Regarding ITP V.011 Metal News features, I'm sorry for the delay, just getting acclimated with some things in my life. ITP V.011 THE ART OF DANCE and ITP V.011 UNCOVERED will be posted SATURDAY. HUMANITY IS DOOMED (DOOM METAL NEWS) will be posted on MONDAY (if hurricane IRENE doesn't screw us all) along with a (hopefully) ITP V.011 reviews schedule: SATURDAY and maybe SUNDAY.
ITP V.011 REVIEWS will be coming up this later today with a review of ULCERATE: THE DESTROYERS OF ALL. From this weekend and on, ITP REVIEWS will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (time, weather, sanity and stability permitting).
It's time to get to WORK on ITP V.011, long hours as it will be. HUMANITY IS DOOMED (DOOM METAL NEWS) will be posted on MONDAY (depending on the effects of hurricane IRENE).
Yes, I said I would do this late last year, and it is officially DONE. ITP's author JUST started an account for this blog on TWITTER. Again, I just started the ITP V.011 TWITTER account in JUNE, so it will take me a while to build a following and to follow others. Keep in mind I'm a NUBIE to TWITTER as I will have an secondary private TWITTER account for myself. I'm digging TWITTER already.
Do NOT add ITP V.011 if you're a phisher or SPAM BOT, because we hate that crap.
Look to the RIGHT of this journal (DISCLAIMER) for ITP V.011 anticipated weekly review schedule..
Please TWEET me your band news and tour dates @ITPV011, send me a bulletin or message to SWORDSANDGRAVES@MYSPACE or add me on MYSPACE, TWITTER or Individual Thought Patterns V.011 on FACEBOOK.
:Looks to the RIGHT of ITP V.011: I've also added ITP V.011 on a NETWORK of Extreme Metal blogs VIA FACEBOOK and BLOGSPOT entitled NETWORKED BLOGS, hit me up for an add as I don't want to lose touch with my metal compadres and I want to meet new metal heads as I really do enjoy the extreme metal bloggers on BLOGSPOT and elsewhere on the net.
All bands on MYSPACE add me on Theresa Geteles FACEBOOK and I might even start a secondary FACEBOOOK account.
So please, all friends on MYSPACE for SWORDSANDGRAVES, ITP V.011 on FACEBOOK, BLOGGED, BLOGCATALOG and follow ITP V.011 on TWITTER.
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-