Promoters for the 2014 HELL AND HEAVEN (METAL) FEST, set to take place 3/15-16, 2014 TEXCOCO, MEXICO called a press conference today and have OFFICIALLY announced the festival is cancelled... The 2014 HELL and HEAVEN FEST was CANCELLED at its location of TEXCOCO, MEXICO as authorities have nixed the fest due to "safety, posing a risk to concert goers".
One of the two HELL and HEAVEN FEST 2014 promoters stated the festival would be moved to another venue/site, the promoters failed to find another site in time for the festival.
Refunds for 2014 HELL AND HEAVEN (METAL) FEST advance ticket holders are now available, check with HELL AND HEAVEN FEST FACEBOOK, TWITTER or the primary website.
CANCELLED. Despite attempts to set it up in Puebla this week. This is a message that we received from the promoter...
"Dear all,
We first want to apologize about the miscommunication the last few days. It´s very sad and painful for us to inform you that for reasons that we don´t understand yet and we are pretty sure that you heard about it.. The HELL AND HEAVEN METAL FEST 2014 is definitly canceled.. We did everything in our hands to avoid this situation but at the end it was impossible to keep going with this project for now...
Apparently we`ve been blocked in the entire country to do this amazing festival for political issues and private interests of the big entertainment companies.
Please keep in touch with H&H promoter for any news and reschedule dates possibilities, we definitely want to make this dream come true and pleased all the metal fans.
We are very thankful for all your patience all this days and we hope you understand the way we´re feeling about this.
Thank you very much.
Big hugs,"
To outsiders loa invite you to visit the page where Superboletos will provide more information about reimbursement.
All those who were on the lookout for the live webcast, you will subsequently publish the video with the press conference, since there are problems with the connection to the internet.
If you want to follow the audio, they can do so at the same official sitewww.hellandheavenfest.com Festival
Al público en general, seguidores, grupos, medios y a toda América se les informa que el HELL & HEAVEN METAL FEST 2014, que se tenía planeado llevar a cabo en las instalaciones del RECINTO DE LA FERIA DE TEXCOCO el día 15 y 16 de marzo delaño 2014, fue cancelado por las autoridades del Estado de México, después de ser apoyado y avalado por el Gobierno Municipal de Texcoco.
Los motivos de la contundente cancelación gubernamental, que extrañamente se propagó inmediatamente hasta la instancia federal, fue por elementos que aún desconocemos y que nos dejan claro que esta decisión va mas allá de las razones que el mismo Gobierno Estatal presentó, mismas que eran subsanables sin ningún problema, pero ante la contundente negación estatal y en base a todos los compromisos adquiridos con fanáticos, grupos, proveedores, socios, prensa, etc. Y gracias al acercamiento de Presidentes Municipales, Gobernadores y toda la comunidad metalera, nos dispusimos a buscar una nueva sede y proceder con las gestiones para la obtención de los permisos correspondientes en otros estados, pero esto ya resultó imposible debido al corto tiempo la presión ejercida por la autoridad que ya no permitió a otra entidad albergar al Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2014.
Aún así agradecemos a todos los Gobiernos Estatales y Municipales que externaron su apoyo e interés por dar cabida al festival.
Estos hechos evidencian un contundente bloqueo que responde a intereses financieros, políticos y hasta de razones de índole represiva a la libre expresión, evidenciando una actitud que nos remite a los tiempos de la inquisición, al reprimir las manifestaciones culturales consideradas ¨diferentes¨.
Con tristeza y decepción nos damos cuenta que el hecho de tener relaciones e intereses en altos niveles, es más importante que generar frescos proyectos empresariales y una competencia sana, cuyo único fin es brindar espectáculos de calidad y seguridad que se equiparen a los mejores festivales a nivel internacional.
Agradecemos mucho el apoyo de todos los que estuvieron siempre con nosotros y que nos mandaron sus palabras de aliento, fanáticos del metal, grupos, agencias, medios y patrocinadores.La producción del Festival hizo hasta lo imposible por llevarlo a cabo, desafortunada y lamentablemente, fuimos víctimas de poderosos intereses ajenos a la cultura. La información de reembolsos, se dará a conocer la próxima semana con las fechas y lugares donde se llevará el pago correspondiente de estos en la página oficial del festival y en Superboletos.com
Finalmente el HELL & HEAVEN METAL FEST 2014 no se llevara a cabo el 15 y 16 de marzo, al momento se busca la posibilidad de reagendar las fechas con las bandas participantes, y pronto sabrán donde y como se llevara a cabo el festival, porque, pese a la intolerancia, el metal no será silenciado! Estamos de pie gracias al apoyo de toda la comunidad metalera, y porque el HELL AND HEAVEN METAL FEST es de todos; no podrán acallar nuestra música, AVE METALHEADS!!!
¡¡¡Dejemos fuera de la música a la política, intolerancia y represión!!!
Los motivos de la contundente cancelación gubernamental, que extrañamente se propagó inmediatamente hasta la instancia federal, fue por elementos que aún desconocemos y que nos dejan claro que esta decisión va mas allá de las razones que el mismo Gobierno Estatal presentó, mismas que eran subsanables sin ningún problema, pero ante la contundente negación estatal y en base a todos los compromisos adquiridos con fanáticos, grupos, proveedores, socios, prensa, etc. Y gracias al acercamiento de Presidentes Municipales, Gobernadores y toda la comunidad metalera, nos dispusimos a buscar una nueva sede y proceder con las gestiones para la obtención de los permisos correspondientes en otros estados, pero esto ya resultó imposible debido al corto tiempo la presión ejercida por la autoridad que ya no permitió a otra entidad albergar al Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2014.
