Troy, Ohio based metal core warriors MISS MAY I have released a statement regarding the death of a fan ( ALBERTO SCOTT ) whom died either stage diving or whom collapsed during the bands 5/3/2014 WEBSTER HALL (STUDIO), NYC, NY SHOW.
More info later.
Eye witness reports state ALBERTO SCOTT stage dived at MISS MAY I 5/3/2014 WEBSTER HALL (STUDIO), NYC, NY show, as no one caught him in the pit, and died from injuries sustained. Other eyewitness (WEBSTER HALL STUDIO) reports state ALBERTO SCOTT collapsed on his way out of the venue, SCOTT was 21.
MISS MAY I unleashed "Rise Of The Lion" 4/25/2014 via RISE RECORDS.
Update: the venue is reporting that the Miss May I fan did not die from stage diving, but rather he collapsed as he was leaving the show. All the info:http://bit.ly/1msXtYV
As many of you will have heard, Alberto Scott, a Miss May I fan in attendance at our Webster Hall show on Saturday night tragically died. We were deeply shocked and saddened to hear this news. We are awaiting a full report from the New York Police Department. In the meantime, we'd ask that all your thoughts and prayers be with his family. We have been made aware of a webpage that is raising funds to help pay for his funeral costs. We will be making a contribution and we'd strongly urge others to do so-http://www.gofundme.com/8vjoqc
Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l-