bring On The Clouds" destroys humanity with a variety of quality mid paced riffs, tastefully done with acute vocals, and apocalyptic, torturous screams via NOX, "We are going to Die".
CRAFT's "Void" closes with the title track, ambient in intro with tortured screams, a prominent rock riff drives you into a nihilistic dark shadow until 2:50 where the tune takes a dip into the abyss, ending with a beautiful, repetitive and melodic riff.
Tastefully done. \m/
While Swedish black metal warriors CRAFT share the same musical vision as Norwegian black metal legends DARKTHRONE, we dare not call CRAFT a clone of their influences, as CRAFT guitarist John's unique guitar work, riffs and songwriting set them a level ahead of the generic wannabe's and cookie cutter clones.
CRAFT's "Void" features an organic production, intimate, not over polished nor too raw as I was surprised to hear that CRAFT drummer Dirge Rep did NOT play drums on "Void" as the drums were programmed, you would never know.
After six years, CRAFT have raped our ears with their brand of punk fused, necro hateful black metal, while not the most original musical concept, CRAFT are simply good at what they do, and you have to appreciate CRAFT's integrity in their darker reflection of human demise.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-