Aún así agradecemos a todos los Gobiernos Estatales y Municipales que externaron su apoyo e interés por dar cabida al festival.
Estos hechos evidencian un contundente bloqueo que responde a intereses financieros, políticos y hasta de razones de índole represiva a la libre expresión, evidenciando una actitud que nos remite a los tiempos de la inquisición, al reprimir las manifestaciones culturales consideradas ¨diferentes¨.
Con tristeza y decepción nos damos cuenta que el hecho de tener relaciones e intereses en altos niveles, es más importante que generar frescos proyectos empresariales y una competencia sana, cuyo único fin es brindar espectáculos de calidad y seguridad que se equiparen a los mejores festivales a nivel internacional.
Agradecemos mucho el apoyo de todos los que estuvieron siempre con nosotros y que nos mandaron sus palabras de aliento, fanáticos del metal, grupos, agencias, medios y patrocinadores.La producción del Festival hizo hasta lo imposible por llevarlo a cabo, desafortunada y lamentablemente, fuimos víctimas de poderosos intereses ajenos a la cultura. La información de reembolsos, se dará a conocer la próxima semana con las fechas y lugares donde se llevará el pago correspondiente de estos en la página oficial del festival y en Superboletos.com
Finalmente el HELL & HEAVEN METAL FEST 2014 no se llevara a cabo el 15 y 16 de marzo, al momento se busca la posibilidad de reagendar las fechas con las bandas participantes, y pronto sabrán donde y como se llevara a cabo el festival, porque, pese a la intolerancia, el metal no será silenciado! Estamos de pie gracias al apoyo de toda la comunidad metalera, y porque el HELL AND HEAVEN METAL FEST es de todos; no podrán acallar nuestra música, AVE METALHEADS!!!
¡¡¡Dejemos fuera de la música a la política, intolerancia y represión!!!
To the public in general, followers, groups, media and all America informed that HELL & HEAVEN METAL FEST 2014, which had planned to carry out in the premises of the enclosure of the fair of TEXCOCO on day 15 and 16 of March of the year 2014, was cancelled by the authorities of the State of Mexico, after being supported and endorsed by the Municipal Government of Texcoco.
The reasons for the forceful governmental cancellation, who strangely immediately spread to the federal authority, was still don't know and elements that let us clear that this decision goes beyond the reasons that the State Government it presented, same were correctable without any problem, but the forceful denial State and based on all the commitments made with fans, groups, suppliers, partners, press, etc. And thanks to the approach of municipal Presidents, Governors and the metal community, we resolved to find a new headquarters and proceed with the steps to obtain the proper permits in other States, but this already proved impossible because of the short time the pressure exerted by the authority which already did not allow another entity to Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2014 House.
Yet we thank all the State and municipal governments that among their support and interest in it to accommodate the festival.
These facts demonstrate a forceful lock that responds to financial, political interests and even repressive reasons to free expression, showing an attitude that takes us back to the times of the Inquisition, to suppress the cultural manifestations considered ¨diferentes¨.
With sadness and disappointment we realize that having relationships and interests in high levels, it is more important than generating fresh business and healthy competition, whose sole purpose is to provide performances of quality and safety that equate to the best festivals internationally.
We very much appreciate the support of all those who were always with us and that sent us your words of encouragement, metal fans, groups, agencies, media and sponsors.The production of the Festival made it nearly impossible to carry it out, unfortunately and regrettably, we were victims of powerful interests unrelated to culture. Reimbursement information, will be released next week with the dates and places where payment of these on the official website of the festival will be and Superboletos.com finally in HELL & HEAVEN METAL FEST 2014 not will take place on 15 and 16 March at the moment is looking for the opportunity to reschedule dates with the participating bands, and you will soon know where and as the festival, will take place because, despite the intolerance, the metal will be not silenced! We are standing with the support of the entire metal community, and because the HELL AND HEAVEN METAL FEST is all; will not silence our music, bird METALHEADS!
We leave out the music to politics, intolerance and repression!
The reasons for the forceful governmental cancellation, who strangely immediately spread to the federal authority, was still don't know and elements that let us clear that this decision goes beyond the reasons that the State Government it presented, same were correctable without any problem, but the forceful denial State and based on all the commitments made with fans, groups, suppliers, partners, press, etc. And thanks to the approach of municipal Presidents, Governors and the metal community, we resolved to find a new headquarters and proceed with the steps to obtain the proper permits in other States, but this already proved impossible because of the short time the pressure exerted by the authority which already did not allow another entity to Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2014 House.
Yet we thank all the State and municipal governments that among their support and interest in it to accommodate the festival.
These facts demonstrate a forceful lock that responds to financial, political interests and even repressive reasons to free expression, showing an attitude that takes us back to the times of the Inquisition, to suppress the cultural manifestations considered ¨diferentes¨.
With sadness and disappointment we realize that having relationships and interests in high levels, it is more important than generating fresh business and healthy competition, whose sole purpose is to provide performances of quality and safety that equate to the best festivals internationally.
We very much appreciate the support of all those who were always with us and that sent us your words of encouragement, metal fans, groups, agencies, media and sponsors.The production of the Festival made it nearly impossible to carry it out, unfortunately and regrettably, we were victims of powerful interests unrelated to culture. Reimbursement information, will be released next week with the dates and places where payment of these on the official website of the festival will be and Superboletos.com finally in HELL & HEAVEN METAL FEST 2014 not will take place on 15 and 16 March at the moment is looking for the opportunity to reschedule dates with the participating bands, and you will soon know where and as the festival, will take place because, despite the intolerance, the metal will be not silenced! We are standing with the support of the entire metal community, and because the HELL AND HEAVEN METAL FEST is all; will not silence our music, bird METALHEADS!
We leave out the music to politics, intolerance and repression!
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-