EQ DENIAL: I was gonna write a journal entry about it first, wait I have to take a shower first, lmao..
.@NYGovCuomo on #earthquake: "no reports of damage to buildings, bridges, roads, power grids, the Indian Point nuclear power plant."!/search?q=%23Earthquake
I'm sorry, (is it me?) because I've been in a bad mood, five minutes ago, I just felt this building I live in SWAY and I live Kingston, NY in the Hudson Valley area. They are reports of a small Earthquake in NYC. You know the first thing I thought, was duh, log out of my online accounts, instead of running. I got my escape route planned as when I was 13 (1983) living in NYC there was very minor EQ that woke me up, from there on in I had my escape route planned: Run out my moms apartment, run down the street, jump over the Central Park wall, and stand in the middle of the park and hope for the best. It is common knowledge that NYC straight up to the Hudson Valley area is on a fault line. I don't feel safe with Indian Point open.
The earth quake is originating from Virginia/Washington DC area. I might pack my bags a go out of state mid west, if I come back, who cares, stay away from buildings, be in open space.
That's why my spelling sucks, I was thinking damn, I can't write and concentrate because the building is swaying. East Coast EQ?
EQ's have been the talk of the year with Japan's Earthquake/Tsunami crisis and matter of fact debate over Nuclear Power plants near fualt lines (Indian Point, New York), major tornadoes in the USA this past spring, and be prepared, a class four hurricane on it's way to the USA named "Irene".
According to this Purple Strategies analysis of Radian6 data, there were 743,000 online posts mentioning "earthquake" as of 2:48 p.m. ET and 96.7% of the public conversation took place on Twitter.
#BREAKINGNEWS 5.8-mag #earthquake hits near Washington DC, felt in NY. NYC City Hall and Pentagon being evacuated
thegauntlet thegauntlet
The good thing about earthquakes is once one hits, there will be many more and you won't know they are coming. #yourfucked
4 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
ianchriste Ian Christe
DFJustin DFJ
I lined up all the scene dumpers like bowling pins and scored a strike. Sorry for the earthquake.
Massive Midtown NYC evacuation due to rumored Godzilla or Rodan attack. Nobody is sure which.
FROM msjenncity: Jennifer JC Arroyo
Brooklyn Earthquake. WTF.
AngRK24 Angie K
@msjenncity @lizvelic Wow it's all over the place,I felt the earthquake too
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
NYBodyArt Danny Michel
@msjenncity @lizvelic friend of mine in Virgina @KristenNYBA felt it too. WTF
FROM WFMU: We just had an earthquake! WFMU staffers felt it in NYC and near Pennsylvania.
msjenncity Jennifer JC Arroyo
14 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
BoH19 Birth of Happiness
Just felt an earthquake here in Baltimore....quite rare...
14 minutes ago
billmeis Bill Meis
Def just felt an earthquake #brooklyn #nyc wow
15 minutes ago
metalsucks MetalSucks
15 minutes ago
CapitalTonight Capital Tonight
Earthquake in Albany?? YNN is shaking!!
15 minutes ago
My monitor almost fell off my desk at work - earthquake?
15 minutes ago
@WFMU Earthquake reports from Boston and DC as well!
TheRealOderus Oderus Urungus
Holy Shit! I was bitching so hard I caused an earthquake in Richmond!
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-