FROM WORSHIP: I know, hit me with a bible. But next to trying to finish the lyrics, I also had a major breakthrough concerning the album AFTER the next. I know, sorry! But I have a very clear, epic vision about it. It will be grander than anything I have ever done. A bold, huge theme, so massive and epic that I certainly will need help by the Cult of Worshippers.
There is one central element that will push it beyond any Doom Album I know (OK, I don’t know shit, but anyway), which will remain the “secret ingredient” but will also make it one of the most expensive funeral doom albums I think. Who cares? I am not rich, not by far (I am living of making music damn it), but I have certain ideas how to make it happen – with your help.
The breakthrough I had: I realised a new way to make it happen, with calculated costs, that makes this fancy dream quite reachable…
I also plan the next shirts, I think I will somehow manage to have 3 fucking shirts ready for you when the preorder for CD and LP starts. 1 old one (winner of our little poll), 1 logo (runner up of the poll), and the brand new album cover. It makes sense, no-one is to blame for postage fees, you have to cover them anyway, so I offer as much as I can so that your shipping costs gets divided by several items, if you are interested in them that is… There will also be a little thank you for the first orderers.
I got a gig offer, YES keep them coming. 2008 was a whirlstorm of live interest, 15-20 requests. This year is much more silent because I am so fucking silent. If you have a gig, anywhere on earth (and I mean ANYWHERE, the weirder the better), we just need to cover our costs. I will try to set up the new live formation in a way that is slimmer to maintain. If you now a Doom festival that takes our horrible Funeral Doom, if you know some promoters, please let me know.
I can tell you that we have ONE gig already, at a cool festival, so I need to rehearse anyway with my guys. More gigs will be easy for us to do!
At this point I must add that my “new” label Weird Truth, who this time for a change is in charge with this album, is possibly the most gentle and understanding of labels concerning my lateness and overall non-speed of production. Thanks Makoto, you rock so hard.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-