It's unfortunate that I've kinda been annoyed with human yuppie scum (bad white people, although I hate everyone equally) lately and I'm thinking about going somewhere else to write because I can't concentrate here, and the only peace is after midnight. Do people think it's trendy (OR GHETTO) to blast r and b top 40 horrid music out of their car stereos? Weird, because even if you take R and B for what it is, the producer, and recording engineer do NOT mix and master the release to disproportionate bass. When someone blasts rap, r and b, loudly from their car stereo, these wiggers turn up the BASS on the EQ, loud and distorted, and it vibrates windows including their own. Look I don't care if someone farts, but I do care when people blast music so loudly that it can be heard inside from someones parked car outside. Someone was blasting their car stereo that loudly for 3 hours, and I just walked out of my house, didn't get anything done, hadn't even showered yet, when I left it was pretty spontaneous, I couldn't take it. I was so angry, because I couldn't take that idiots music volume, as I spent the vast majority of the day outside, I felt suicidal/and homicidal as the next idiot monopolized my time, and fucking bullied me is going to get arrested as that is my first resort. Second resort, I'm going to sue and hurt you ways you can't imagine.PLEASE USE HEADPHONES OR BUY AN IPOD.
I'm still shocked at the audacity and ignorance of dumb white yuppies. If I can hang in there until I move out of state, I will never miss the Hudson Valley Area. NYC, I do miss, although living in rural areas is even better. There's something about suburban culture that I HATE. Growing up in NYC, everyone minded there own business, but I have met good Samaritans in NYC, unlike here in the Hudson Valley area where complete strangers express their opinions to me, and it's over whelming in their negative bullshit. No one asked for your fucking opinion, please DIE.
If I'm writing from somewhere else, there is nothing wrong with my 'puter, I can't stay up at night and write, because I can't sleep here during the day, it's too much psychic torment and I can't concentrate.
* Very funny thing, kinda harmless, but dumb. COMPLETE STRANGER TO ME (What I was thinking but never said): "Hey, do I have to put money in this meter?" Do I fucking look like a meter maid to YOU, plus you're asking a person who's never driven a car before in her entire life, so meters are an alien concept to me. Why shouldn't you put money in the meter, do think you're special, you parked you're car here didn't you, why not acknowledge it as parking space. The meters in my hood are for two different parking spots, FYI.
** COMPLETE STRANGERS whom pull there cars over when I'm walking down the street and ask me for directions and say stupid shit. A-I don't know this town very well so why ask ME for directions. B-I grew up in large market area full of dangerous people and crime, I don't talk to strangers. C-you must be a complete yuppie scum or hayseed hick to think I would talk to YOU, don't think if you're rude, I won't get your licence plate number and bust your ass for drinking and driving. D-PLEASE TRY MAP QUEST OR/AND A GPS LOCATOR TO GET TO YOUR DESTINATION YOU FUCKING IDIOTS, DON'T ASK ME FOR ANYTHING OR ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE I COULD BE ON MY WAY SOMEWHERE AND YOU'RE MAKING ME LATE. I USE ALSO USE MAP QUEST AS A PEDESTRIAN, IT'S GOOD. E-Don't EVER talk to or about me if you don't know me. F-While I'm a nice person, I'm not really a friendly sociable person, this is why I listen to alot of DSBM. If you walk up to me as stranger, I'll blow you off with perhaps the middle finger, but if you threaten to extort money from me, I can hurt you in thousand and one ways, and I have a right to protect myself by any means. G-"Murry", "Malamor" and "Johnny Thursday and The Friday Knights" are not a part of my vocabulary and shouldn't be a part of yours as the later band was kicked out of New Paltz via the New Paltz mayor (and all of us in the ARA-2004) because of their nazi affiliations (guitarist), Murry Lorberer has been arrested by me (for a break in) and thrown off of property in New Paltz.- Don't express you opinions to me, as I will call the cops or you want a fight ok. Don't start fights with me, because chances are, I'm still angry at travesties of justice and the money MEADOBROOK CIRCLE OWED ME since 2002 because of over payments (I got sick of the drug addicts bullying me as I'm straight edge, so I moved last year, so um I heard Kate Brenner has a "higher power" (FB), she was an addict and I had to live next door to that?). H-If you're interfering with custody, and you know who you are, some copper is looking for you, it aint me, I don't have kids, I wouldn't never have kids, don't fuck with me, or use me as I decoy.
I- When I move out of New York State in hopefully 2 to 3 years, Thank you to the good sumaritans in NYC as I had either an asthma or panic attack in December of 2010, New York City (Manhattan) people are are awesome. I can't wait to get out of the Hudson Valley area.
J-I got more writing in this journal done on public access computers than here, I can't believe this, this sucks.
K-Everything regarding disproportionate criticism of me (from a bunch of drug addicts that got there egos bruised via this journal) are just people in their denial, denial of their own problems, and their own and flagrantly illegal activities, everything is just a smoke screen a decoy and I won't tolerate it. I won't be the decoy or the victim, I guess your can of worms have been opened, you fucked your self, you guys should try detox and rehab or there will be consequences. How 'bout I call URGENT because you think your shit don't stink you drug addicts, you guys smell like DRUGS and alcohol. I hope you enjoy taking it up the ass in prison, don't forget the wipe the shit from your sheets.
Reviews tmrw. as I'll be writing in two different locations.