Pennsylvania, USA death metal veterans INCANTATION have announced former guitarist Sonny “ Darkie” Lombardozzi has returned to the band replacing ALEX BOUKS as the band will keep active with an anticipated new release due out this year.
INCANTATION unleashed "Vanquish in Vengeance" 11/26/2012 via LISTENABLE RECORDS
From the Metal Desk of Kyle Severn:
Just to make this real clear. Incantation has been around for many years and will be around for many more. There has never been talk in the past or for the future of this band of ever going on Hiatus or calling it quits. This band has been proactive since 1989 and has never stopped!!! We have a new record coming out in a few months, we have rereleases of older records in production, we have videos and dvds in the works, we have a online web store with tons of new products weekly, and we have lots of live shows planned!!
I was especially bummed, as well as John and Chuck that Alex Bouks has decided to officially leave the band, but we are all happy for him that he chooses to apply his talents and dedications to his own project(s). He had a good run with us, lets face it, peoples moods ,desires and ambitions change, so best of luck to him on his new journey.I support him all the way!! He does have some writing and recording contributions on the newly recorded Incantation album. He worked real well with the band, as we loved working with him, but obviously he does not make or break this band. There has been no change in this bands schedule due to his departure, nor has the bands sound, style suffered in any way. The signs have been in our camp for some time now that he was losing interest in us,so we have been prepared to continue with all our future plans of releases, shows, fests, and tours. Of course people, internet and journalist love to create gossip filled with chaos and rumors, just remember that our official website is ran by INCANTATION, get your true news there.
I personally want to welcome Sonny “ Darkie” Lombardozzi back to the Incantation camp. He worked well with us in the past, he is already apart of our family and he understands our style of demonic unholy blasphemous death metal we create and play and most of all he brings an unbelievable amount of talent to the band. We, (long time bassist) Chuck Sherwood, (Founder) John McEntee and myself, look forward to the remaining of 2014 as we celebrate 25 years of Incantation!! It’s going to be a great year for Incantation and our fans!!!
We will be announcing worldwide tours soon!!
Kyle Severn 666
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-