U.S. thrashers FORBIDDEN have sent this update as tour manager Dane Wolf was attacked by thugs on the DEATH ANGEL, TESTAMENT, ANTHRAX tour last Wedensday.
FROM FORBIDDEN: Calling ALL Forbidden fans. Our guitar tech/tour manager and friend, Dane Wolf, was attacked by a group of thugs after the Death Angel/ Testament/ Anthrax show in Denver on Wednesday night. Dane has a cracked skull and other serious injuries. He was working Death Angel and had to drop off of the tour. We need your help to cover his hospital expenses. Please donate whatever you can. It all helps!
FROM DANE WOLF: Help Dane get back on his feet (literally)!Hi all- Dane was badly beaten while on tour with Anthrax in Denver. Please help in whatever way you can by assisting with his medical bills and upcoming travel expenses to and from CO when things go to court. Thank you! The story from Dane: Anyone present on the night of my attack please get to me with any info you may have on the person that did this to me. Long day with police finding out the specifics which turned out to be pretty brutal, couple of leads. I apparently just "politely asked" this d bag to move his car for load out after my friends in Coffin Hunter rocked my face off with some bluegrass after a late night set down the street from the Anthrax show.A message from Dane: Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for contributing to my recovery. This is above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined, I have never felt so blessed in my life. I am focusing on healing right now, and your generosity reduces the stress that was brought into my life by the senseless violence of this individual. I will keep you posted on my recovery and look forward to getting back out there doing what I love when I am ready. Thank you so so much, I can't describe how much this means to me, my friends and family Dane Wolf
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-